DISCLAIMER: I do not own Vampire Knight. . . . This is KanamexZero/ IchiruxYuki

What if Zero and Ichiru were really pureblood twins and they knew Kaname and Yuki from the start ……. What could happen in the story …..

Too See you again: Chapter Preview

This is just a Preview. . . . .


10 Years Ago

Oni chan…. . . Zero chan and Ichiru chan are here. . . . Please hurry up. . . .

Yuki chan I missed you . . . .

Good evening Haruka san, Juri san . . .

You look stunning as ever Zero . . .


Kyaaaaaa. . . . . . ..

Kaname sempai . . . Idol sempai . . . Kain sempai . . .

The screams of the day class students can be heard as the moon dorms gate started to open and as the gorgeous night class students started to come out. The same routine that happens everyday as the classes shifts at Cross Academy.

"Everyone please back off . . . Don't push. . . .", Yuki Cross, the chairman's adopted daughter and night class guardian started to yell at the day class girls starting to push their way to see their admired night class students. . .

Night Class

" Have you heard the news, it seems that were going to have new classmates. Who could they be? ", Aidou questioned.

It was rare for the night class to have new students due to its special case for the night class was mainly composed of vampires. It was a secret that Cross Academy divides it students to the night class for vampires and day class for humans. It was the chairman's wish for humans and vampires to get along and exist side by side.

. . . . . . .

As the new students entered the room the other vampires tensed. Their senses overwhelmed by such power only pureblood could emit. Kaname was surprised after ten long years the person he wanted to find was staring straight right at him. One of the few people he cared for and wishes to be something more, for him to see this person again.

Kiryu Zero . . . Kiryu Ichiru … the rare pureblood twins.

"It's been a while Kaname, I missed you", Zero silently whispered.