"Hey you, your allowance came in yesterday, didn't it?" one of the large bullies asked.

There stood a little small fourth grader in the middle, and two large sixths graders standing in front of the weak and defenseless little boy. Poor kid, looked as if he was about to piss himself from fright as his small frame shook in fear.

"But....but this is for child champ," he shakily said.

"Give us the da-"

"Hey," a pink haired girl said,"I can't pass you know."

She had unbelievably bright pink hair that was clipped up by a black shaped X barette. Her eyes were the color of gold and her choice of clothing was punk-ish you might say. She had her bag slung over her shoulder carelessly, and she stared at them with an annoyed expression. The girl next to her, was obviously more worried for the kid who was being bullied. She had waist length midnight blue hair tied into a braid and large round, white pupiless eyes. Her skin was a healthy pale color and she was slightly taller than the pink-haired girl. Instead of the red checkered uniform girls wore, she wore the boy's uniform with the collar and tie loosened. She almost looked like a (handsome) boy.

"Huh? Who're you guys?" one of the bully asked, sneering at them.

"Ch-chotto matte!" the other bully exclaimed."Don't you know those two! That's Cool and Spicy Hinamori Amu and Dark and Mature Hyuuuga Hinata!"

"The two girls rumored to beat the whole Seiyou soccer team by themselves, that the headmasters doesn't even oppose them!"

"Hinamori Amu and Hyuuga Hinata?!" the little boy exclaimed.

"So what/Yes?" Amu and Hinata asked, you should know who said what.

"Where did you hear those ru-"

"We're sorry! Please forgive us! We didn't mean to oppose you!"

The two left the pissed Amu, for interrupting her question. The little boy took out a pen and paper out from his back-pack. His eyes twinkled with adoration, which Hinata found was adorable.

"Thank you so much! Can I please have your autograph?!" he asked excitingly.

"...Are you an idiot?" Amu asked, "annoyed"."It was just an annoyance that I passed by. Be careful from now on."

Hinata sighed, Amu just had a hard time showing her true self to others. She walked towards the little boy and signed the paper, which shocked him. She giggled and patted his hair affectionately.

"Be careful from now on, we won't always be there to protect you," Hinata warned.

She then ran after Amu.

'So cool!' he (and the other kids that was watching) thought.



"Wah! I heard they both stopped those two bullies from taking money from a little kid!" one of the girls gossipped.

"Hyuuga-kun sure looks so cool today!" the other girl squealed.

"You do know Hyuuga-san is a girl, right?"

"Of course I do! But Hyuuga-kun said I could call her whatever I feel is comfortable!"

"Whatever you say."

"Hinamori-san looks so cool with how she dresses!"

"I heard the only person to get close to her is Hyuuga-kun!"

"Maybe they're lovers?!"


Hinata glanced over to Amu and smiled, giggling. She knew how much Amu hated people gossipping about her, and she also knew about her true self. Amu was not "Cool and Spicy". Amu was actually just like the other girls in truth, but had a hard time showing it. So she showed it in a different way by acting "Cool and Spicy". Hinata however, just acted like herself. She came out as "Dark and Mature" girl. She treated the girls like a "gentlemen". Which was why most of them were in love with her. Same goes for the guys, but they saw her as a girl. So she had fan-clubs from both guys and girls.

Some people don't know this, but Hinata and Amu are adopted-sisters. Hinata's family had died and left her a lot of fortune to her, which she deposited into the bank until it was time for her to use it, in an emergency only. Hinata was adopted by Amu's parents, because they wanted someone who would get along with Amu and understand her, seeing as how they couldn't seem to understand Amu themselves. And it turns out, Hinata and Amu became best friends and treated each other like sisters. They looked out for each other. Hinata had kept her last name the same, so she wouldn't forget who her real parents were.

Amu stood up, her eyes twitching angrily. She grabbed Hinata by her arms and dragged her out of the classroom, leaving the class squealing in delight.



"On your butts!" the old fat lady on t.v. exclaimed."Your guardian spirit is here!"

Hinata saw Amu stiffen a little bit and placed her hand on Amu's thigh in comfort secretly. Their parents didn't know about Amu's true personality at all, and Amu wanted to keep it that way. Hinata didn't like that idea, but she respected whatever Amu decided. She felt Amu relax a bit, and she felt her lips twitch upwards a little bit.

