Hello everyone and welcome I feel like I'm apologizing more for the lateness of this story then I do for anything in my life! Anyhow, to the eighth chapter of Purple Jellybean! As usual thank you for the reviews and on with the story!

DISCLAIMER: Whoo for Vic Mignogna cosplaying as Zero! (and I don't own vampire knight!)

Ichiru tried to push Kaname off of him as the pureblood kissed him passionately, "Kaname I'm not~!" Kaname clapped his hand over Ichiru's mouth "Shh.." Kaname said, his hand already half way up Ichiru's shirt. "Be a good boy Zero…" Ichiru blushed, not just from the embarrassment of the situation but because Kaname was pinching his nipples between his fingers making them harden. "Kana~!" Ichiru gasped. Desperately he tried to pull Kaname's hand away. Kaname smiled, "Being stubborn huh? Fine I'll play." Once again Kaname grabbed Ichiru roughly under his chin and forced his head to the right, his neck exposed. Kaname leaned close to Ichiru, his fangs exposed. "No!" Ichiru protested, knowing that Kaname wasn't listening. Zero's twin cried out as he felt Kaname break the skin on his neck. Kaname sucked hard at Ichiru's neck, swallowing his blood slowly. 'Oh, God, it huts…' Ichiru though feeling his strength slowly leaving him. "Ah!" Ichiru gasped, his eyes closing. 'He doesn't usually pass out this quickly…' Kaname thought to himself as he pulled his mouth away. "Hey, Name-Name chan!" He heard Zero 's voice yell. Kaname felt his eyes widen as he looked down the alley where Zero was running towards him from, to Ichiru. "Oh, shit." Kaname said softly. Quickly he tried to think of a logical explanation before Zero went psycho and started shooting at someone. "Kaname!" Zero exclaimed "What's taking you so long? And why is Ichiru sleeping?" "Uhm…well." Kaname started to say when suddenly Zero gasped in shock, "What happened?" Zero cried pushing Kaname out of the way, "Ichiru what happened to you?" Zero asked hugging his brother to him. "Did you eat a purple jellybean and are a chibi now too? Oh but wait I'm small too!" Zero laughed, "Look Kaname, I'm a chibi like you!" Kaname could already feel a headache coming on. "I'm not a chibi, neither is Ichiru or you. Now, where are we?" Kaname asked. "We're ice-skating remember?" He hadn't the last thing he remembered was having sex with Zero and then going to bed. But Zero had said something about 'purple jellybeans' and him being a chibi… "Did you give me a purple jellybean?" Kaname asked, Zero dropped Ichiru and looked up at Kaname, giving him his most innocent of innocent looks. "Maybe…" "And when the hell did you eat garlic?" "I dunno…" Zero said. "Can I ask you a question?" Kaname nodded. 'From the way he's acting this whole garlic nightmare didn't start up again until yesterday at the latest which means I have two more days of this….' '….a vampire?" Zero asked. Kaname had not heard a word the younger teen had said. "I'm sorry." Kaname apologized, "Could you say that one more time?" "I asked, 'Is Santa a vampire?'" Kaname starred at Zero in amazement, there was no doubt in his mind now that Zero had eaten direct garlic instead of mixed with other food as he had before, because this was without a doubt the stupidest question Kaname had ever been asked, and Zero on garlic asked a lot of stupid questions. "No." Kaname said, "Santa is not re~!" Kaname's words were cut off as he felt someone cover his mouth. "Santa is not really a vampire!" Ichiru said. "But he is real!." "Yay!" Zero exclaimed, jumping on Kaname and Ichiru. "I love you guys." He said hugging them both tightly. "Ichiru despite the fact you killed our parents you're a pretty nice guy!" "Uh…thanks?" Ichiru said, almost certain he could hear bones cracking from Zero's grip. Kaname effortlessly, but gently pushed Zero away. "We love you too Zer-Zer kun, I'll be inside in just a second okay?" Zero nodded, that carefree smile etched into his face. "I'll go trip Yuki." Zero said heading towards back the ice skating rink. Kaname watched Zero until he was safely inside before turning his attention to Ichiru. Without meaning to immediately Kaname's eyes fell to the teens neck. The wound where Kaname had bitten had healed, but where the blood had leaked out was dried. Seeing Kaname eyeing his throat made him very nervous, and he could still feel the purebloods fangs in his throat, a cold chill ran down his spine as Ichiru covered his neck with his hand. "Stop looking at me Kuran." Ichiru commanded. Despite the situation Kaname let a smile slip. 