Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer is an artist. Her works are priceless. I am poor so I can't afford her works. So I don't own Twilight. Tear.

This is set after Twilight. Remember the Frat boys? Right before Edward showed up to save her. Well, she sees them again. HAPPY ENDING! Worry not! EMMETT POV. Enjoy!

"Edward! I am hurt! What makes you so doubtful of me! I love Bella! Gasp! You hate me!" Why doesn't he trust me! I wouldn't hurt Bella! Never! Never ever! Bella is so cool! Whenever I'm bored, she just falls down! What she doesn't know is that I just run really fast and pull her legs out from under her. She just blames her klutziness. She will never know!

"Emmett! That is why I don't like leaving her here with you!" Edward growled; evil mind reader.

"Umm, Edward? You never have left me alone with Bella before. How can you say that?" He seriously needs to take a chill pill. I really care about her well being. I would throw myself in front of a bullet for her! Bella is already a sister to me.

"One. Chance. If Bella returns with only a mere headache, your head will ache when I am through with you. Do you hear me Emmett Cullen?" Well of course I do. Like I said, Bella is safe with me! If she has a headache, guess where we are going! Walgreen's!

"Let's put it this way, shall we? What if I took Rosalie hunting and when she came back she was missing her arms? How would that make you feel?" He wouldn't! She needs those!

"I'll be good!" If so much must as a fly enters this house I will….. Feed it to a cat! Cats like flies.

"Alice will be keeping tabs on you two. I'll see you tomorrow Em. Bella," He called up the stairs, "Emmett will be here with you! Don't worry. Rosalie's arms are on the line! See you tomorrow. "

"Wait!" Of course would want to kiss him goodbye. He was like a drug to her. I don't think it is a healthy relationship. I would have to tip Charlie off somehow….

Edward growled softly.

"Okay, break it up! We have fun to have! Go catch me a Grizzly Edward."

"Um, sure. Be safe Bella." Ew.

"You too Edward!" Now, to the business at hand. Bella just stood there, across from me, curiously, probably why my head was cocked to the side. I just waited to make sure I couldn't hear Edward's car anymore.

"Um, Emmett? What exactly are you doing?" Impatient human! Wait for it, wait for it! Ah! Edward is GONE!

"So Bella, what do you want to do? I was thinking that we could go to Port Angeles. Fun right? We could get you some dinner, go to a bookstore, and scare some squirrels? Hmmmm? You game?" How could she say no! She hates squirrels! Chasing them would be fun!

"Why would I want to chase squirrels! They are so cute! Why don't we go to Port Angeles? It could be fun. I'm sure you would like to stop at the game store, am I right?"

"Well, yeah." I smiled and kicked my feet like the Scarecrow. (I don't own Oz either!)

"Can we hurry; I'm sort of getting hungry."

"Let's go!" And with that, we were off.

Port Angeles

"Here we are, La Bella Italia. How does that sound?"

"Oh my! I haven't been here since. Last time. Emmett, what if w-" I cut her off.

"Bella, listen to me. They will not be here. If they are here, then they won't remember you. Even if they do remember you, I will not allow them to hurt you." I meant what I said. I will not let a group of low-life humans hurt my Bella. They don't know who they are dealing with.

I took a break to remember what Carlisle did to the leader, Lonnie. I hope justice was served. He didn't deserve to liv-.

"Emmett? Can we go inside I'm really hungry."

"Sure," I am really glad she snapped me out of that thought, "Sorry 'bout that." I felt the need to apologize. Only she knew what expression was on my face.

As we entered the restaurant, I heard Bella grumble and mumble about some overly-flirtatious waitress. I quickly remembered that Bella had only been here once before. With Edward. On. That. Night. No wonder she was so tense.

"Hello!" I have never seen a lady so excited about her job, wow Amber. Get a life.

"My name is Amber and I will be your server. You name it, I can do it." I just had to intervene.

"Excuse me? If you are implying something else, something that you should be embarrassed of, you should take it back now because we are taken."

"Oh, ummmm," She was stumbling. This could be fun!

"Oh Bella, do you remember the last time you were here with Edward? He asked for a more private table?"

"Oh! I remember him! He was just so charming and gorgeous. He was here with this really plain girl! It was crazy! He was so interested in her but not me… oh." Hehe! This was fun! Bella might be mad, but hey, I'm sure she is enjoying herself.

"I just happen to be that girl." Good for you! Go Bella!

"Oh! Did he end it with you! Because if he did, please give me his number!"

"NO! Come on Emmett, let's just go." Fine by me, I thought it would be wise to not say anything to her. At least until we were in the car.

"Bella, I'm really sorry. I just recognized that girl and I couldn't help it! Oh, are you…. Oh Bella! I didn't mean to make you cry! We can go home if you'd like. Please forgive me!" When I couldn't smell salt, I smiled.

"You thought it was funny, too?" Bella turned to me with one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen anyone give.

"You bet it was Emmett! Oh my gosh! I almost forgot about her! I am really glad you did that. I won't forgive you though 'cause there is nothing to forgive." I smiled and leaned over the seat to give her a hug.

"Look Em! A hot dog stand the next block over! I haven't eaten from one in ages! Can we please go! We can go sit in the park, it will be fun. Whaddaya say?" Clever girl!


The park? No! Emmett use turn back! Take Bella home!

Sorry for the cliffy, but you kind of already know what is going to happen in the next chapter. Let me clarify: Bella hasn't been to Port Angeles since the incident. Please review! Much love!