"The guardian spirit that will protect humanity is here!" the lady continued.

"What?"Amu asked, her brow arching up."That old phony lady again?"

Hinata bit her lip to keep herself from laughing. Amu was just so amusing. And surprisingly, very good at acting sometimes. She felt Ami, her little adopted sister, tug at her pants. Hinata smiled and lifted Ami up to her lap, adjusting her so she won't fall off. Ever since Ami was born, she was always close to Hinata. She always wanted to be fed by Hinata, sleep with Hinata, and would follow Hinata everywhere. You could say she was very fond of Hinata.

Everyone always questioned how she could handle Ami without going insane. Hinata had replied, very cheerfully I might add, that Ami was very adorable that she couldn't get enough of her. To her, Ami was like the cutest girl in the world. Ami would always listen to Hinata without complaint.

"Saeki Nobuko-sensei is a gifted fortune teller Amu-chan," Hinamori Midori, their Okaa-san, informed."Okaa-san's magazine has interviewed her three times."

"Look at Otou-san's master-piece instead!" Hinamori Tsumugu, their Otou-san, squealed."It's a close up of Amu-chan excersing!"

Midori worked as monthly publication editor, and house wife. She took care of Ami most of the time, since Ami didn't go to school yet. Tsumugu works as a famous photographer. Both of them were famous throughout the world. They were like the perfect couple to everyone. One of their worst points, to Hinata and Amu, was that they worried too much. They were like doting parents you might say.

"Hinata-onee-chan, I can't see Nobuko-sensei!" Ami complained.

Hinata adjusted Ami a little bit more, that way Ami could see. Ami flashed her a cute smile that she always does to Hinata.

"Arigatou Hinata-onee-chan!" Ami exclaimed.

"Anything for my Imouto," Hinata replied softly, running her hand through Ami's hair.

"Skawee," Ami cried."It's skawee monster!"

"It's no "skawee" Ami-chan, it's "scary"," Midori corrected.

"Beat up that monster Hinata-onee-chan, Amu-onee-chan!"

She turned her head away and clutched onto Hinata tightly. Hinata chuckled and held onto Ami, stroking her back to calm her down. Amu sighed and stared at Ami. Sometimes, Ami over-reacted way too much.

"It's a human Ami," Amu explained.

Ami said nothing but clutched onto Hinata tighter. Tsumugu and Midori squealed at the cute big and little sister scene. Tsumugu took tons of pictures while Midori started to take notes. They wanted to publish it in the magazine, trying to say "How cute are our daughters?". Hinata and Amu glanced towards the t.v.

"A monster....? No, a fortune teller is not a scary thing," Nobuko-sensei said."I will always be behind you, watching you. I am a strong ally that will save you."

"She really is an idiot," Amu stated.

"People who say stupid things will die," Nobuko-sensei suddenly informed.

Hinata snickered quietly at Amu's expression.

'Should I congratulate you?' Amu thought.

"I am talking to you."

Amu's eyes widened as she stood up from the table abruptly. Hinata stared at Amu worriedly, she hoped that Amu wasn't taking Nobuko-sensei's words seriously.

"Amu-chan, daijobu?" Midori asked, concerned for her daughter.

A second later, Amu reverted back to her image. She put a hand on her neck lazily to cover her shock.

"Fortune telling is just something unlucky people cling to," Amu declared."I will never believe it. Arigatou for the meal."

Amu walked to her room, leaving the dinner table. Hinata sighed and set Ami to the ground softly. She ran her hand through her hair slowly and sighed. She flashed a comforting smile to the parents.

"I'll go check on her, arigatou for the meal Okaa-san, Otou-san. Imouto, sleep good tonight and please behave when Okaa-san tucks you into bed tonight. Okay?"

Hinata knew that Ami hated to sleep. She always had a hard time to sleep, especially if her parents were tucking her to bed. She always wanted Hinata to tuck her into bed most of the time. She didn't know why, but she just did. But if Hinata asked not give her parents trouble, then she wouldn't.

"Hai, Hinata-onee-chan!" Ami replied.

Hinata smiled and bent down to smooth Ami's rough hair.

"Good girl. How about, whenever I'm free, I'll buy you some takoyaki," Hinata suggested.

