Z.O.M.G! A FREAKING BONUS CHAPTER! I cannot believe it, I was actually asked to write another! XD I had no idea that people loved this story so much!

Mello: You know, I never liked it!

Me: Oh, you're just saying that because you're gay!

Mello: What? Where the fuck did that come from?

Me: Or maybe you'd like it if you ended up getting Brae!

Matt: She's mine, sucker!

Mello: So, does it look like I care?

Me: (standing behind Mello and Matt) *Nods and points, mouthing the word 'yes'!*


Brae: Oh, Mello! I know you love me!

Mello: 0/0 I DONOT!

Me: Yes you do! XD

Mello: For the last time, 'T. LOVE. GIRLS!

Me and Matt: *wide eyed* *jaw drops*

Mello: Oh shit! Let me rephrase that-

Me: NO!

Mello: Dang!


Me: Let's stop our lollygagging and somebody please do the disclaimer!

Matt: Oh, teB~ I know you love me! I'll do it~

Me: e.O Are you STILL on about that?

Matt: Yes I am! Our 42 children will agree, right kids?

42 kids: Yep!

Me: e.O Who owns those kids?

Matt: We do! :D

Me: -.- I DON'T own death note OR 42 kids!

Chapter 27: BONUS! :D

The morning light flooded through the half drawn blinds that weren't closed very well, thanks to Matt being far too eager and occupied with other tasks to bother.

Matt and Brae did not stir, despite the warm yellow light shining right in their faces and the birds singing quite loudly at their windows. There was a vibrating sensation on the woman's pillow, beside hers and Matt's head. She groaned and rolled over. Matt barely moved; he was in a very, very deep sleep. Suddenly, loud music began to play. Brae's eyes quickly shot open in shock. She quickly sat up, pulling the blanket over her chest along with her.

They fall in line

One at a time

Ready to play

(I can't see them anyway)

No time to lose

We've got to move

Steady the hand

(I am losing site again)

She felt her heart beat quite harshly against her chest. It was Matt's phone; he was holding it in his hand, which was on her pillow. His face was buried deeply in his own, blocking out anything to do with the outside world surrounding him.

Fire your guns

It's time to roll

Blow me away

(I will stay, unless I may)

After the fall

We'll shake it off

Show me the way

The brunette rolled her eyes at the song; it was 'Blow me away' by Breaking Benjamin. The song was from what she thought was 'Halo 2'. She had to admit, it was a fairly good game, (understatement or not) but seriously? A song from the soundtrack of a game? Well, what would you expect, he is a gamer after all! Brae was just glad that his ringtone wasn't a Star Wars song!

Only the strongest will survive

Lead me to heaven, will we die

I am the shadow on the wall

I'll be the one to save us all

She rubbed her eyes and ran her hand through her long brown hair. She was glad that she grew it out again, it was now past her shoulders. She kicked Matt's leg from under the covers. He barely moved.

There's nothing left

So save your breath

Lying awake

(Caught inside this tidal wave)

Your cover's blown

No where to go

Only your fate

(Only I will walk away)

Brae groaned. "Matt!" She shoved his shoulder. He only mumbled something unintelligible. "Matt!" Brae shoved his shoulder again. This time, he said something a bit louder, but Brae still couldn't put her finger on it. "Matt! GET YOUR FAT GAMERS ASS UP AND ANSWER THE GOD DAMNED FUCKING PHONE!" She exclaimed, shaking and shoving him. Matt slowly opened his eyes.

"Well, you don't need to yell." He mumbled, feeling his face for his goggles. This had become a habit of his every morning. He'd wake up and touch his face and realise he hadn't worn that orange tinted glass to bed for once. Brae wouldn't let him wear them anyway, especially the night before. She wanted to see his eyes at all times. Matt lifted his hand up that was holding the phone. He looked at the caller I.D before answering; it was an unknown number. He narrowed his eyebrows at it and shrugged. He flipped the phone open after shrugging at the brunette who was questioningly gazing at him.

"Hello?" He answered.


"Hello, and sorry for the inconvenience, but the person calling you has an expired number and this call cannot take place. Please contact the person calling you to try again." Said an unnatural, robotic sounding woman. It was obviously a voice recording from the company supporting his number. The red head rolled his eyes and shut his phone.

"Who was it?" Brae asked.

"I don't know. The phone company just said the person calling had an expired number." He answered her.

