Hey! We're back after a long break. Yes, very long. We're well aware of that. But no worries. We've got more Takuto and Mitsuki fluff, paired with some humor, to revive this… dead… fanfiction… thing. Bring it on!

Disclaimer: Full Moon Wo Sagashite isn't ours!

Can I Have the Definition Please?

Today had been a bright and sunny day. The skies were a clear, beautiful light blue and the clouds were puffy and white. The sun warmed the Earth with happiness and yet… things were about to go down hill.

Putting a petite hand into the mailbox, humming one of her newest hit singles, a young woman pulled out the envelopes and magazines before entering the condo she and her fiancé were staying in.


Her voice was tentative at first, soft and quiet like it used to be before her throat healed.

"Mitsuki!" There was a string of thuds as someone's feet pounded down the stairs. Then, suddenly, the black tennis shoes extended to a pair of dark wash denim jeans, continuing until a light blue button-up shirt appeared with lightly muscled arms wearing gloves. Then, finally, a head appeared, showing the blue-gray eyes, dark brown hair, and cocky smile that was the face of Kira Takuto. 'Mitsuki!" he shouted once more, skipping the last couple steps and picking her up into the air. "How did it go?"

Mitsuki blushed pink. "Takuto, it was just a photo shoot," she said modestly.

"A photo shoot for Spotlight magazine because you're going on a world wide tour! Babe, you're too modest," he assured her.

Mitsuki sighed, content with her life at the moment. When he set her down, she kissed his cheek before looking through the mail. "You've got something from the recording company. I bet it's a schedule. This is for me. Bill… bill… Oh! " Mitsuki paused, going through the mail. Putting aside the rest of the mail, she shyly clutched the peach-colored paper that remained. "That reminds me…" She giggled nervously as Takuto arched an eyebrow.


She nervously began to bend the paper before sighing. "Well, since you and I will be away for so long because you want to go on tour with me… n-not that I'm upset! I'm very happy you want to come. But, well… I just wanted to get more involved with our community since we don't get to… much."

Takuto chuckled. "I thought you were going to say you were pregnant or something!" Mitsuki's eyes snapped to his, pulling her brown curls from her face so she could see better if he was joking or not. He had to be… right? "You looked so serious!" He ruffled her hair with a grin. "So what are we doing?"

"A spelling bee," Mitsuki replied, chewing her lip.

The young man grinned. "Cool. Are we participating or judging?"

"Participating," Mitsuki responded.

Things actually looked okay at the moment. Takuto smiled and grabbed the paper from her to look over the information. "This seems okay. I'm pretty good at spelling," he decided, going to hang it up on their fridge with a cat magnet, something Mitsuki had begged for them to buy when they went souvenir shopping last tour.

The brunette singer gave a sigh as she rubbed her stomach. At least he had taken it well. Takuto normally didn't like being signed up for things without being asked about it first. Relieved, Mitsuki made her way up the stairs to the second floor of their tiny, cramped condo. Though she loved it to pieces, it did have its cons. Namely the stairs, considering they had a three-level, though still very tiny. Plus, the stairs were about to become a worse trek than ever in the following months.

Heading into the office room, which they'd have to change later, Mitsuki began running through paperwork. She'd have to hide the papers Dr. Wakaouji sent her if she wanted to be the one telling Takuto instead of the papers telling her the test returned positive.

Finding it with success, Mitsuki smiled and opened up one of the drawers to put it into her file. However, as she shifted through the papers, she found something rather interesting. It looked like a high school paper with Takuto's name on top.

Picking it up out of curiosity, she scanned through it.

Kira Takuto

2nd Period

Senior Year

Remedial Communication Arts Class

Semester Spelling Test

The blossoming singer furrow her brows was the giant, red F that was circled, along with the note at the bottom. 'See me after class, Mr. Kira.' Mitsuki thought back to what Takuto said.

"I'm pretty good at spelling"

Mitsuki giggled, looking over the paper. "Takuto. You spelled 'potato' wrong," Mitsuki observed, trying to block her giggles.

A smile growing on her face, she went back down stairs to where Takuto was in the kitchen, leaving the paper she had gotten from the hospital in her pocket. He turned. "Want some tea?" he asked. "I figured the photo shoot might've worn you out."

Mitsuki nodded. "Thank you, Takuto," she said with a smile. "Oh, and about the spelling bee…"

Takuto glanced at her, not quite sure what was up. "Yeah?" he asked.

She shook her head, raising the paper she had discovered. 'I was simply putting something away. I didn't mean to look through your things… But… er… Takuto," she began, though not quite sure how to continue. "I think you might need to study so as not to humiliate yourself."

Her fiancé gaped at the paper she was holding in her hands before his cheeks went pink. He obviously hadn't planned on telling her he was never good at spelling, considering he spelled potato like poetayto until his teacher corrected him after that test.

Takuto was known for taking the simplest word and turning its spelling into something outrageous.

Bowing his head, he nodded, embarrassed for his failure long ago. Mitsuki just smiled, she actually found his failure at spelling quite cute.

"How about I give you a quick lesson in spelling?" she offered. Takuto looked up through his long bangs, and nodded slowly.

"Yeah, that would be great actually." Mitsuki took his rough, calloused hand, since he had removed his gloves, and gently led him over to the living room.

"Lets start with something simple. Spell potato," Mitsuki said very seriously. Takuto looked at her like she had a third eye.

"Are you being serious? Mitsuki, I'm an adult. I believe that I can handle words more complicated than potato," Misuki just raised her eyebrow, and waited patiently for Takuto to proceed.

Takuto sighed in defeat, "P-O-T-A-T-O. Potato," he said in a bored tone. A thought suddenly struck Mitsuki.

"Okay, lets continue with P words," she settled into her oversized chair. "Picture,"




"Good! See, you're a good speller. You'll do great in the spelling bee," Takuto nodded, feeling confident. "Okay, one more. Pregnant,"

Takuto stroked his non-existent chin hair.

"Country of origin?" Mitsuki rolled her eyes.

"Just spell the word."

"Use it in a sentence."

"Takuto, I'm pregnant."

"Can you repeat the word?" Mitsuki stared at his him like he was stupid.

"It starts with a P, and ends in REGNENT," She couldn't believe this. She was marrying this idiot?

Takuto glared at her. "Well I figured that much. What about a definition?"

Mitsuki sighed. How much more did she have to do? She even said it as plain as day. Speaking of day, this day was turning out worse than she had planned. "Pregnant. A condition that your fiancé, Kouyama Mitsuki, currently has and will have for the next seven and a half months. It involves her carrying a child inside of her stomach."

Takuto drummed his fingers against the table, attempting to figure this out while still clearly ignoring the obvious clue. "That didn't help like I thought it would… Can you use it in a different sentence?"

Mitsuki tossed her hands into the air before pulling out the paper she never did get to put away. "You see this? This is a paper from the doctor. You see this part down here? It says Kouyama Mitsuki's test came back positive. P-O-S-I-T-I-V-E. And I've got one more P word for you. It says Kouyama Mitsuki is pregnant. P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T!"

"Oh, that's how you spell it."

"Kira Takuto, I give you an F. You know what it stands for? You FAIL at FIGURING out my FUCKING obvious clues! What do you want me to do?"

"None of those words start with a P."

And cut. There you go. We hope you enjoyed it. Mitsuki got rather scary towards the end, and Takuto got rather dense, but, well, you know… couldn't resist. (insert cheesy grins)

Please review.

Leah and Ezzy-chan