

No warnings.

Nami had never been particularly curious about Zoro's hair. The question of why it was green had never really crossed her mind. She had, in the back of her mind, always assumed that he dyed it. Till now.

Nami, seated at the table in the Going Merry's kitchen, stared down at the head of green hair directly under her nose.

Zoro had leaned across her, to snatch the last drumstick from Luffy's gaping jaws, she had looked down – no roots. At least, that she could see. She bent over and parted his hair to get a closer look.

Zoro froze.

Everyone, except the gluttonous captain who took the opportunity to strip the drumstick of its meat, stared.

Sanji was the first to speak.

"Um, Nami-swan...?"

She looked up, stared at the chef.

"It's not dyed!"

The rest of the crew stared. Then chorused "It's not?!"

Zoro, finally capable of movement, leapt away. "Of course it's not!" He declared, defensive.

Robin smiled and Zoro was suddenly terrified. She shared a look with the rest of the crew. They all smiled too. Zoro backed away.

"In the interest of scientific inquiry..." Usopp.

"We really should examine this further..." Nami.

Oh, shit.

Robin crossed her arms over her chest.

Zoro turned to run.

"Dos Fleur."

The swordsman tripped, his pants and boxers around his ankles. Robin's arms vanished, leaving only a few stray blossoms floating in the air.

He was up in a moment, shedding his garments, the rest of the crew hot on his heels.


Nami and Robin smirked down at the furious swordsman. The rest of the crew looked over their shoulders.

"It's natural."

"Yup. Natural."


"You can have your pants back now."

I was told very bossily by Dandy that I needed to post this because it was a "lawl fest." and that made me smile very big. So tell me what you think? I'd love to hear from you all.