"Really?" Ami asked, excited.

"Un, my treat," Hinata laughed.

"Arigatou Hinata-onee-chan!"

She nodded and stood up. She waved the Hinamori parents goodnight, before walking to Amu's room. The Hinamori parents looked at each other and smiled. Hinata was such a sweet and mature child. She never thought about herself that much and always cared for others before herself. She was a good role model to Ami. But in the parent's opinions, she needed to think of herself more often.



Hinata opened the Amu's door quietly and smiled when she saw Amu sleeping. She shut the door quietly and walked towards her room, which was right next to Amu's. Both of them have a door between their walls, that way they could see each other faster without opening the hall. And their balconies were connected also. That's how close they were. Hinata removed her sweat shirts and sweat pants, throwing it in the laundry basket. She then pulled on some black boyshorts only.

Hinata liked to sleep with boyshorts and a bra only. It was comfty and she was able to breathe easily. Well, she was always able to breathe easily. But still, she liked it when she feels the cold wind hit her skin. It kind of relaxed her for some reason. She plopped onto her bed, falling asleep in minutes.



Hinata stared at her bed, shocked when she saw three eggs lying there. She was wondering how could there be three eggs in her bed. She tryed to reason it out first. It could've been a prank, but nobody had the guts to prank her. When somebody pranked her, she would pranked them back. And when she did that, it ended up the person who pranked her, would always be crying their eyes out. Just ask Amu, she remembered the last person who pranked her.

Hinata picked up the first one, and examined it. It had a light blue color, with some white flames, and a pair of green wings in the middle decorated on it. She picked up the second one. It was the exact opposite color. It had a blood red color, with some black flames, and an orange-yellow skull in tthe middle decoreated on it. The third was a mixture of the first and second one. It had a black skull in the back, and a pair of white wings in the front, then it was colored with light blue and blood red. She jumped when she heard a loud shout erupt from Amu's room. She opened the door from between them and ran into Amu's room. She was shocked to see Amu panicking over the three eggs.

"Amu," Hinata said, catching her attention.

Amu stopped her panicking and glanced towards Hinata nervously. Hinata pulled up her three eggs and showed it to Amu. They both exchanged silent glances and nodded.



"Amu-onee-chan, Hinata-onee-chan, why are you two staring at your eggs?" Ami asked.

Hinata and Amu said nothing.

'For a three-year-old, she's good at observing. No doubt will she be smarter than us by the time she's in our grade,' Hinata thought.

"Bye Okaa-san, bye Otou-san," Hinata waved.

Amu said nothing but left the house quietly.

"What about me?" Ami whined.

Hinata chuckled and bended down towards Ami's height, she gave a small kiss on her fore-head before standing up.

"Bye Imouto," Hinata said."Don't give Okaa-san and Otou-san a hard time, okay?"

"Hai!" Ami agreed.

"Good, and I know you won't disappoint me."

She ran out of the house to catch up with Amu.



"Look at the ouji!" one of them squealed.

Amu and Hinata turned towards where the girls were looking at. There stood four of the "Seiyou Elementary's School Guardians". Hinata glanced at Amu to see her blushing over the "Ouji".

"He looks cool today!"

"The ouji is such a great guy!"

"You think so too right, Hinamori-san?"

".....No, not particularly," Amu "boredly" said."Why should I like some stuffy guardian?"

'Because's he's stuffy,' Hinata retorted in her mind.

"What about you, Hyuuga-kun?"

"Eh, me?" Hinata asked, pointing to herself.

The girls nodded with a dazed look. Hinata grinned widely. Hinata looked so boy-ish sometimes. Which was how she charmed the girls: with her looks.

"To tell you the truth, I don't go for the looks," Hinata informed."I go for the personality only."

"Wah! Hyuuga-kun is so mature!"

"I, Yamabuki Saaya, have excellent grades and appearance," Saaya bragged, her hands clasped together."My family also makes generous contributes to this school. It is most likely that I will be chosen, if there is going to be another guardian!"

"I think Hinamori-san or Hyuuga-kun would be better, if they were be picked as the guardians, instead of you," one of the girls sneered.