Brae suspiciously narrowed her eyes. "Isn't it a bit strange that an expired number was calling you?" She asked, reaching over and taking Matt's phone out of his hand. She flipped it open and ignored the wallpaper; Christie Monteiro from 'Tekken 4'. She pressed the green button which opened up the call log. 'Unknown number'. "Do you mind if I call the number?" She asked, not waiting for his reply because she already began to ring it.

"Go ahead, but I doubt it'll work."

Brae pressed the phone to her ear and waited for the dial tone, although she was not expecting it to sound. She waited impatiently. Suddenly, three loud notes began to play through the speakers.

"The number you have called does not exist. Please check the number, and try again." Said the same robotic woman as Matt had had. The brunette growled and closed the phone.

"How could an expired number just suddenly ring you?" She pondered out loud, rubbing her chin. It was unlike her to think so suspiciously over something so minor like this. Matt smirked, holding in a small laugh.

"Before, when the chick on the other end told me that the number was expired, she also told me to contact the person calling me." He laughed. "I don't see how that's possible. God, my phone company is shit!" Brae laughed along with him.

"Who do you think it was?" She eventually asked, after cooling down from her laugh. Matt shrugged, running his hands through his copper hair. His hair had also grown quite long. It hung over his eyes and on his shoulders. Brae thought he looked much better with longer hair, but she'd never tell him that... maybe.

"I don't know, and I don't really care that much, either." He laughed, sitting upright. Brae fell back into bed and rested her hands behind her head and smirked. Matt turned his head to her and raised his eyebrows. "Oh, Brae." He shook his head at her. Brae gave him a confused look. Matt pulled the top of the blanket down for a second before pulling it back up.

"What were you doing?" She asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Nothing..." He grinned. "You have fun last night?" He asked, falling back into bed and leaning over to her. His voice was just a husky whisper. Brae lifted his chin up with her index finger and smiled at him.

"Of cour-" She suddenly stopped as she thought her stomach was going to come out of her mouth. She held her throat as she immediately gagged.

"Oh, shit! Are you alright?" Matt freaked out. Brae gagged again. He quickly sat her up. Her eyes were wide and she was covering her mouth. "Quick! The bathroom" Matt jumped out of bed and ran to her side. Brae said nothing, but continued to gag.

He ran to the bathroom while carrying her. She was wrapped around him like a koala to a eucalyptus tree. His arms were wrapped around her waist as he ran through the opened bathroom door of their new apartment. He fell to his knees so Brae could crawl off his body. She did and she slowly edged towards the toilet. She leant over the bowl and before Matt could run behind her to hold her hair back, she vomited. He quickly went behind her, and tried to hold it back.

After a few minutes, she finally finished and she fell backwards into Matt's embrace. She was breathing heavily and was covered in sweat. "Matt, I'm so sorry." She apologised. Her voice was a husky whisper.

"It's alright. We should have a shower." He suggested. Brae sat up very slowly and tiredly. Matt stood and pulled her up. She felt as if she couldn't stand by herself. She felt dizzy, like she could collapse at any second. Matt opened the glass door of the shower cubicle and led her in. They didn't need to bother taking their clothes off, so he turned the taps on immediately and let the hot water soak them both.

Matt grabbed the wash cloth that was hanging on the shaft of the faucet. He held it under the tap and made sure it was wet enough. Brae was staring at her feet, not even bothering to look up. Matt lifted her chin up and dark brown eyes met with bright green ones. Matt used the wet wash cloth and wiped her face clean with gentle strokes. Brae smiled and held the hand that was wiping her face.

"You don't need to clean me." She mumbled playfully. Matt grinned at her and dropped the wash cloth on the floor by their feet. He tilted his head and gently kissed her. Brae softly kissed back and pulled away.

They spent a long time in the shower together, washing each other and just talking and holding each other until Matt heard his phone ring again. He sighed.

"You enjoy the shower, I'll answer the phone. Hopefully this time it won't be an expired number." He laughed. Brae nodded and turned the hot tap up further. Matt opened up the door, walked out and picked up his towel that was hanging on the towel rack in the corner. As he walked out of the bathroom, he wrapped the towel loosely around his waist and found his phone on his bed in his and Brae's room.

"Hello?" He answered boredly. There was silence on the end.


"Hello?" Matt asked again. He was just about to hang up when he heard a noise. It sounded like... breathing?

