Fan Worship, by POTR

Part I: Unintentional Confessional

It was time.

Stella and Kevin had been hounding him forever about the website—even Joe had told him that there were some quality pictures listed in the archives. But he still wasn't used to the idea of a website devoted to the band. Besides, it was just… weird to know that a good friend of theirs was the web-master of the top JONAS fansite on the Internet.

But now, it was finally time to check it out. After fibbing (LYING) to Macy about having seen an article that she wrote and posted, he was forced to go to the site to read it. After all, she wanted a review! (This, of course, meant that he needed to sign up with the site as well.)

And yet, though he'd built up his resolve (courage), he was still sitting in front of his computer with his browser set on the homepage. He just… couldn't bring himself to do it.

C'mon, Lucas! he chided himself. Just do it! It's just a fansite!

He put his hands on the keyboard.

Okay, good start…

He hit F6 and backspaced.

Now we're in business!

He typed into the address bar, justenoughjonas-dot-net.


Nick leaned back, blowing out a breath as he stared at the computer screen. He was halfway down a long page of FAQ's and he was simply stunned at how much time and dedication Macy had put into such a small part of her site, compared to the other sections.

Q: Do you actually go to school with JONAS?

A: Yes, I do. It really makes it easier to get up in the morning when I know that members of my favorite band are going to be in my classes, even if it can be a bit distracting! Sometimes I have to take a breather and remind myself that school isn't the place to be drooling over the sight of Nick in a sweater vest. Not that he would wear a sweater vest. Even though he would look great in a sweater vest. It'd just be kind of odd.

He found himself smiling when he saw that she wrote her answers in the same way that she spoke in real life. Sometimes she rambled on, and others she became really insightful.

Q: So why don't you post some REAL dish? I mean, what's up with Joe and their stylist?

A: First, the name of JONAS's stylist is Stella Malone. I suggest you remember it, because she's going to be bigger than Prada someday. Second, although I will allow my JONAS-heads to post and speculate about the Lucas brothers, I don't appreciate gossip. I post facts and fangirl shamelessly. But I don't divulge private information that I've been trusted with as a friend. Friends don't gossip about friends.

And then there were the ones that made him laugh out loud.

Q: You talk about being a hallway hazard. What do you mean by that?

A: Well… The first thing that you've got to understand is that I'm very athletic. I'm on almost all of the sports teams at my school. So I have at least one thing with me at all times that relates to sports. A bowling ball, a golf club, a tennis racket… And sometimes I'm wearing my cleats. The thing is… I get nervous and excited when I get near members of JONAS, just like all of you. So, sometimes I… accidentally injure one or two or three of the members. Stella likes to say that I turn into a 'hallway hazard' when I get near members of the band. I don't do it on purpose and it kills me whenever it happens. I've actually considered dropping a few sports so I won't hurt them as often (okay, maybe not. But it's a nice thing to say).

He supposed what got him the most wasn't even the FAQ's, but the forums. There had been one called 'Would You Rather' that listed a series of questions for JONAS fans to answer. Everyone had posted answers—including Macy.

Subject: RE: The Would-You-Rather Game!

Author: mayseemgraceLESS

Okay, you guys have been bugging me forever about this, so I'm posting a response. If any of the brothers see this, I blame you!

Would you rather...

1. Nick or Joe call you at 3 am?

That's a tough one! I want to say Joe, because if Nick is calling me, I know that something can't be good. He's almost never up at three in the morning; at least, as far as I know.

(Nick glanced at the clock—it was currently one in the morning, so she was technically right.)

2. Play Joe in DDR or Kevin in Guitar Hero?

Oh, this is excellent. I've actually done both. I'd say play DDR, because I can actually beat Joe. There's no way I can go up against Kevin (although I'm pretty sure I could beat Joe in Guitar Hero as well), but MAN! Y'all should have seen Joe's face when I started racking up the combos. xD

(At this, Nick could only laugh. He remembered the incident; it had taken place on last summer's tour. Joe had been smug, challenging Macy to a DDR duel while they were stopped in Arizona. He had lost epically.)

3. Join them on the Burnin' Up tour, but never talk to them again or talk to them for 30 minutes daily?

Another toughie—I'd have to go with the thirty minutes, since that's about as much time as I get with them now. It's the summer tour right now and I have to be at home for the first week, so I get about a half hour on the phone with them and Stella before they have to do their stuff. At least I get to join them next Saturday! :D

(The boy's eyebrows went up. How long ago had she posted this? Because it was Friday now… actually, no! It was Saturday, since it was one—correction, two in the morning. Wasn't her plane getting in at some ungodly early hour?)

4. Walk in on Joe changing or Nick writing a song?

Okay, JONAS-heads… you have to promise not to tell the guys I've told you… but I've done both. SHH! I promised Stella I wouldn't tell, but I opened the door to the bathroom at, like, two in the morning on last summer's tour and, well… My only excuse is that I was tired and I don't know or want to know what he was doing!