'So much like Zero.' That had been what confused Kaname, he had no memory of anything that happened, all he knew was that when he woke up he could smell Zero, he just hadn't realized it was really the younger twin. 'Their taste is exactly the same…' Kaname thought as he opened the door to the ice rink. "Watch me Yuki!" Zero called, moving very quickly on the ice. It was the first time that Zero had been ice skating but because balancing came so naturally to him he hadn't fallen down once. Zero nailed a trick with little effort. Yuki clamped in excitement "Great job Zero!" She called. From the corner of her eyes she saw Kaname. Smiling she called him over. "Kaname!" She waved. "Watch Zero, he's amazing!" Carefully Kaname walked down towards Yuki and sat beside her. "So," Kaname said, "Want to tell me what's going on?" He asked. "Well, from what I know, Zero gave you a purple jellybean, turned you into a chibi and for some reason or another about had a mental psychotic break down so you gave him garlic so the other two Zero's can battle it out from the inside while the rest of us put up with that thing for three days." Yuki didn't seem annoyed or anything at the situation, since the last little garlic incident had been entirely her fault she knew she had no real reason to complain. "So his mind finally became unstable?" Kaname asked, more to himself then Yuki. Kaname had known this would end up happening. The simple fact was Zero could control the 'Level E' inside of his body for the most part, but with a third personality it was impossible to control both at once. "Name-Name chan!" Zero called skating backwards past Kaname and Yuki. "Come skate with me!" In his rush to get to Kaname Zero ran smack into a small child sending them both sliding against the hard ice. Immediately Kaname could smell it. The smell of a child's blood was more addicting then a purebloods. Kaname could feel his own hunger increase, but he knew he could control it. Kaname jumped over the railing, nearly slipping on the ice.

"Ow!" Zero moaned, picking himself up, he looked at the child, a little girl with red hair, a few feet from him, concerned by the child's cries that he had hurt her, Zero extended his hand toward her. "I'm sorry!" Zero apologized, and then he saw the blood trickling down the child's arm, where her elbow had been cut. Kaname grabbed Zero and pulled him backwards. "Go to Yuki." Kaname whispered, giving Zero a light push. "Kana~." Zero felt that familiar tightness in his chest. Kaname saw Zero's eyes flash red. 'Get away, hurry!' He heard Kaname's voice whisper in his head. The little girl started to scream, pointing at Zero, her whole body shaking. "Monster!" She cried. Loud enough that several people heard her. "Mommy!" She wailed, picking herself up and running to her mother. "Are you okay?" The woman asked her daughter, holding her close. "Don't cry, that man didn't mean to run into you." She said softly trying to calm down the little girl. "His eyes were red Mommy!" She said through her sobs. "He's a monster!" Finally, to Kaname's relief the child was led away. By this time several people had left, not wanting to listen to the sounds of a child crying, and because it was almost closing time anyways. "Name-Name chan!" Zero yelled loudly. Yuki, who was standing right beside him whacked him on the back of the head. "Indoor voice!" She scolded. Clutching his head, Zero looked up at Yuki his silver eyes already glassed over with tears. "Kaname!" Zero wailed, "Yuki's being mean to me!" Zero felt someone touch his shoulder, knowing that it was Kaname he jumped on the pureblood, wrapping his arms around Kaname tightly. "I'm hungry." Zero said, nuzzling against Kaname's neck. "Zero," Kaname whispered, resting his hand gently on top of Zero's silver hair, "Sleep…" The instant Kaname said it Zero fell forward slightly. His breathing, heavy and slow, indicating that he'd slipped into a peaceful slumber. "You could put him to sleep this whole time and you never did?" Yuki said. "Shh…" Kaname