My After Life

Originally written by Stephanie Gonzalez aka Mrs. Lautnerforever

Adopted & continued by Lost Betwixt Worlds

Disclaimer: Neither Stephanie nor myself own the world of Twilight or the characters represented therein.

Special A/N: This Bella/Jasper story was originally penned by the talented Ms. Stephanie Gonzalez. For personal reasons she handed over the reins. Chapters 1-thru 12 are hers, simply spell checked , tweaked a little here & there ,and reposted by Lost Betwixt Worlds. I hope that I may do her proud.

Chapter 1 : Reminders


Ever since we had returned from Alaska, everything had been perfect. Maybe too perfect. I'd been uncertain in the beginning, but all my doubts were soon left behind as I gradually grew to love my new family more and more.

Carlisle and I could talk for hours on end about the past. Anything from the 17th Century to the present was open to discussion. I think I truly learned more history from my talks with Carlisle then I ever had going to school.

We discussed everything. Carlisle told me all about his life as a newly sired vampire, about his time with the Volturi and so much more.

I had forgotten so much from my human life, but I didn't let it worry me since everyone told me is was completely normal.

I at least had SOME of my human memories, poor Alice could remember nothing of her human life.

Charlie may have been my biological father, but we had never really bonded and while I did love Charlie, I honestly felt that Carlisle was closer to a father figure for me than Charlie had ever been.

If Carlisle was my father, then Esme was without a doubt my mother. Where Renee was flighty, forgetful and disorganized, Esme was warm, kind and caring. Esme loved me as much as she did her other 'children', unconditionally.

I had not only gained the most wonderful parents, I had also gained siblings. In my human life I had been an only child. I left that behind when I stepped into my new life and while it was a bit of an adjustment, there was no way I would change a thing.

Rosalie was no longer angered by my decision to leave my human life behind. She was with me every step of the way in the struggle to save that which was so precious to me. My priority, my life, my daughter.

Everyone was thrilled that Renesemee or Nessie as everyone insisted on calling her, was blossoming and growing stronger every day.

Nessie was growing at an unbelievable rate. In the span of only one year, my daughter was already looking as though she was 9 years old in the physical sense and at times acted even older than that. That scared me more than I cared to admit. I wanted to be a mother for much longer and who knew when she would leave us.

Jacob and his imprinting – thing would be kicking in sooner than I was comfortable with. All the stories told that the imprintee would feel the effects of imprinting just as strongly as the imprinter .

Would it even be possible for my daughter who was a Damphir ( half human/ half vampire), to fall in love with someone who could shapeshift into a wolf and would have to continue to do so for the rest of his existence just so he could stay with my daughter?

The same person that I myself had fallen for once upon a time?

It didn't really matter, all I wanted was for my little girl to be happy.

And then there was Edward. Where to even begin.

Just when I start to think that I can't possibly love him any more, I do.

Just when I think he can't be any more amazing, he is.

There is no end to the depth of my feelings for him. He filled a place in me that I had never realized was empty and now I felt complete . I was whole.

I had never believed that there was something or someone out there who was more perfect than Edward. He was all mine to keep. Forever.

Edward stepped through the doorway to our room and brought his lips to mine. I clutched him tightly, pulling him to me as closely as I could; parting my lips, reveling in the feeling that I could now kiss him so freely and as often as I wanted.

Alice often said that Edward and I were worse than Emmett and Rosalie, but I had seen THEIR public displays of affection and I knew that Edward and I weren't that bad......were we?

I shrugged internally, who really cared anyway ?

"Ahem......". Cursing silently, we looked up to find Alice sitting casually atop our bed surrounded by what appeared to be a mountain of clothing.

Speak of the devil and she shall appear.

I hadn't the faintest idea of what was going on, but apparently Edward did.

"Alice" he began in a stern voice " not now. There are still ten hours before the start of school. There will be plenty of time to choose what Bella is going to wear later."

I groaned. School. I'd almost forgotten about that. Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, you realize that right ? Replied the little voice in my head.

Oh shut up. I told the voice I can dream can't I?

I was starting school in the morning. We all were.

All of our friends along with Charlie had moved out of the state.

It had been more than a few years since I had heard from or spoken to any of them. The last I had heard, Angela and Ben had gotten engaged. Nothing else.

It was good that my human friends had left and started their lives. I on the other hand was destined to repeat mine and start High School once again.

So much for even a portion of life being fair.

How did I feel about this? Honestly, I wasn't quiet sure.

It was both exciting AND daunting at the same time. Sure I had been to High School already, but this was my first time attending since I had become a vampire.

I had only one little worry that wiggled around in the back of my mind. Actually not so much a worry as a fear.

The fear that I could slip at any moment.

It had been nearly 3 months since I had been around humans. My rapid ability to be comfortable around people was especially exciting for Alice , who took it upon herself to take me shopping and fill my closet with every piece of clothing she deemed necessary. In short, everything that was unnecessary .

Now there she sat, among what happened to be over HALF of those clothes, grinning at the obvious discomfort Edward and I were showing towards her plans to separate us.

" Nope, no such luck. Put Bella down and go sulk about it somewhere else." she stated in a commanding voice. Her tone left no room for arguments and Edward having sensed that huffed in resignation before placing me back on the floor. He kissed me swiftly on the cheek and left the room.

I frowned slightly and turned to look at Alice, who was rifling through the piles and throwing things at me in rapid succession.

I caught a few before it became too much.

" Alice, STOP ! One at a time please !"

Alice smile sheepishly, " Oh sorry."

She looked me over and proceeded to make me try on one outfit after another till SHE was finally satisfied......3 hours later !

I stood surveying myself in the mirror. My final outfit for the first day of school was.....low cut flared black jeans paired with a fitted blue v-neck t-shirt. My shoes were 3 inch blue heels that matched perfectly.

My hair fell loosely, tumbling over my shoulders and down my back.

Overall I was quiet happy with how I looked.

" Now you are not to crease anything you are wearing." Alice stuck out her finger and pointed it at as though she was scolding a young child.

" So , NO physical activity ! " I rolled my eyes at the thought of little Alice bossing anyone around.

She glared at me reproachfully and I found myself nodding reluctantly. As ridiculous as it was, it really wasn't worth arguing with her. Especially when her mind was so set on it.

I wandered out the door and was down the stairs to the living room in a flash. There I found Jasper sitting on the couch with Emmett at his side. They were watching a game on our brand new TV.

They gazed up at me with wide eyes, just as Edward does when I enter a room. Then they returned their attention to the game that was being played.

Did I have an effect on them now that my beauty had been enhanced ( I had always considered myself rather plain ) by the change or was it something else ? No matter the reason, I sure as hell was not going to say anything to my 'sisters'.

I flopped myself down on the couch beside Jasper. His body didn't respond to the movement in any way. Jasper gave me a sideways glance. Raising an eyebrow he asked " What are you so worried about Bella ?"

Trust Jasper to pick up any shift in moods when it came to any member of our family.

A/N : So there you have it my dear ones. I hope that you like it with the revamp. I will try to get all 12 chapters out by the weekend, but no promises ( of course the sooner I get the chapters out, the sooner we can move forward to NEW chapters)