Due to many things-some beyond my control-I am dropping this story. It was fun writing it. It was fun reading all of your comments. I really want to thank everyone who commented or favored or alerted my story. It's the best thing you can do for an author and I love it.

Maybe some day I'll pick this story up again but not any time soon. I'll be honest in saying that currently, this story has been depressing the hell out of me. Please don't ask why. And please don't beg me to keep writing. That will only make me feel worse. So don't.

Now I'm not going to stop writing! Please don't interpret this message like that. It's this story right here, Hallucinations, that's being dropped. I have a bunch of other stories that I'm working on that you guys will love. Currently I have a story dedicated to SasorixSakura pairing and that will be continued no problem. I'm also starting a new story with an OC with Hidan the leading male this time around.

So this is the goodbye to Hallucinations and all the dedicated readers who stuck through to the almost end. I have other stories, another Sasori/Sakura story and more in the future yet to come.


Tally Mai-chan