told her. "It may not look like it because of his current demeanor but he wants to eat something. And by something I mean someone." Kaname picked Zero up and heaved him over his shoulder. "Besides, I can only do the 'voice control' thing once a day and I usually save it to get Zero into the position I want." Yuki blushed. "I didn't need to know that!" Zero's head slowly lifted from Kaname's shoulder and he smiled at Yuki. "Hey Yuki…" Zero said softly. "Guess what?" Yuki could see easily that Zero was still fast asleep, but she decided to amuse Zero by playing along. "What?" She asked. "You love Kaname very much, right?" Zero shook his head. "Kaname is your older brother." Instantly Zero's eyes closed and he went back into his slumber. Kaname froze. 'Oh shit…' He thought, 'Alright, I'm a vampire I can outrun her easily…damn she has the car keys.' "Kaname what ever the fuck your middle name is Kuran, turn around please." Slowly, Kaname turned around, "Yes, Yuki chan?" Kaname asked pleasantly. "Does Zero always make up crazy stuff like that in his sleep?" Without hesitating Kaname nodded. "You have no idea." He said. With the rest of the crowd, the three Cross Academy students made their way to Kaname's car. Kaname opened the back door and laid Zero down. "Mmmm….." Zero groaned in his sleep. "Kaname I don't like pickles…" Yuki gave Kaname and look. "Pickles?" Kaname shrugged, opening the passenger door for Yuki. "Crazy stuff." He said taking the keys from Yuki. The drive to school took about an hour, the whole way nobody spoke until about half way. "Kaname," Yuki said suddenly. "Where's Ichiru?" She hadn't noticed the whole time that the younger Kiryu was missing. "He decided to walk home." Kaname told her. "Yeah but," She said, "What if he tries to eat someone?" In his minds eye for a split second an image of Ichiru sinking his fangs into his neck sent chills down Kaname's spine. 'Don't!' He screamed inside his head at the image. Calmly to Yuki he simply said. "He'll be fine." Yuki had known Kaname all her life and she knew when he didn't want to talk about something. For the rest of the car ride there was only the sound of Zero's breathing. Kaname opened the door to the car and carefully picked Zero up. "I'll take him to his room." Kaname told Yuki, "I'll see you later, goodnight." "Good night Kaname." Gently, Kaname laid Zero down his bed and covered him with a blanket. Kaname sat down beside Zero and ran his fingers through the teens hair. "Love you Zero." Kaname whispered, leaning down and kissing Zero's forehead. "No matter which 'Zero' you are I will always love you…" Kaname felt Zero's hand clutch his shirt preventing him from raising up."…Ka…name…" Zero said softly. "Don't….go…" Kaname smiled, "You want me to stay?" He asked, pulling Zero's hand off his shirt, bringing it to his mouth. "Mhm…" Kaname grazed the surface of Zero's wrist, leaving a faint white mark, but not breaking the skin. He wanted to bite down, to draw blood out of Zero, to have his exquisite taste pass his tongue and to leak down the back of his throat. "Why do you have to be so irresistible?" Kaname asked, grazing the skin with his fangs, but this time breaking the skin just enough to painlessly draw blood. Zero's body shuttered slightly as Kaname licked the wound once, without his teeth in the flesh or a continuous sucking the wound closed the moment after Kaname's tongue passed. Kaname sighed and stood up. "Good night Zero." Kaname said softly, kissing him once on the cheek and leaving the room. Kaname decided that it would be best while Zero slept for him to do the same, since sleeping would be quite lacking for the next couple of days until the garlic ran its course through his system. Upon entering his bedroom Kaname took off his cloths, being a bit of a neat freak, he tossed the cloths into a basket. He decided not to dwell on how his cloths had gone from being able to fit a child, to fit someone with the body of an eighteen year old, but to just simply let it go. Crawling into bed, Kaname snuggled beneath the warmth of the covers, and after a few moments slipped into a peaceful darkness. Kaname almost always took his cloths because he would get hot while he was sleeping, and more times then he could remember he would simply