A/N: Hey guys, this is my first ever published fic. I love the idea of a Meredith/Addison pairing, I know its unrealistic but it's nice to dream! This is also my first time writing the more smutty stuff so I apologize if it's rubbish! Hope you enjoy! REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!

Also 'Corner Of Your Heart' is a song by the fantastic Ingrid Michaelson, its actually been featured in an episode of Greys =)

"Meredith Grey! Get back in that bed now!" Addison ordered the young intern.

"I'm bored of being in bed, it's no fun!"

"Are you on morphine again?"


"Get back in the bed, you almost died 2 days ago, you DID die 2 days ago, thanks to these fantastic doctors you're alive so do us all a favour and get back in that bed and rest"

"Yes ma'am" Meredith saluted.

"Don't call be ma'am, you make me sound like I'm 80"


"And, I better go, I have babies to save"

"Wait, Addison, why are you here?"

"What do you mean?"

"You hate me, I'm the slutty intern who stole your husband"

"Your not a slut, and you didn't technically steal him but I'm here because I care Meredith, seeing you lying there, dying, it was, horrible"

"Oh, OK, well I'll erm see you later then"

"Yes, you will"

'911, my room now! Mer x'

Cristina looked at her pager, "Great, more Meredith drama, that girl will be the end of me one day!" she thought to herself.

"What now!" Cristina said popping her head into Meredith's room.

"Smooth Cristina, anyway, I just need to ask you something, come in and shut the door"

"OK, shoot!"

"Is it weird that Addison keeps coming to see me?"

"A little bit but I don't know Mer, you should have seen the way she looked at you when you were, well dead"

"What d'you mean?"

"She looked worried, I mean seriously worried, worse than Derek"

"What does that mean though?"

"Why the hell are you asking me?"

"Because you're my person"

"I might be your person Mer but the way Satan was looking at you, she wanted to be more than your person"

"Shut up! Don't be stupid! Now go be a doctor"

"Later Mer!"

'Come and see me ASAP! Mer x'

"Alex I have to go and do...something just page me if anything goes wrong" said Addison.

"You got it!" Alex replied.

"You paged Grey?"

"Yeah, come in, shut the door"

Addison closed the door behind her.

"Come over here, sit" Meredith gestured towards the chair next to her bed "And, relax Addison, you look tense"

"I'm fine"

"I don't quite know how to put this but I was talking to Cristina, she said when I was, dead, doesn't that sound weird, saying I was dead"

"Your rambling Grey"

"Right, yes, my point, well she said you looked worried, worse than Derek worried"

"Well, I.."

Meredith waited for Addison to continue, "Well, you.."

"I mean, I was worried"

"But why?"

"You ask too many questions Meredith"

"I know, thats my other thing, I have rambling and I have questions"

Addison laughed "Yep, thats you, OK, I'm just going to have to say it aren't I, oh god I can't believe I'm going to say this to you"

"Now you're rambling"

"I love you Meredith Grey"

"I'm sorry what did you say?"

"I love you"

"But you're straight, you like guys, like Derek, Mark, Alex, and don't say you don't like Alex, I've done a lot of watching this past few days. You like Alex, you like guys!"

"I know I like guys but that doesn't stop me liking you"

"But I'm with Derek, your ex-husband, a guy"

"You can stop saying that guy thing"


"I should leave"

"No wait Addison"

"What Grey, what can you possibly say to make this better?"

"I...I...I don't know"

"So, I'm leaving"

Meredith lay there, stunned, "Hoooly Crap" she sighed.