Horrah! I'm back and I'm starting off with a different fandom that I hardly dedicate stories to. JONAS. Let's see. It's a Joe/Macy (if you're not a Jacy fan...give it a try). I'm already done with this story so updates should be steady (because I won't have to stress over writing another chapter when I just posted the last chapter...if that makes any sense). And I got some feedback and it seems like this might be a pretty cute story to follow (nudge nudge wink wink).



Little Loyalty

Chapter ONE- Ice Staking


Is it remotely possible to ever forget someone?

Right now I wished there was some type of mind-eraser machine that could permanently remove Joe Lucas from my head because everything that I'd been feeling recently had to be wrong. It was wrong. I've always supported Stella and Joe, and I secretly wished they would fall in love so I could be maid of honor in a JONAS wedding. Imagine what an honor that would be. I never told Stella about that dream because up until now she would have thought I was stupid for thinking they would make a cute couple because in her words they were just good friends. Now, ever since they've been together, though, my willingness to support their relationship has vanished.

Don't get me wrong, I love seeing a JONAS in love. It's like watching snow melt into puddles when the spring time comes. Magical and mystical. And the great thing is that it seems to spill over onto all the brothers - Kevin's cheeks are always sporting a pink tint, Frankie has stopped his scheming and Nick smiles. He SMILES. If that isn't magical then I might have been wrong about magic all these years. But Joe, even though he's with Stella, he's missing something, and I'm guessing it's the magic that happens when two people are really in love.

And I'm the only one who seems to think that there is something wrong.

I don't even understand why I'm so sure something's missing. I've witness their gooey, mushy, and sickening interactions and on the surface it looks like they're in love. There is no doubt in their minds that they are, but I can't help but wonder what Joe's like when he's really in love. Because I know JONAS, and I know that there is something off.

But maybe I'm just a little bit biased.

In case you haven't already figured it out, I've fallen for Joe too. I didn't realize it at first because I've always been such a devoted fan. Of course I loved Joe…and Kevin and Nick too. But after weeks of watching the new couple Joe and Stella, I had to wonder why my chest ached when they held hands under the lunch table or they shyly flirted.

Falling for him happened gradually and luckily, I wasn't jealous of Stella. I love Stella. She's my best friend, and I have always been a very loyal person. I would never do anything to harm her; that's not who I am, but that didn't stop me from wondering how Joe's hand would feel in mine again.

You read right.


Stella invited me to go ice skating with her and her family at the end of February before the rink closed for the year. I wobbled around in some awful fitting stakes that I had to repeatedly adjust, surrounded by Stella's family who were all skating circles around me. In the midst of dodging her loud cousins and her lively aunts and uncles, I saw Joe and his brothers walked into the entrance and I was side tracked. Of course being distracted while trying to relearn skating ended in disaster. I nearly ran over Stella's smaller cousins but successfully avoided them all; unfortunately I swerved around dangerously on the ice and slammed right into the wall. When I opened my eyes, several heads hovered over me, each letting a sigh out of relief.

"She's alive." Stella's shoulders slumped in relief, "Thank goodness. Macy what were you thinking?"

I sat up slowly and avoided looking at Joe who had an amused look on his face.

"I don't know what you mean." I answered.

Stella rolled her eyes, "I'm still having a hard time comprehending how you could hurt yourself on the ice. Weren't you in hockey? If I remember correctly, you skated rings around the competition."

Funny she should mention that I was in hockey. I am very good at hockey and skating on ice should have been a breeze, but there is a huge between hockey and figure skating. My hockey skates are enormous. They are padded very tightly and give me extra support around my ankles which, believe it or not, happen to be very weak since I've sprained both of them (at different times) in track meets. The pair of skates I was using were a size too big for me and my ankles started wobbling the moment I stepped on the ice. Plus, I wasn't used to the stupid toe picks.

"I wasn't paying attention, and I almost ran into one of your cousins." I explained.

"You were trying to avoid them, right?" Joe peered into my eyes, "I saw you swerve right before you slammed into the edge."

I felt my face flush with embarrassment, "Yeah, but I'm fine now. There's no need to worry. Stuff like this happens all the time."

Kevin frowned, "Do you want to skate with us? We just got here."

Stella was quick to answer for me, "Kevin you can't be serious! Let her rest! The three of you-" She pointed at the brothers. "-Shoo, I'll stay with Macy while you have fun."

"No, I'm fine," I piped up. "Stella go skate. I'm going to get some nachos or hot chocolate anyways. I don't need company and it wouldn't be fair to have you babysitting just because I was clumsy enough to almost hurt myself. Really, go."

