Hey, there readers, so this is my first ever fan fiction! I just finished it yesterday, and decided to go back on it, and fix it up a bit! So, if you've read this before, you'll notice everything isn't on another paragraph, and I fixed up the fatal mistakes! I'll be doing this for every chapter! I was quite lazy last year, and didn't really edit all too much! So, enjoy!


Chapter one: the tour

Today was my first day at the orphanage: The Wammy House. I moved from Australia to England about two hours ago. The city in England, Winchester that I moved to, was twice the size of the place that I came from.

I slowly trudged behind a blonde haired, blue-eyed boy, about my age. He was giving me a tour of the orphanage. I think his name was Merro, or Mallo. Cannot remember. Well, we hadn't exactly started the tour yet, he was quiet, and I didn't want to piss him off by disturbing his piece, so I didn't bother asking when exactly it was going to start.

Today I wore a pair of grey skinny jeans, a green tank top, and black volleys. The boy wore a black leather jacket, and tight leather pants. He also smelt strongly of chocolate.

I slowly followed him up a set of stairs, when he suddenly turned around. "Would ya fucking hurry up already?" He was obviously pissed off. The boy had a slight accent, a little bit hard to notice, but it was their. It sounded Russian. I said nothing in return for his comment. His eyes suddenly darkened, and he briskly turned around.

When we finally started the tour, we went upstairs first. The boy pointed left; "This is the English section," Then pointed right, "And this is the history section." He sighed. "Alright…" I was tired from the flight, so I was not really bothered saying anything.

"So, how long have you been at this orphanage?" I slowly turned my head to him, and brushed off some loose brown hair from my ponytail, that was in my face. "That's for me to know, and you to never find out." His voice was smug, and rude. I decided to ignore his tone. "Are you Russian?" I asked. His brow lifted. "How did you know?" Now, his tone was filled with curiosity. I just shrugged. "I recognised your accent." I admitted. "Hmm. So, you noticed my accent. Not a lot of people do nowadays." The boy then sighed, and flicked his head to the side. His neat blonde fringe then moved to the side. "So, what part of Russia are you from?" I wanted to start a conversation now. "Eh, I can't remember. I was only little when, my, parents where…" He tilted his head down, and stared at his feet. I put my hand on his shoulder for comfort. The boy quickly snapped his head up. "Hey! Hands off the leather!" It was as if he had Bi-Polar. His whole attitude to me suddenly changed. I quickly retreated my hands to my jean pockets. "Geez, fuckin' sorry." I muttered, rolling my eyes. The boy pulled a cloth out of his pocket, and polished where my hand touched. I laughed at his action. The boy placed the cloth back in his pocket. "What the fuck are you laughing at?" He growled, giving me the evil eye.

"Nothing' much!" I replied, grinning. "Should be." He muttered, never letting his eyes leave mine.

We continued with the tour. The orphanage was big. Very Big. Much bigger than I expected because, well, you know, right? It is an orphanage, and usually orphanages do not have a lot of money to be this big!

The boy and I went floor after floor, together. He pointed out what each floor, or section, was dedicated to, and I nodded. My head was beginning to hurt from it though.

After what seemed like an hour, we walked back down the stairs. Curious of the time, I pulled out my phone from my pocket. "Pfft! That's your phone?" the boy asked raising his eyebrows. He seemed to be in a better mood. "Naaaahhhhhhh! It belongs to a sheep!!" I sarcastically replied, and pointed out the window at a herd of sheep locked behind a fence. "My phone is waaayyy sexier that that!" He said and he pulled out a shiny silver and black iphone. "Oh, you got one of those phones. I hear they break the minute you drop them!" I grinned. Anytime is the right time to piss someone off in my world! Especially some one with an obviously short temper! "My phone, on the other hand, wont. My phone is tough." I said, and childishly poked my tongue out. "It may be almost three years old, but it won't break if I drop it in a puddle, or anywhere!" I laughed. "Wait, so your telling me your phone is almost three years old? Fuck!" He examined the brick in my hand. "Yes, it is almost three years old! Its birthday is in a few months!" I tried to keep a straight face. "So, you celebrate an inanimate objects birthday? That is the first sign of schizophrenia! Does it talk to you? " The boy rolled his eyes. I smirked. "Yes, my phone talks to me! Want to hear!" I pressed the music player, and it played some random heavy metal song. I'm not going to say what it is, because its not important at the moment.

