So here's whats up: I have graciously been given one hundred prompts, therefore challenging me to write one hundred drabbles in response (though they are really more like a crossbreed between drabbles and ficlets). They all center around Quinn Fabray's character in the past, present, and future. I love her complexity, so I hope you enjoy several of my interpretations of her. Shit's about to get real.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Glee. Sad.


Quinn Fabray started believing in God when she was four years old.

Her sister had a vintage mermaid Barbie (limited edition) with interchangeable fins and aqua streaked hair. It was a Christmas present, but Quinn had her eyes on it the moment her sister ripped through the wrapping paper. When no one had been looking, Quinn's tiny frame maneuvered into her sister's room and she yanked the beautiful perched doll right off the nightstand.

In a state of absolute merriment, she happily began combing the doll's hair, a pleased grin spreading across her face. Green eyes glanced casually back towards the nightstand, and Quinn immediately spotted another artifact to add to her stolen collection: a glittery pink hair pin. Eyes widening with satisfaction, Quinn gripped the doll with her right hand, her left stretching up towards the elevated cabinet. Balancing on her tiptoes, she scrunched her face, her finger tips wriggling as her right arm swung violently back and forth. Suddenly, a loud thump shattered across the room, and mermaid Barbie flew across the room, the right arm still intact in Quinn's minuscule hands. A horrifying gasp escaped her lips, terrified eyes darting from the fallen Barbie to the single arm resting in her sweaty palms. She blinked for several moments before darting back towards the doll and ungracefully shoving the arm back in. Quinn proceeded to throw it back on top of the nightstand before instantly fleeting the scene.

That night, she slipped into her bed, the covers slightly reaching past her head. With eyes shut closed and lips pursed tight, she began doing what her father always advised to do when troubled: pray. She prayed to God that mermaid Barbie's arm would stay in its socket. She prayed no one would notice its messier appearance, and most of all, she prayed that she wouldn't get into any kind of trouble.

The next morning, Quinn's sister happily joined the rest of the family in the kitchen with an oblivious smile and her mermaid Barbie in hand – both arms and all.

Quinn believes in God because it's not always good luck that gets her by. She believes in God because there has to be something bigger out there watching over her. There's too much trouble and pain in the world for only humans to fix, and Quinn needs to know that no matter how badly she screws up, at least there is one person always on her side.

So as she reluctantly caresses her abdomen, Quinn prays and thanks God he is immortal because she is no where near done making her lifetime of mistakes.

Reviews would make you awesome.