Saaya glared at Amu, but she blushed when she glanced at Hinata. Hinata waved at Saaya politely, which made Saaya faint. Hinata would've caught her, if had not hers and Amu's eggs moved. They instantly placed a hand over their bag, though Amu's was more noticeable than Hinata's. Hotori Tadase turned around and stared at Amu, he placed a hand on her shoulder, which surprised almost everybody.

"Uh...I...uh..," he said slightly nervous."Could it be that you have a-"


Hinata slapped a hand over her face. How could Amu forget about her image just because her crush was close to her. Hinata rushed towards them and pushed herself between them, so Amu wouldn't ruin her image she kept up.

"I'm sorry Hotori-san, but I would appreciate it, if you didn't go around touching people's friends without their consent."

"A-ah," he blushed in embarassment," gomen."

She linked hers and Amu's hands together, and tugged the dazed Amu towards the gym to get ready for the assembly. Nadeshiko stared as the sisters walked towards the gym. She felt her lips twitch.

"Do those two have it?" she asked.

"Yeah," Tadase calmly replied," I can feel it. Those girls have charas."



"Then if everyone is here, we'll start the elections for third year guardians. To start, I ask you to fill out the uniform leisure," Tadase announced."Anyone with an opinion, please raise your hands."

'I wish I could tell him how I feel,' Amu thought.

"So why don't you change yourself," a preppy voice suggested.

Amu stood up brightly, her eyes literally glowing, her hands raised up high above her head. Hinata stared at Amu shocked, until she noticed the black barette was a heart-shaped pink one.

"Hai! I like you Tadase-kun!" she exclaimed.

The pink barrette switched back to the regular one, and Amu was blushing wildly. Hinata mouth dropped open a little bit, gaping at Amu.

"We are currently in the middle of an assembly, please discuss opinions that deal with topic at hand," Tadase said."And I'm sorry, there is someone else I like."

Amu's eyes widened and she ran out of the gym.

"Amu-chan!" Hinata called out.

She stood up quickly and glared at Tadase.

"You're a jerk," Hinata growled.

Everyone's eyes widened in shock. Hinata was not the type of person to talk to somebody like that at all. She was too sweet and kind. But there was something that the others liked about her side. It showed that she can take things very serious. She ran out of the gym to chase after Amu.



'Where is she?' Hinata thought, panicking.'If I can't find her, I might as well crawl into a ho-aahhhh!'

She let out a scream as she fell into a hole. She expected to hit the hard ground...instead, she was met with something...soft, and was that comfty? She opened her eyes and was shocked to see a boy older than her with dark blue hair and blue eyes.

"Ah! Sumimasen!" she apoligized.

She tried to get off of him, but he held her in place. She felt him press her arms together, above her.

"Are you a girl, or are you a guy?" he asked....while sniffing?

"I'm a girl!" she exclaimed."Now please let go of me! I already apologized!"

She felt one of his hands squeeze her boob and she squeaked in surprise. She glared up at his smirking face.

"You're pretty big for your age,"he commented.

She could feel heat rise up to her cheeks. Before she shook her head and growled.

"Let me go you stupid pervert!" she protested.

"Yadda. Besides," he began,"you're interesting."

Hinata bit her lip to stop herself from moaning when he started to search her body.


Wait?! She knew that voice. It was Amu! Amu came here to save her from this pervert! She let out a gasp when Amu, instead, landed on her back. Well, it seems as if Amu wasn't trying to save her. But hey, at least she was free from the perverted dude! She pulled herself and Amu's body off of him before she could get molested again.

"Hinata-chan, what's happening?" Amu nervously asked.

"That pervert molested me!" Hinata declared, pointing towards the blue-haired male.

"I'm not a pervert," he denied."Nor did I molest you."

When they heard a loud noise come from above, they looked up. Hinata's and Amu's eyes widened as they were about to be buried by dirt. They heard a large crack come from Hinata's winged egg and Amu's pink-hearted egg. They felt some energy engulf their body.

"Jump!" two small voices shouted.

One sounded female and the other sounded male. They suddenly felt themselves jump out of the hole, as they landed on eletric wires. Now this wasn't a problem for Hinata, she learned martial arts and was very good at balancing herself. But she was worried for Amu. Amu didn't take martial arts and she didn't know how to balance herself at all. She looked the blue-haired male in surprise, he had some neko ears and a tail coming out of him.

"How is this happening?" Amu asked, clutching onto Hinata.