"Anyway. My phone won't break if I drop it on the ground, or in a puddle." I re-mentioned. The boy rolled his eyes. "Bull shit! How about we test that theory?" He asked smugly, and leaning on a convenient wall. "Sure. Let's make a bet." I cracked my finger. "What sort of bet?" He replied, pulling out a new bar of chocolate. I grinned. "Well, if I win, give me all of your chocolate!" I had not had chocolate in a long time! My foster family would not allow it in the house. Especially the mother. She was a health nut, and a crazy bitch. She always treated me like shit. However, I will not talk about that.

"Fine, we'll go up to the top of the stairs, and drop our phones from the balcony. If my phone doesn't break, you have to give me any money you get or have, and whatever chocolate you get or have." The boy offered, and I agreed.

"Race you to the stairs!" I challenged, and bolted in the right direction. The boy smirked, and he darted past me. It surprised me how fast he could run on account of all the leather he was wearing. You would have thought that it would wear him down. Obviously not! I sprinted a bit faster, and caught up to him. He was only beating me by a step now. When he saw that I caught up to him, he moved his small feminine legs faster. He beat me. I could not catch up to him. When I finally made it to staircase, he was collapsed on the bottom step, breathing in great heaves. My upper body was bent over, and had my hands rested on my knees, and I was trying to catch my breath. When I finally caught it, and looked up, the boy was sitting few steps further up than when I last saw him. He had a large smirk painted on his features." So, I noticed that you run fast for a girl, but slow, for an Australian." He laughed, and then suddenly stopped. "You are Australian, right?" I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I am Australian." The boy began to laugh again. "You suck!" He teased. Insulted, I punched him hardly in the arm. "OW!" he winced, cradling his arm. I grinned, and rested my hand on my hip. "You can punch good though!." He added, gritting his teeth. "My arm, it's dead!" He tried to move it, and I noticed it was limp. I smiled at this.

"So, are we going to get on with this thing, or what?" I laughed. "Yeah, just as long as you don't punch me again, it fucking hurt!." And he darted up the steps, forgetting to polish his leather. I laughed, and casually walked up the steps.

The boy and I held our phones off the balcony. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" we chanted, and dropped our phones at '1'. When they landed, I heard a loud crack. We raced each other down the stairs, to see who had failed miserably. I picked up my phone, and not a scratch on it. The boys phone, on the other hand, his had a huge crack in the screen.

"FUCK" he yelled out. "Language!" I insisted. A teacher from a nearby room opened up the door, and poked her head through. "Watch your language, Mello! You know better than that!" and slammed the door. So, that's what his name was. Mello. Lots of things rhyme with that. Yellow, Jell-o, as the American's call it, Hello, Bellow, Cello, Fellow, and Marshmallow. ''Hello, yellow marshmallow!'I could have heaps of fun with that! "Ha-ha! My phones tough as nails! Now, pay up, sonny." I held my hand out. "First, let me see your phone." I handed him my phone, thinking, it is only fair. "Damn. Not a scratch on it." He turned it over. "Not even on the camera…" Mello trailed off. "Pay up!" I repeated, holding my hand out again. He emptied out his pockets, giving me a mountain of chocolate. He looked pissed off. So, having a conscience, (god dammit) I gave him half of the chocolate back, and shoved the rest in my pocket. "thanks" He smiled.

That seemed to of changed his mood.

"Its ok." I grinned. "Now, can I have my phone back?" I added. "Uh, sure," he only just realised it was still in his hands. Mello handed it back, and I shoved it in my pocket as well, having problems with it poking out. "We should finish the tour." He muttered happily. "What else is their to tour?" I asked. "The dorm rooms." He answered. "Oh," I replied, and off we went.

Much better like this, I think! x3 Don't forget to review!! My imaginary friends will be very happy if you do!! X3