Stella gave a long look before she nodded and waddled over to the rink in her skates. I watched her glide over the ice for a second before I took off for the concessions. When I returned with my nachos and hot chocolate, I noticed Joe sitting on a bench watching people skate by. I noticed that most of the time his eyes were on Stella, which really shouldn't surprise me. They're together, right?. I sat next to him, placing my food on my lap ready to devour my food. I glance up at Joe who gave me a warm smile and pointed at my hot chocolate.

"Can I have some?" He asked.

I nodded before devouring a chip. Joe sipped my cup and held it in his hands. He hung his head and lightly kicked the skates that were propped up next to his feet.

"Why aren't you skating with Stella?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I was but I don't want to skate until you're out there."

I wanted to clean my ears out. Did he just say that?

"Nick and Kevin didn't believe me when I said I wanted to race with you around the rink and that I would win," Joe explained. "Sure, you might be really good at everything sports related, but I have naturally longer legs and that gives me an edge over you."

I giggled, "You wanted to race me?"

"I only compete with the best," Joe said bluntly.

I rolled my eyes, "Why don't you just skate around with Stella? You know, do the couple thing, hold hands, and accidentally fall on each other?"

"That isn't nearly as exciting as watching you eat my ice dust," Joe said arrogantly. He raised his eyebrows mockingly at me.

"If you're trying to provoke me into racing you, it isn't working," I frowned. "Besides, it wouldn't be a fair race. My skates don't fit me, and I'm not used to these things they gave me."

Joe smirked, "Excuses."

"Do you think I wear a size 8?" I challenged.


"In men's?" I lightly tossed one of my stakes at him so he could see. Joe's lower jaw was firm. He was quiet for a moment until I triumphantly grinned at him.

"Is that why you slammed into…"

I nodded, "Yeah, but it doesn't matter. What does matter is that you're here and she's over there. Honestly, you should go skate with Stella."

"Do you think they have a smaller size so you could skate?" Joe looked over at the stand where they handed out the rented skates. The huge rack behind the vendor was still empty. Joe slumped over and crossed his arms. I had a feeling he was trying to find a way to get his way. Somehow, they way he pouted won me over. I couldn't resist his adorable demeanor when he was trying to hold in that he was upset.

"I'll race you," I announced, thinking that would cheer Joe up. He still appeared grumpy.

"You're just being nice," he mumbled. "And I'm sure you'll let me win just so I can be right for once. Well don't do me any favors."

I slipped on my skates and shrugged, "Suit yourself. Last one on the ice is a rotten egg."

I stumbled on my feet trying to hike my way over to the edge of the ice. Before I stepped on it, Joe zoomed past me and circled me twice. Just like before, I wobbled around barely able to stay on my feet. I had to try and balance myself over and over again to reach Joe on the other side of the rink where he was waiting patiently for me. When I reached him I put on my game face and glared at him.

"Ready to lose?"

Joe just looked at me, so I ignored him and decided to begin the countdown for our race, knowing that I had no chance of actually winning. But I figured it would make him happy.

"On your marks, get set, GO!" I yelled.

Before I took my first disastrous step, Joe held me back. His grip was on my elbow as I turned to look at his stern face. He didn't say anything. He just slipped his hand into mine and helped me skate along slowly and smoothly.

Joe and I were doing something usually reserved for couples and nobody seemed to care all that much. Not even Stella. I'm not sure if she just trusted us both so much that she knew that there was nothing to be jealous over, or if she just never considered me as a possible threat. Either way, a lot went through my mind in those moments of hand holding: guilt that I was enjoying the moment more than I should; curiosity over whether Stella's hand fit perfectly in Joe's like mine did; and worry that Joe could feel my racing heartbeat through my hand. Then I started to mock myself. How could I get so excited over holding hands with a friend? How could I foolishly believed that hand holding with Joe was the best thing ever? I knew he was just trying to be nice; there was no way that he was enjoying this as much as I was. And while I looked up at him, admiring him, Joe steered me away from Stella's many cousins, keeping me from a trip to the ER.

"Watch it there," Joe steadied me.

Then it hit me. I knew what Joe would be like when he was really in love – he'd be cautious. Not personally cautious but he'd be cautious with those he cared about. He'd still be that reckless ball of energy most know him for, but in love he'd be a much tamer version of himself. If he was this protective of someone he saw as a friend, when he loved someone, he would want to wrap them up in bubble wrap and make sure nothing bad every happened to them.

And if that wasn't magical then it must be divine.


Many thanks to suburbs who gave me some great feedback and beta this. I must send a virtual hug to her because she found a way to make this story even better. For those who know her, you can expect that great fluffy romantic touch injected into this. So first chapter is out of the way...