Hinata held Amu tightly, afraid of letting go because Amu might fall off. Two small charas suddenly appeared in front of them. One was a female dressed as a cheerleader and had pink hair, like Amu.

"I'm Ran! I'm your chara, Amu-chan," she exclaimed.

The second was male and was dressed so angel-like, a pair of white wings on his back. He had shoulder length white hair and light green eyes. He looked so cold and he had no emotions displayed on his face.

"I'm Taro, your chara, Hinata-sama," he quietly said.

"We're your guardian chara," they both said.

"Charas," Amu gasped.

"Huh? Then those smell were coming from you eggs," the neko boy replied.

"What is with those neko ears?" Hinata asked.

"Be careful Hinata-sama, he has a chara too," Taro warned.

"He has that birth smell!" Ran shouted.

A little version of the neko boy came out from behind him.

"What now? Will you become your chara?" the little neko asked.

"No, I haven't reached my limit yet," he replied.

"You're Hinata and Amu, right?" he asked."You better watch your step. Isn't that a fallen eletric wire?"

Hinata's eyes widened and she gripped onto Amu tighter. She didn't want to admit this, but she was scared. She wasn't scared for her life, she was scared for Amu's life. Amu was more important right now. In a minute, she suddenly felt a large pressure in front. To her shock, the neko boy was already in front of her and Amu. She blushed when she felt him peck her cheeks, right before the wire snapped.

"Amu-chan/Hinata-sama!" the two charas shouted.

Hinata pulled Amu closer and did a double flip, landing on the ground perfectly.

"Targetting a newborn is against the rules, Tsukiyomi Ikuto!"

Hinata and Amu looked behind them, to see Tadase standing there with a sceptor in his hands. He looked like he some kind of British royalty. Ikuto looked at Hinata, and for a minute, she thought she saw the look of relief on his face. Hinata set Amu down on the ground gently as Ikuto smirked at Tadase.

"Kiddie King," he greeted.

"What an unfair way to get the chara eggs," Tadase hissed."I will not let you get the embryo!"

'Chara egg? Embryo? What is that?' Hinata and Amu thought.

Amu screamed when she saw a large cat paw attacking them. Tadase stood in front of them, holding the sceptor above him.

"Holy crown!" he shouted.

A gold light emitted from it, protecting them from the attack. A minute later, everything cleared up and Ikuto was gone.

"He's gone," Hinata stated.

"The prideful cat just ran away," Tadase explained.

Hinata glared at him and looked away. She was still mad at him for rejecting Amu in front of everyone. She sweatdropped when she saw Amu blush after Tadase gave her his handkerchief.



"Ahh! What should I do?! What should I do?! The ouji treated me like a hime!" Amu exclaimed, rolling around the bed."And his handkerchief smells so good!"

'Man, never knew Amu-chan was such a smelling pervert,' Hinata thought, sweatdropping.

"Why did you follow us?" Hinata asked the little charas.

"Because we're your guardian charas, we're supppose to be by you," Taro replied.

"What is a guardian chara?" Amu asked.

"A guardian chara is yourself you want to be!" Ran exclaimed."You wish for it didn't you? That you wanted a different personality. It was out of that desire, that we were born."

"Ah! Then you're the reason why that happened!"

"You'll have another chance," Taro sighed.

Amu wailed and attached herself onto Hinata, like Ami would do when she was sad, lonely, or when she wanted attention. Hinata rubbed Amu's back sympatheticly.

"It'll be okay Amu-chan," Hinata reassured.



"I don't want to go in," Amu complained.

"Amu-chan, what will Okaa-san say if she found out her related daughter was skipping school?" Hinata retorted, smirking.

Amu sighed in defeat, making Hinata grin. Hinata and Amu linked their hands together, and Hinata proceeded to drag Amu into their class. Amu and Hinata always held each other hands when one of them were nervous. It was a silent way of comforting each other. The class was silent when both of them entered. You could probably hear a pencil drop from a mile away. The class suddenly broke out in whispers. The three girls that were always admiring them, ran up to Amu.

"You were so cool yesterday Hinamori-san!"

"It must have taken a lot of courage to confess like that!"

"Hey, can I call you Amu-chan?"

"We always wanted to get to know you better!"