"Matt? Is that you?" Somebody asked on the other end. The voice sounded strangely familiar. Matt just couldn't think of who it was. It couldn't be Mello could it?

"Who is this?" The red head demanded.

"Matt! Who the fuck do you think it is? Who else would fucking call you in the middle of- wait. Are you still in America?"

"Mello? Is that you?"

"Who else would it be! Now answer my god damned question!" He snapped. Matt grinned. It'd been so long since he had seen his best friend- nearly two years.

"Yeah, we're still in America." He answered.

"'We're'? You're still with Brae?" He asked.

"Yeah, I am. She's sick at the moment. A little while after she woke up, she needed to puke." He grimaced. There was silence on the other end.


Matt decided to stay silent as well. He remembered the last time he interrupted Mello while he was thinking. He ended up with a kick in the guts and a broken nose. He never disturbed him again.



"Was that the first time she has puked in the morning shortly after waking?" The blonde asked.




"..." Mello remained silent for a minute. Matt wondered why Mello was so curious to find out if that was the first time she had puked this week, or something. "...Never mind." Matt sighed.

"Tell me what you were thinking."

"..." Matt heard Mello sigh on the other end. "Did you happen to..." He trailed off.

"Happen to what?"

Mello cleared his throat, hoping he'd get the message. No luck. Matt waited for him to finish his sentence. "...Never mind." Matt groaned again. Why wouldn't Mello just tell him what was in his mind?

"Whatever. So, you called me?"

"Yes. I've assigned myself to a new case." The blonde began.

"Really, now?" Matt grinned.


"Where are you?"

"I'm on the other side of the world."

"Where abouts?"

"I'm actually in Australia." The blonde told him. Matt raised his eyebrows. "I can't tell you the exact reason why on the phone."

"Fair enough."

"I'm going to be back in L.A tomorrow, I'll tell you then. Oh, I'll be brining some... company as well..."

"You want a place to stay?" Matt guessed.

"I can get my own hotel, don't worry about that..." Mello trailed off, like he was deciding whether to say something or not. "...Matt."


"...About Brae..."

"What is it?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Has she ever told you why her family was..."



"No. She hasn't, I wouldn't think that she would know. Why?" He asked suspiciously.

"I'll tell you tomorrow. If she doesn't know, maybe she should hear."

"Matt? Who's on the phone?" Brae called from the bathroom. She had just climbed out of the interior of the shower. Hot steam was flooding the room, making it stuffy inside the area. The brunette opened the door and wandered out, tightly holding a clean blue towel around her body. She didn't walk straight up to Matt to see who he was talking to, instead she walked into the bedroom, half closing the door behind her.

"Is that Brae?" The blonde asked via Matt's mobile.

"Yeah, she asked who I was talking to."

"Tell her that you are talking to a man from EB games, informing you that a new game that you have been waiting for a week for has just come in." Mello told him. Matt quirked a brow.

"Why?" He asked. What was Mello trying to hide?

"Because she'll ask too many questions. It's not that I don't trust her, but I really don't feel like answering the same questions you have already asked me."

"How about later I just tell her it was you?"

"Matt, I already told you what to say. I'll come over tomorrow and answer her questions personally." The blonde snapped, rolling his eyes.

"But you don't know where we live! We moved apartments shortly after you left."

Mello sighed on the other end. "Matt. I said I'd bring some company, remember? Well, this 'company' that I'm bringing are not ordinary people. They'd be able to find out where freaking Atlantis is if they wanted to."

"... Is it Near and the SPK?"

"NO! You know I don't like Near! Why the fuck would I involve myself with that freak!"

"..." Matt smirked. "Sure."

"I've got to go. I'll show up early in the morning so you and your girlfriend better be up- I know how long you both sleep in for and why!"

Matt laughed. "Yeah, I'm sure you do. See ya." Mello hung up on the other end and Matt closed his phone.

Brae came out of the bedroom fully clothed. She was wearing dark grey skinny jeans and layered two tops- a white tank top on the bottom and a black on top. The white one was longer than the black, which only stopped just over her studded black belt. The white tank top finished over her bottom.

"Who was it?" She repeated. Her head was tilted to the side because she was towel drying her hair. Matt threw his phone onto the couch and walked towards her. He was contemplating whether to tell her the truth, or what Mello had told him to say. He didn't want to lie to her, but he didn't exactly want to blow Mello's cover, either. Usually with the stuff Mello gets involved with, it's pretty life threatening.

