Cherub Rules

I will not poke the red shirts with spoons, no matter how annoying they are.

No matter how good an Australian accent I can do, I will not do imitations of Rat getting paddled by Georgie, even if it turns my girlfriend/boyfriend on.

Starting a betting pool on how many girls James Adams will get through this year is not an appropriate economics project.

I will not shave Meatball.

I will not ask Kazakov if it is his time of the month, he does not find it amusing.

Dana Smith has got too much soap already, please do not supply her with more, no matter how 'cheesy' she is.

Asking a Black Shirt 'How do you keep a Black Shirt in suspense' then walking away was not funny the first time, or the other 450 times.

It was not an honest mistake.

I am no longer allowed in the staff laundry, nor is any student who has pink dye.

When someone accuses me of not wearing pants, attempting to disprove them is not pleasant.

Especially if they are right.

Meryl is not interested in naked wrestling.

No matter how many times you ask her for a match.

She would beat you anyway.

Public sex is not suitable in the red shirt block. Nor is it in any other place.

Large is not my sugar daddy, nor does he want to be.

Meatball does not enjoy eating things that you found under your bed, no matter how many trips to the dustbin it saves you.

Lauren is still a vegetarian; regardless of how many pieces of bacon you have secretly fed her.

Telling James Adams 'yo mama' jokes will result in you being punched in the head, and then subsequently punished.

Orgies are not a way of getting extra credit, no matter how many people you 'include.'

Kyle doesn't like returning to his room to find something is out of place but he can't tell what, so please stop moving his laptop three millimeters to the left, last time he cried.

There is no relationship going on between Meatball and Thatcher, no matter how many photo shopped pictures I create.

Mr. Large does not feel any sexual feelings towards me, he was frisking me, NOT feeling me up.

I should have realized this when he shot me in the head at close range with a compressed paint bullet in a gun.

My sister isn't to be told Christmas is Suspended pending Investigation because Santa smuggles drugs in his sleigh.

Even if I like to make her cry.

I will not stick a massive piece Mistletoe to my head and insist on every female person who goes near me kissing me.

Nor will I stick a large Mistletoe strand on my cock and insist on the same.

I will not shave my pubes in public.

CHERUB campus counts as a public area in this case.