
Chapter IV: the minor chord, the major lift



"I think you take better care of your fish than you take care of your self." Sasuke states from the other side of the tank.

While, I on the opposite end admire my beauty of a fish and feed it little fish pebbles.

"Well obviously, I love my fish."

Although his flawless face is a little distorted from looking through the water, I can see one of his eye brows lifted in puzzlement while staring curiously at Dwight. (He's named after Dwight from the office. Seriously, I'm a dork like that.)

"You're weird…" he comments. I stick my tongue out at him through the glass.

"And all this space is for that one thing?" he questions as he taps the five gallon fish tank.

"The thing is a he and his name is Dwight."

"His name's just as weird as you." I was about to burst out into a rampage about how great the office is and how he couldn't appreciate its genuine comedy but he beats me as he says

"c'mon, we're going to be late for English."


It's about half the term into our school year and in times like this a huge project roles around and smashes you in the face.

"You will each make a successful documentary on your partner for the next few days. You may write a five page research paper or a video log on your partner. "Kakashi-sensei says as he lazily screeches the chalk against the board as he writes the due date.

"During the documentary, you will collect information to determine if the subject is an average teenager that suits the role of this modern society. The top three projects will be posted on our school website. Make it nice and pretty kids, colleges will look at this for analysis. Take the rest of the period to write quick notes on your partner." he finishes as he bums out on his chair and pulls out a novel.

"So which are you going to do?" I turn to ask Sasuke.

"Research paper, obviously." He flatly states as he props his knees against the table.

"Oh good, I'll do the video log then." I've been dying to try out my new Nikon camcorder anyway.

"Um, how about no?"

"What do you mean no?" I almost sneer.

"I'm not going to have a video camera shoved in my face for a week Sakura." He says as he doodles on his notebook.

"WHAT? You can't be serious! Just because you're camera shy I'm going to get a crappy grade?"

"Why can't you write a research paper like me then? And who says I'm camera shy??" he argues back.

"Because I want to do a friggin' vlog, that's why! And obviously your camera shy! You can't even take a photo with your best friend!" the last part is false, he probably just hates being photographed but I'm planning on winning this argument like that; challenging his masculinity.

"No is no Sakura."

Then suddenly, something comes to my head and I also start to casually doodle on my notebook.

"I guess I can switch with a dying fan girl here… I mean, I'm sure someone in this class won't mind being vlogged."

I see him miss a loop on his artsy doodle.

"Hmm, who to pick… Ah, maybe Karin!"

"You annoying banshee, I swear-"

I stand up from my seat call out

"Hey ka-!" but I got cut off by Sasuke suddenly yanking me down back in my seat.

"You're really low, you know that?" he says as he smothers my grinning mouth with his hand.

"At least my grades won't be low as me then." I say muffled through his fingers.

He sighs as he runs his hand through his hair.

"So that's a yes?"


"Perfect." I say grinning widely at him.

Its day five since I've been recording Sasuke-kun nonstop, and he's been very tolerant of me. A lot of recordings that I took will have to be cut off, but I'll definitely save them to my laptop, it's too precious and funny to be clicked away to the trash. I've been asking him all sorts of questions and today's the last day for me and I'll edit the whole thing by Monday.

"So, what's a typical afternoon for Uchiha Sasuke on a Saturday?" I ask in an annoying paparazzi voice as we both walk down the street in an extremely fast pace while I hold the camera right next to his face. I guess he's walking so fast cause this is embarrassing or something.

"Nothing much."

"Where are we going today Mr. Uchiha?"

He nudges his head to the side and I point the camera to a sigh above the automatic doors. –Konoha Organic Groceries the finest vegetables and fruits in town!

By the time I refocus the camera on Sasuke, he's already walking inside the market.

"Hey wait!" I yell as I run over to him. I swing the camera here and there until he stops in the vegetable section.

"Tomatoes?" I point out curiously.

"I like tomatoes." He says as he bags nine or ten of them in a plastic bag. I get my paparazzi mode back on.

"So, as a tomato lover, which would you say in the biggest controversy of all time? Is the tomato a fruit or a vegetable?" he rolls his eyes and walks away.

As we walk down the produce aisle he asks

"When are you going to shut that thing off?"

"When I catch you doing something embarrassing, that's when." I say sarcastically and shut it off.

"hn. Let's go for a walk to the library hall."

I smile suddenly, my cheeks lifted up high in the sudden joy.

Joy that I never pay attention to, joy that I'm going to go spend the afternoon with him alone.

"Kay." I follow him out the door.

" –And also, Sasuke Uchiha is relatively an active student, which brings many benefits in this growing society."

Sasuke dribbles the ball and makes a shot at the basketball hoop; targeting it perfectly.

"HEY! HEY! I'm in your camera!" Naruto suddenly bursts out, his face dominating the whole screen.

"And he sucks at basket ball! I'm the team captain for a reason, believe it!" Sasuke gives a finger to Naruto from the distance, in which Sakura had kindly blurred and pixel out. He jogs towards Sasuke as he trips (on the absolute flat surface of the basketball court) and continues towards him.

"He is a studious teenager who studies every other night by reviewing notes and reading ahead in certain textbooks." Being in his dorm room now Sakura zooms in closely into Sasuke's face while he studies at his desk and pokes his head. Sasuke ignores and continues reading the textbook.