Amu soon found herself laughing and giggling along with other girls. The door slid open and Fujisaki Nadeshiko, the Queen's chair, stepped in. She held two fancy envelopes in her hand. She walked towards Hinata and Amu gracefully, and stopped in front of them.

"Hinamori Amu and Hyuuga Hinata, right?" she asked.


She handed each of them an envelope and smiled.

"Today after school, we'll be waiting in the Royal Garden," she explained, before leaning in."It's a message from Hotori-kun, about the eggs."

"Wah! That's so amazing Amu-chan, Hyuuga-kun!"

"You've been invited to the Royal Garden!"



"Please draw the person across from you," the sensei demanded.

Hinata stared at the person in front of her, and to her shock, it was Nadeshiko.

"Fujisaki-san? I didn't know you were in this class," Hinata said.

"That's because you never bother to pay attention to people around you," she giggled.

Hinata chuckled nervously.

"So who draws first?" she asked.

"Eh, since you're in the Queen's chair, I'll draw first," Hinata offered.

She placed the sketch in her lap comfortably. She analyzed Nadeshiko for a minute. Perfect looking silky hair, soft looking pale skin, and large round gold colored eyes.

"You look like a beautiful hime," Hinata commented, as she started to sketch."But I bet you would look like an ouji if you wore the boys' uniform and let your hair down."

Hinata could've sworn she saw Nadeshiko stiffen for a minute. Hinata hummed a soft tune that her deceased Okaa-san used to sing her, while sketching. Nadeshiko felt herself relax, the tune was very soft and calming.

"That's a beautiful tune you were humming," Nadeshiko commented.

"Arigatou, Fujisaki-san," Hinata blushed, she forgot Nadeshiko was there for a moment.

"Call me Nadeshiko, and I'll call you Hinata, okay?" Nadeshiko asked, tilting her head.

"Hai, Nadeshiko-chan," Hinata agreed.

They heard loud admirable gasps come from Amu's direction. Hinata and Nadeshiko turned around to see Amu's drawing, and it was clearly beautiful. Hinata's eyes narrowed, which didn't go unnoticed by Nadeshiko. Amu was never good at drawing, so when did she suddenly become so good? That's when it hit Hinata like a ton of bricks. One of Amu's other eggs must have hatched already. Her eyes darted around, and smirked when she saw the chara floating outside from the window.

"Taro," she said softly.

"Hai, Hinata-sama?"

"We have to catch one of Amu-chan's chara before it's gone," Hinata informed.

"I will do whatever you tell me, Hinata-sama," Taro replied.


Hinata opened the window and jumped out, surprising everyone.

"Kumiko-sensei, I have to do something important!" Hinata exclaimed, before running away with Taro.

"Ch-chotto matte Hinata-chan!" Amu shouted.

She then jumped out of the window too, following Hinata. There was a pregnant of silence. Nadeshiko shifted a bit slightly and picked up Hinata's sketch pad. She almost dropped it in shock. It looked like her, except her hair was down, she was wearing the boys' uniform, and she wore a smirk on her face. She almost look like a boy. She didn't know if she should be happy or sad, but she tore out the sketch and slid it in her blazer.



Hinata and Amu both panted for breath, as they trapped Amu's second chara.

"Why are you running?" Hinata demanded."You're Amu's chara, right?"

"...I'm Miki, Amu-chan's "Would-be-self"," She greeted."But it's unclear if I can go on by myself. I'm at the point of vanishing."

'Wanted Personality?' Amu thought.

"No way," Amu gasped.

"It's not a lie," Taro interrupted."If you don't believe, both of them will disappear. You have to learn to accept us, like Hinata-sama."

"I don't believe in guardian charas that much," Amu softly said."But I believe in it a little."

"A little is good enough," Miki said.



"Umm, why are we going again?" Amu asked, standing in front of the Royal Garden.

"Because it would be rude to ignore their invitation," Hinata explained."Besides, I want to see Nadeshiko-chan."

Hinata swung the door open and dragged Amu in. She waved towards Nadeshiko, grinning.

"Konnichiwa, Hinata-chan, Hinamori-san," Nadeshiko greeted.

"Welcome to the Royal Garden," Tadase said.



Akuma: I hope everyone who read this, likes it. I think this is the longest chapter I ever wrote. Please review and go to my poll and vote if you haven't.