He left me. Alone and broken. As I lay on the floor in the meadow, I sobbed, tearless sobs at that. No water was left in my eyes. I felt drained, like the very thing that was keeping me alive was gone, and I didn't know what to do. I felt strong arms around me, and soon after I heard the sound of Charlie's voice, and then me being switched over into his arms. I didn't give up a fight. I had no energy left in my body. I felt like a zombie. And for those next few months I was.

All I could do was eat, go to school, do my homework and stare out the window. No thoughts ran through my head. At night, nightmares enslaved my body, until Charlie came in to wake me up. At school, I just sat at their table, thinking back to the memories I'd had sitting their. My friends ignored me, but they were worried for me. I could tell. I could feel myself pulling apart at the seems and my parents were getting worried. I knew that I had to end mine and everyone's misery. I was going to the Volturi.