"So what is Mr. Uchiha advancing his knowledge on?" he moves his eyes and spares a glance at the camera and goes back to reading the chapter. The camera swings focus onto the book. "Economics and Business in the Urban Society"

"It seems so that the subject will be a fitful achiever of owning a company as a business man."

Scene changes to Sasuke and Naruto playing chess. Sasuke with a calm usual poker face on while Naruto with a burning look of concentration on his face. (More like the face one would make when using the toilet)

"Check mate." Sasuke says as he knocks over Naruto's king with a pawn, which causes Naruto to say

"ARGH!-beep- you teme! –beep- you! You and your –beep- pawn can go make out! –BEEP-!" as he flips over the chess board in frustration. Censoring all those cusses were quite challenging.

"Through out my five day research on the subject Sasuke Uchiha, it has come to a conclusion that yes; Sasuke Uchiha is the everyday average student of this modern 21st century and will continue to advance towards the professional world mainly and probably in subject of business."

The word "fin." Appears on the screen.

"Seems like Naruto has some anger issues… -"No I don't!"- Very thorough and nicely done though Sakura." Kakashi sensei comments as he turns the lights back on in the class. Obviously all the girls were on the edge of their seats, being that their sex fantasy boy was on the television.

"Thank you sir." I mumble. Another student walks up the front of the class to read his research paper. I turn to Sasuke and ask

"So what'ya think?" I say in a whisper.


"hn can mean so many things right now." I hiss as I narrow my eyes at him.

"It was okay." He mumbles. I slap his arm in outrage.

"Okay? Just okay? That was a lot of effort into a ten minute video on your boring life!"

"It was a masterpiece." He replies dryly.

"That's better. Now let me read your paper on me."


"Why not? Are you embarrassed that it's not as good as mineee?" I tease.

"No, because I already handed it in yesterday, dummy."


So while I was heading to my dorm, I heard Sasuke talk to someone just as I turned a corner in the hall ways. Actually, he was talking on the phone. He didn't talk much, just as usual. A little "hn's" and sighs here and there, but what really got me wondering was when he told the person on the other line

"Back off, we both know you're nothing to the inheritance, or my life." I hear the phone slap into a shut.

I somehow had this feeling that I wasn't supposed to hear any of that, or even have stood there. It was something even fate would disapprove of. I slowly tip toe back to another corridor to reach my room.

I plop down into my swivel chair and drop the huge calculus textbook on to the desk and sigh. I know I'm in high school and I should "man up", but sometimes I honest to god really dread homework. I boot my macbook and log on to the school website to get the homework pages. While scrolling down I see "Advanced Literature Research Paper- Hatake Kakashi 107- it must be the top three papers and videos. I drag my finger across the mouse pad and click on the link to see if I made it. I probably did, I'm awesome. But before I even look at mine, I see that Sasuke-kun's paper had made it to the top three. I feel a toothy grin come on my face and click to read it.

After reading it for a while, (and I mean awhile because he wrote eight pages instead of five, loser.) I realize how much he actually knows about me. He must be really observant, like, pro-stalker observant because I don't remember talking about my self a lot. I finally read the last paragraph.

Sakura Haruno shows many traits of an average teenage girl. She enjoys social time with her few close friends, indulges herself in music and reads a wide range in genre of books. But, correspondingly to these favorable traits and behavior, her perspectives and understandings are measured to a completely different mentality compared to an average teenager. Haruno shows a sophisticated level of understanding in many of the literature she enjoys. In reference to one of her all time favorite book "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, she quotes "I think she wrote this book as a refuge to escape reality and how brutal it is. She creates a whole other world where people don't know about pain and death. But in the end she resolves her issues by symbolically pointing out the joys you'd miss out in life if pain didn't exist when Jonas runs away with Gabriel." Her opinions shed light to thoughts that usually go unnoticed and open up ideas to people who listen. Therefore, through out my research I have concluded that Sakura Haruno is not an average teenage girl. But to contradiction, she is more than eligible to suite her role as a young woman in this modern society. Her view of the world is that of through maturely experienced eyes and mind. She is able to distinctly identify her self and her beliefs, something that almost all of the average teenagers struggle to succeed in. Sakura Haruno is a person to be idolized.

I'm out of breath by the time I finish. Speechless, in awe. I blink hard from staring at the screen for so long and see that my eyes are wet, tearing. I feel so silly right now, like an over sensitive little girl. But I couldn't help it; I've never felt so appreciated before.

Three knocks that came from my door snaps me out of my thought. I quickly wipe the small amount of tears with my sleeves and open the door.

"c'mon, Naruto wants to eat ramen. " Sasuke says with a bored look on his face. Er, well he always looks bored.

I look at him longer than I should and say "um- yeah, of course."

He raises a brow. "What's wrong with you? You're acting weirder than usual. And what's wrong with your eyes?"

"Oh, um nothing, they're just a little dry I guess. Heh." I mumble as I viciously rub my eyes even more.

"tch, weirdo."

He seems too good to be true. All the sudden he seems to be a treasure in my life.

Heh, major writers block. Don't be surprised, I always have writers block. Anyway, this chapter… well I don't know what I say. Maybe the most intense out of all of them.

I just wanted to announce that I appreciate all your reviews I mean like, they totally make my day.

Reviews darlings, reviews