Hello there all you people that happend to stumble upon my fanfic. This is my second story but my first one shot and my first mature content. There is no plot, it's just random. My Lucy friend [no she does not smell like corn. hahahahahaha...Sandra Cisneros.] helped me write it although she did not want any credit to it I would not feel right if I did not mention her. So please, enjoy the Lemon. lol Disclaimer: I WISH I owned these characters...

Naruto opens his eyes; he sees nothing.

He is tied down. Handcuffs?

He can hear Sasuke snickering in the dark.

"S-Sasuke? What the hell! What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Naruto looks down to find himself striped down to his boxers. Sasuke comes closer, and with a cold, ivory finger slides down Narutos chest, into his waistband and tugs. Naruto shivers from the sensation. He feels Sasuke's hands run up his legs, right to his hips, and cup his round butox. Naruto feels himself harden.

"You know you want it..." Sasuke says playfully.

Naruto starts to protest,"I dont know what you're trying to pull but-" and is cut off by the raven hungrily tearing away the remaining clothing. Sasuke slowly takes the blondes length into his mouth and starts sucking. Said blonde tries to stop him, but is overcome by pleasure. "Oh GAWD!...Yes!...More!!" he cried.

As Sasuke comes up face to face with Naruto, he says,"I knew you would like it. Why don't you stop lying to yourself?" he strokes the dobe once, slowly. Naruto moans. "Do you want more?" Sasuke askes. Naruto nods his head vigorously.

"Tell me you want it." the brunett demands. Naruto mumbles incoherently. So Sasuke strokes Naruto's arm lightly,"I'm sorry, I didn't quiet get that?"

Naruto yells,"Screw you, you sadistic TEME!"

Sasuke strokes Naruto with his nail this time to cause the bloned painful pleasure. His member throbbed in his want.

"Wrong answer."

Naruto turns away, blushing furiously. "I...I want...more."

Sasuke gives a smirk,"What more do you want? Tell me exactly, so I can give it to you."

By this time Naruto is done fighting, he gives in helplessly to his desire,"I want your mouth and your hands all over my body and I want them to caress my dick. I want these fucking handcuffs offa me so I can do the same for you. I want to suck you off so hard you'll be screaming my name for WEEKS. I want to drink all your cum so that your dry. I wanna feel your cock pressing into me. I want to feel your balls slapping my ass as you pound yourself hard into me goddamit!"

Sasuke grips Narutos swollen length at the base, slowly rubs it up towrads the tip and gently squeezes. With his other hand he uncuffed the heated blonde as he whispered into his ear,"As you wish."

The second Naruto was free he pounced on the teme and pinned him down. "You're goin to enjoy this..."