Um. I guess I'd rather walk in on Nick writing a song. He's so focused that he doesn't know you're there most of the time and you can kind of read over his shoulder until he sighs and goes, "What do you want, Macy?" without even turning around. And then he doesn't even get mad when you pout at having been caught and just slides the song over so you can read it.

Or maybe that's just what happens with me, because Kevin says that he and Joe get stuff thrown at them when they ask after a work-in-progress.

(Nick flushed a little at that, remembering the innumerable times she'd caught him in the middle of writing a song. For some reason, she was the only person he couldn't get mad at for interrupting a writing session. Actually, he knew perfectly well why he couldn't get mad at her. It was the same reason he was on her website now. Darn video chat and pouty faces!

Still, it was certainly a surprise that she'd pick looking over his shoulder at an unfinished song to seeing a member of JONAS shirtless.)

5. Steal Kevin's purity ring or Nick's dog tag?

Are you kidding me? What kind of question is that? I would never steal something from a member of JONAS!

Nick's dog tag, duh. I've wanted a closer look at it for AGES. What does it say, anyway? Of course, I'd give it back after I'd looked at it. Because it would be wrong to keep such a precious and personal item.

(The curly-haired boy fingered the dog tag necklace, unsure of how to feel about this discovery. Eventually, pride at her insistence that it would be wrong to steal—or keep—any of their belongings won over the other conflicting emotions.)

6. Babysit Frankie, or eat lunch with Big Man?

The thing about joining the boys on tour when you don't actually have a reason to be there is, well, you tend to feel a little useless. I spent most of the trip helping Mrs. Lucas entertain Frankie—and schooling Big Man in fangirl behavior. So I kind of did both. Now, as much fun as it is to hang with Big Man and giggle over his role in the BOUNCE video, I'd have to say that I really enjoyed playing hide and seek with Frankie. That boy is so fast!

(Nick frowned at the comment about not having a reason to be there. Did she really feel that way? He was going to have to set her straight on that note—she wouldn't be on tour with them if she were useless.)

7. Joe with curly or straight hair?

Okay, here's what I have to say about Joe's hair: I think it looks fine either way and it doesn't really make that much of a difference to me. We're not talking about the obvious difference presented when Kevin stopped straightening his hair. That was big, because people had made comments on how unnaturally straight his hair was. Here's the thing: Joe's hair isn't super curly anyway. Some of my fondest memories have involved a Joe with straight hair, but I could really care less how he styles it.

If I had to choose, I'd say curly. At least then he isn't frying his hair.

(This was something he agreed with whole-heartedly. Nick didn't give a fig whether Joe straightened his hair or not and he was tired of people asking about it!)

8. Nick with Miley or Demi?

I know Demi—Demi Lovett, the girl who starred opposite Joe in Camp Rock—but this Miley chick is a mystery to me. Oh, wait! Miley must be that girl he met in Malibu when JONAS recorded for that Hannah Montana album. They traded e-mails for, like, two years. She sounded like a total idiot, if her descriptions of her life were any kind of accurate. I mean, who disguises themselves in goofy costumes and tries to trick intelligent adults into bending rules? It makes no sense. And if she really wanted to flirt with Nick, she shouldn't have spent so much time talking about these Jake and Oliver guys.

If I had to pair them up, I guess I'd go with Demi. She seems to be the nicest out of the two. (I got to meet her last year when she visited one of the concerts—she's the sweetest thing ever!)

(A wave of relief washed through the boy when he read Macy's choice and he realized that he'd actually tensed up upon seeing Miley's name. Macy's description of his relationship with the girl really put things in perspective and he was glad that their communication had ended before it went anywhere. But how did people know about their relationship in the first place?)

9. Raid Joe or Kevin's closet?

Well, actually, they don't… You know what? I'm not going to talk about that. ;)

Kevin's. He's got, like, an ascot collection. I love the ones with duckies on them. And bunnies.

(While he didn't share the girl's admiration of the collection, he had to say that it was impressive. And much less annoying than Joe's arsenal of mirrored sunglasses.)

10. Run your hands through Nick's hair, or cuddle with Kevin?

Okay, secret-sharing time! Anyone who knows Kevin is bound to get at least one hug from him every day. That's just a fact of life. And while Kevin's hugs are great… I've always wanted to touch Nick's hair. Just once, to see what it feels like. It used to be that I'd have the fangirl daydreams, but if I do that nowadays, I'm more prone to, um, accidentally injure one of them. So I just kind of stare at his hair when he's not looking and wish it wasn't creepy to reach out and touch it.

(Nick's face went red and he looked away from the screen for a second. Macy wasn't quite as sneaky as she thought—he'd felt her eyes on him more than once and now he knew what she was thinking when he caught her staring out of the corner of his eye.)

11. Have the boys perform the entire It's About Time CD or JONAS CD in your room?

I'd have to go with their JONAS CD. Stella actually convinced them to play my favorite songs for my birthday over the winter break—I spent an entire half-hour passed out on Nick's lap. (No, it wasn't like that. And I was extremely embarrassed when I woke up and found that I had collapsed on top of poor Nick.)