"It was just a man from EB games. He told me that another copy of Kane and Lynch: Dog Days has come in stock." He lied. Matt already had a copy of that game somewhere. He had only cracked about 20 times over. It was just the first game that he had thought of and one that Brae probably wouldn't notice him lying about.

"Alright. I need to get some stuff from the shop anyway. Are you going now?" She asked. Matt briefly nodded.

"Ahh, yeah. We should probably head off to the Centro soon before somebody else gets the game." Matt felt a knot grow in his stomach- he had just lied to the one person who actually cared for him, somebody who didn't laugh at his name or at his hatred of rain! What would happen if she found out?

Brae smiled and stood on the tips of her toes to kiss him on the forehead. "Stop with the worried expression, nobody else will buy it!" She laughed and walked back in the room- probably to retrieve her phone and wallet. Matt followed her in, tightly clutching his towel till his knuckles were white.


Matt drove into two car spaces so his red car- which had only recently been repaired- would not get a scratch. He had spent a lot of money to get new panels, doors, windows and to bump every dent out. He loved his car.

The two climbed out and met at the boot of the vehicle. They held each other's hands as they wandered into the building.

"You go into EB and get your game while I'll go to the Safeway and get some stuff." Brae decided.

"Yeah, sure." Matt was glad that she didn't want to come into the store with him. Usually he didn't mind when she did, actually he wanted her to sometimes but this one time he had luck on his side. Brae was also glad that Matt didn't seem to want to go to the Safeway with her. Like in Matt's case, she usually wanted him to join her but not today.

After they travelled down the escalator together, they separated to follow through with the plan.

... ... ...

Matt wandered the aisles and aisles of games that they had in possession of the store. At the front entrance, there were always bargain boxes and second hand games. Matt usually found a good deal with them, but he decided to wander deep inside, to the few games in the back row. The games that were situated on the almost bare shelves were old ones. Ones that go on original XBOX's and Play Stations. There were even a few for the old Gameboys' that had no colour. But the games were the very unpopular ones that never sold very well. Matt didn't even know that these shelves even had old games on them.

He studied the cover of one of the XBOX games. It looked like a children's game. 'Voodoo Vince.' Matt raised his eyebrow. The picture was of a very creepy looking voodoo doll. He had nothing to do, so he flipped the case to its back and read the blurb... A very childish and creepy looking game. Matt smirked at the cover and placed it back on the shelf.

He wandered further in. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed somebody sitting on one of bare shelves. It looked almost like a woman. She was holding something in her hands. Matt felt something strange as he looked at her. He couldn't identify what it was. He took a few steps further towards her. The woman noticed his presence and looked up.

Her dark blue eyes studied his green ones. Matt made sure he was a distance away so he could pretend not to notice her. He turned and looked at the shelf. There were no games on it. The woman shifted her position, her long dark hair fell over her eyes. The thing she was looking at was a limited edition Pokémon GameBoy colour. Matt turned his head and glanced at her, easily identifying the object she was holding. He could recall having an exact device like that when he was only young. He even owned the same edition as the one the dark haired stranger was holding in her grasp.

Matt decided to turn around and walk to a further shelf. Even from a distance, he could tell that there were no games on those shelves. They were as bare as a naked baby's bottom. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

The strange woman watched Matt from her seat on the empty shelf. The GameBoy she was holding brought back many memories of her past. Some were good and some... weren't as good. The device was hers after it was given to her when she was around 9.

Matt wondered if Brae had finished in the grocery store. He pulled out his phone and opened it, wondering if she had left him message telling him where she was. None. All that she could see was a picture of Christie Monteiro from one of his old games, Tekken 4. He closed it and pushed it into his pocket. He turned his head and stared straight back at the mysterious woman who was watching him.

She didn't say anything once she realised Matt was staring right back at her. She didn't even revert her eyes away. As he watched her back, he had that strange feeling again.

"Who are you?" He asked, sounding more curious than what he wanted to be. The woman's eyes fell to her knees.

"I wish I knew." She answered truthfully. The woman was wearing black high heeled shoes that looked quite expensive and a black ruffled skirt that was mid thigh length. This woman definitely did not look like she had just crawled out of the gutter, and she definitely did not look like the type of woman to be a gamer. She must have been with somebody.

