Adapted from "9" by Shane Ackar

PART 01: The beginning of the Tale

10 billion years ago when space and time first began a form of independent life was born as well, capable of granting life to any electronic and mechanical objects alike. A powerful force called the AllSpark, gave life to the first Transformers on a foreign world that would later be called the Planet Cybertron.

No transformer knew where this power came from or how it was able to give them life, they only knew that the AllSpark lived within the planet Cybertron itself and was a form of life that gave up a part of its self as the source of life for all Transformers. However the Transformers soon learned how to harness its power and create more of their kind.

Over time a fight split the Transformer into two sides, the Decepticons believed that it was their destiny to harness all of the AllSpark's life force and take over the rest of the universe as its rightful Masters. The Autobots however believed the AllSpark wished for them to watch over of humanity, as protectors of the Universe. This lead to conflict and after years of fighting, an endless war took place with no side winning or losing. It was thought the war would go on for an eternity, with the rumor that who ever possessed the AllSpark would win the war and decide the rest of the world's fate.

According to Legend, as the war continued the AllSpark soon realized no creature, machine or organism (or both in this case) should be allowed to control life, so with its remaining power it left Cybertron, so no Transformer could ever control it's will again. Travelling the endless entity of space the AllSpark was soon lost in any unknown galaxy where it couldn't be found.

Still, the Autobots and Decepticons continued fighting, but with their planet destroyed and uninhabitable without the AllSpark. The war was spread out into the vast regions of space and Cybertron was left to rot. Knowing it would be nothing more then a lifeless planet and eventually, a forgotten memory to all Transformers. With one last act before following the Decepticons into space, the Autobots built nine robots from the remaining Sparks they possessed, created to clean, build and repair their injured planet, so one day they could return and reclaim their home once the war was over.

To this day the war still goes on, with no side giving in or over powering the other. Soon all Transformers only knew of war and couldn't imagine a world without it. The AllSpark's place in history soon fizzled into a Legend, the Legend soon faded into a Myth, and then the myth became nothing more than a story, a story for Transformer to give them a glimmer of hope for a world of peace. Sadly there was no sparkle of hope left in any Transformer, except for a few who have wasted their life's searching in vain for the AllSpark, travelling to each corner of the cosmos for just one sign that it really does exist, that its more then just a tale for naïve robots. However, the Nine Autobots came online, one by one. And now, the ninth one begins his operating life...


Unit RA09 - BUMBL3B33 - Beginning operation...

As a small, yellow robot began moving, blue optics began to glow, perceiving the environment around them. The 'bot was perplexed by his new world, and began examining himself. Black stripes covered his exterior, and his arms had the word "bumblebee" written on them. A red Autobot Symbol was plastered on his chest, and his back had a huge number, "9", written all over it.

Hm... Bumblebee... he thought to himself, Works for me! Now, to check out this rest of this joint!

Bumblebee began a complex series of swivels, transforming into a replicated Cybertronian Car. He then drove out, to investigate his new world.

Geez, Bumblebee thought to himself, What a dump. I wonder what happened...


Bumblebee immediately deployed a pair of shock stingers in self defense, and began looking around.

As he looked, he found his new enemy. A red mech that resembled him, but looked older.

"Wait..." The mech said, in a calming tone, "I am a friend."

Bumblebee raised a metal eyebrow at this. Who is this guy, anyway?

"Friend..." the red mech repeated, "I am a friend."

Bumblebee lowered his stingers, almost trusting of this new mech.

"Cliffjumper..." the mech said, "My name is Cliffjumper. Your's?"

"Bumblebee," Bumblebee attempted to say, only to find a little problem.

"You can't speak."


"...come with me."

He then walked to a nearby cart, where a dead mech was lying. He then leaped on, and began carefully removing something from the corpse's throat.

"Aha..." Cliffjumper stated, leaping down to the ground with some kind of vocal processor, "Well, I figured you got online the last. I was the fifth to come online, and when we found Online-bot number eight, well, Op decided to stop searching for Lucky Number 9. Well, now, I found it. Now here."

Cliffjumper handed Bumblebee a small, grey circle.

"Just consume it, and it will link up to your systems," Cliffjumper said.

Bumblebee shrugged, then ate the thing.

"FFFFFFFrrrrr..." Bumblebee attempted to say something, "Fr-fr-Friend?"

"Friend," Cliffjumper beamed.

"... Are we... alone?" Bumblebee asked.

"No," Cliffjumper smiled, "There are others."

Suddenly, Bumblebee senses something in his interior. Removing it, he finds a gold device, with four symbols on it.

"Huh..." Cliffjumper said, taking the strange device, "... Yes, he was always drawing this... exactly like this... how strange..."


Cliffjumper looked up in horror, then grabbed a spear from the cart.

"GO!" Cliffjumper yelled.

To be continued...