(Poor Nick? How was he poor Nick? Once again, the boy was frowning. Macy had some serious misconceptions about their relationship.)

12. Have Joe sing Please Be Mine or Hello Beautiful to you?

Please Be Mine. Hello Beautiful is a wonderful song, but it's Nick's. And I can't imagine anyone else singing it. Besides, I'm sure Stella would kill the both of us if he sang either one to me, so I may as well go out with a bang.

(On this note, it seemed, Macy was on the right track. He had no doubts about the doom that would befall Macy and his brother, should this item on the list ever come to pass.)

13. Sit in the backseat of Joe driving or call Mandy and tell her what you think of her?

Oh! Wow, that's a tough one! I've had to sit through Joe's driving (some of the most hilarious moments I've experienced to date happened in that car) and I finally got Nick to tell me who the heck Mandy was anyway. No, you don't get to find out. :P So sorry.

I guess I'd go for Joe's driving. Kevin starts screaming in the front and Nick gets this look on his face. It's like he's just WAITING for the crash to happen. Of course, little 5'3" me in the backseat is having the time of her life, yelling, "FASTER! FASTER! THEY'LL NEVER TAKE US ALIVE!!" and Stella looks like she could rip open a denim seam with her bare hands if she needed to.

I love it when we go through the McDonald's drive-thru.

(The girl was evil. Pure, unadulterated EVIL. He remembered the incident she was referring to, for it was a specific trip they had made shortly after one of their last concerts on the previous summer's tour. The poor McDonald's employees would probably never be the same and his own perception of Macy had been permanently altered. Now, she sat in the front seat with Joe whenever he drove, because she was the only one who could take the middle child's insane driving.)

14. See Nick kissing Miley in person or Joe kissing Demi in person?

Joe kissing Demi. I heard from somewhere that Shane and Mitchie finally get their kiss in the second Camp Rock movie, but I can't remember for the life of me who I heard it from. If it's Joe and Demi, I can just tell myself that it's Shane and Mitchie and avoid throwing up in my mouth a little, which would definitely happen if I saw Nick kissing this Miley chick. How does everybody know about her, anyway?

(Good question, Nick thought, shuddering himself at the thought of kissing Miley. There had been that one time before they'd had to leave Malibu… but he really didn't feel like drudging up the past. Especially not with her.

Of course, Joe and Demi were the lesser of two evils because, once again, the pair would have been doomed to death by Stella. And that was a fate he wished on no one.)

15. Have Nick fall in love with you or have Joe and Kevin both fight for your attention?

I've actually had Joe and Kevin fighting for my attention, believe it or not. But that was because they found out I was naming my favorite JONAS on the website, so I'm not sure it counts in the sense the question is asking. Still, when one JONAS is offering you a foot rub and the other is holding a tray of smoothies, it's hard for a fangirl not to start daydreaming… But I guess I did the diplomatic thing picking Frankie, right?

I guess I'd have to go with Nick falling in love with me. Not that it'd ever happen, but I guess that's why I'd pick it. Because, as crazy as the idea is, it'd be nice to know that he felt the same…

Never mind. Maybe I would pick Joe and Kevin.

Well, that's it! I answered all of these and I won't be answering anymore!

Nick blinked heavily, staring at the screen. His eyes flicked to the time. It was 3:07 am. A smirk crossed his face and he called out to his brother, "Joe, let me see your phone! Mine's charging."

The older boy set down the guitar he'd been plucking at and tossed his phone to his younger brother, but not before looking at the time.

"Who're you calling at three in the morning?" he asked, only to be shushed.

"Hey," Nick said into the phone. "No, it's not Joe. I tricked him out of his phone."

"Tricked?" Joe hissed, once again shushed. He glowered.

"Yeah… yeah," Nick said with a chuckle. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. Are you still in the air? …yeah, Big Man told us your flight was getting in at four."

Now the dark-haired boy dodged away from Joe, who had been about to grab him by the shirt. He covered the mouth of the phone. "Kevin, could you restrain Joe? I tricked him fair and square and now he's just being a dwonk." Trusting Kevin to take care of his brother, he moved to another part of the bus. "Sorry, Mace. I won't keep you for long. I just wanted to tell you that I went to your site."

At the delighted squeal on the other end he couldn't help but grin.

"It was an amazing article, Mace. I can't wait to see what you come up with once you're on the tour," Nick said. "After I was done reading the article, I surfed around a bit. There are some, ah, interesting things in the forums…"

or IS IT?

a/n: Muahaha. I'm pretty sure this is over with, but you never know. Should I continue? Because I kind of like the way I ended it here, even if it was mean and cruel to you guys. I've recently come to realize that I've written a total of, like, one actual love confessions. Kind of sad, really.

I had this idea when I saw the questions posted on the profile of another author. I found myself thinking, 'What if Macy was to answer these questions?'

Sorry to the user that I got the questions from—I've forgotten her name by now. I just remember that she was eleven. D: If you ever stumble across this, drop me a PM or a review so I know to give you credit, okay?

It's unabashedly Nacy, but whatever. Y'all know me by now.

Much love!