Matt rocked back and forth on his feet. "So... That's a limited edition Gameboy..." He pointed out, only trying to make conversation. The woman made a small smile and looked at the device in her hands.

"Yeah. It was my brothers." She clutched the object tighter. "I miss him."

Matt cleared his throat. "Where is he?" He asked.

"They told me he died. I find it hard to believe that."

"Why is that?"

The woman sighed and tried to blink back tears that were already forming in her eyes. "I'm not looking for pity." She stated. Her voice broke and she cursed under her breath, that was not what she was intending.

"Fair enough. We are complete strangers. I wouldn't ever tell you everything about me, even if we were best friends." Matt smirked. Indeed he would not, he had to keep his life a secret thanks to his involvement with the late detective L, who was currently deceased despite nobody knowing.

The woman sighed again. "What's your name?" She asked.

"Uh- Matt." He answered quickly. The woman smiled, as if reminiscing something. She made a small sound, which was later identified as a laugh.

"My brother wanted to be called that."

'...So did I...' The red head thought.

Matt was very suspicious of this woman. There was something... strange between the connection he was having with her at the moment. That odd feeling he was having had not ceased and this woman... about her brother... Some of the things she spoke of seemed kind of coincidental...

"Are you orphaned?" The question just fell out of his mouth, like he had not control over his tongue.

The question took the woman by surprise, she perked up and stared at him critically. She could hear her heartbeat drum loudly in her ears. Her mouth parted. She didn't say anything for a few seconds before she felt the words fall out of her mouth. "Who are you?" She demanded, her tone was sharp.

"I already told you, my name is Matt." He answered. The woman stood up and her head fell in the palm of her hand. She eventually looked up. Small black streaks ran down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry." She apologised. She turned around, and sat back down on the shelf again. "I'm just under lots of stress." She took a deep breath. "Can you answer me a question?" She began, looking up at him.

"Yeah, sure." Matt took a step back, and leant on the shelf behind him.

"Your hair is dark red. Is it natural?" Before Matt could answer, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at her for approval. He didn't want to be rude. The woman nodded. He flipped his phone open; 1 new message. He pressed show and read the text from Brae:


I'm the food court. U still EB?

Matt looked up from his phone. The woman was gone, all that was left was her brothers GameBoy. The red head picked it up from the shelf. It was kept in excellent condition for something as old as this. He turned the device around in his hand. His eyes widened and he gasped, nearly dropping the device to the floor at the site before him. "I-I can't believe this." He whispered. He shoved his phone inside his back pocket and turned around to the way he got in. There was no way that woman would have been able to sneak out that way without him noticing. He power walked further in the old aisle, hoping to find her.


Brae sat tiredly by herself in front of a coffee bar in the food courts. She spared no glance at the hot drink she had bought herself, instead, she stared at the small box she had purchased from Safeway. She took a nervous sip from her hot chocolate as she read the label over and over again. She rested her elbows on the table while her hands were brushing through her bangs uneasily.

She was only 21 years old, she didn't need to deal with all of this stress. She read the label of the box again and cringed at the knot that was growing in her stomach. She glanced up and noticed Matt coming towards her. She dropped the box deep inside the plastic bag holding the rest of her groceries. He pulled up a chair in front of her and sat down.

"You look worried." He pointed out, placing something unfamiliar on the table.

Brae closed her eyes. She wanted to tell him what she was worried about, but she feared his reaction. "Don't worry." She told him. Matt shifted the foreign object to her.

"Look at this. Limited edition Pokémon GameBoy." Brae dropped her hands to the table and picked the device up.

"Nice, it's in great condition." She commented, making sure her voice sounded as smooth and worry free as she could.

"That's not exactly why I wanted you to look at it." Brae looked up at him curiously. "Turn it around." Brae did so. Her eyes widened majorly and her mouth gaped invisible words.

M. Jeevas

... .. ...

Yay! It was the bonus chapter! Oh yeah, this is the last and final chapter for this story, and I know I left loose ends. I left them for a reason: I'm writing a sequel soon! :D

I don't know what its going to be called, but don't fret because MELLO will be in it! :D XD It'll be up soon, hopefully. Anyway, all you need to do:


2: Favourite!

3. Author alert me so you can read the story as soon as it come out on FanFiction!

:D I really, really, really hoped you enjoyed this extra long chappy! :D