take off his cloths and kick the blanket away in his sleep, being a heavy sleeper he wouldn't notice until he was fully awake later. As he knew he would at some point Kaname had kicked the blanket away leaving his body fully exposed, but still he did not wake, nor did he when the door to his room quietly opened. Without waking, Kaname could sense Zero's presence. "Kaname?" He heard the teen whisper. "May I lay down with you?" Kaname moved over a little, letting the younger teen slip in beside him. In a gentle but slightly hesitant manner he felt Zero kiss his lips. "Open your eyes Kaname…" He whispered, his mouth finding its way to Kaname's throat, his mouth already locked to Kaname's neck, sucking the surface of the skin but not puncturing the skin. The vampire felt his sliver eyes shift from the beautiful lilac, to the crimson red with the sound of the pureblood's heart pulsing beneath the skin. "You want to play that badly?" Kaname asked, his eyes meeting the teens. Before he met to his fangs sank in fully to Kaname's neck. Kaname's mouth fell open, his eyes wide as the lingering pain struck, Kaname's hand curled into a tight fist, clutching his lover's silver hair, keeping him in place. "Ahh…" Kaname moaned, pressing the other's head in farther. "Deeper…that's it..." Kaname enjoyed the savage beast that Zero was in bed, and tonight he could hear that beast growling with a hunger to consume him. In the purebloods opinion Zero pulled away too soon, and desperately to feel the rapturous pain once more Kaname tried to force the teens head back. "No." Kaname whispered, "Zero…you're too good…" He gasped, feeling the teeth sink in once more for but a brief moment. The teen's blood covered lips formed a smile. "I don't want you to pass out from blood loss…" He said, covering Kaname's lips with his own. "Zero…" Kaname gasped as he felt the person on top of him grab him. "Shh…I'll be gentle, I promise.." Kaname nodded, letting the other bring his arms up above his head. Kaname watched silently as the younger teen took off his white shirt, carefully tying it around Kaname's hands and to the posts on the large bed frame. 'This is new..' Kaname thought. "Let's see how good you are at this game, my Zer-Zer kun." "I'll make you scream my name before I'm done with you, Name-Name chan." He promised, pushing himself inside of the pureblood. It hurt. Kaname had taught Zero to prepare the other person but he hadn't bothered and the pain from being entered by force brought tears of pain to the purebloods eyes. In vain Kaname tried to keep from crying out, and would have instinctively tried to muffle himself if his hands weren't tied down. "Nng!" Kaname groaned as the teen pushed himself in as far as he could hitting Kaname's prostate. "F-Fuck Zero!" Kaname cried, "Are you trying to hurt me?" The teen pulled out just enough to let Kaname rest for a second. "I told you I would make you scream." Once again he forced himself inside the pureblood. "Ahh!" He cried, "Kana…it's so tight…" He moaned in ecstasy. Pushing himself in and out at such a rapid pace, it was only moments before he had torn Kaname, and even in his pain Kaname could feel himself becoming hard. "Kaname!" The teen cried, "I'm going to…" Kaname could see him trying to control himself, knowing that it was completely pointless. "Inside…" Kaname instructed…"Come inside…" Kaname felt something warm enter him, at the same moment his lovers head fell back, his body shaking with his orgasm, "Ka-name sa-sama!" He cried. Without warning Kaname ripped through his bondage and grabbed the teen by his hair, throwing him to the floor. "What did you just call me?" Kaname asked turning on the light next to his bed. The teen looked up at Kaname startled. "What's wrong?" He asked slowly getting to his feet. "I called you Kaname, that's all." His hand reached for Kaname, who took a step back. "Show me your neck…" It wasn't a request. Tilting his head to the right Kaname could clearly see the tattoo on the left side of the teens pale neck. "Why?" Kaname said, running his fingers over the skins marked surface. "Tell me why Ichiru?

Yay we made it through another chapter! Please remember to leave a review and I promise this story will be updated a lot more frequently now then it has been.