A/N: Ok, so i whimped out a little and i'm not writing another chapter, this is it folks, the end. I completely lost all of my love for this fic, i am happy with this ending though =) I have 2 chaptered Mer/Add fics in the works and a couple of one-shots so you can forgive me for ending this, i hope! Oh and on a really happy 'yay for equality' note, the gay community of Washington DC are now free to get married! So really all that mindless rambling in my last authors note can be forgotten!

So, review please =) And don't kill me for ending this! All my love, iam-kelly.

"So, Addison, we need to talk about, our, our future" Meredith stuttered.

"Why do you sound so scared Mer?"

"It's just, I want to make a suggestion and I've given it a lot of thought and I was thinking, maybe we could, maybe we could think about, having a baby"

"A baby?" Addison smiled "That's all you wanted to ask me, you wanted to ask me about having a baby"


Addison almost leapt across the table and pulled Meredith in for a hug.

"I'm guessing this is a yes"

"Yes its a yes! So how are we going to do this, are we going to adopt because that could be really hard or.."

"I was thinking we could use a sperm donor, maybe try and get some characteristics similar to yours"

"You would do that, you'd carry a baby for us"

"Of course I would, you're my wife Addison!"

"I love you"

4 months later….

"Congratulations, you are well and truly pregnant Meredith" Cristina said handing her the pregnancy test results.

"Oh my god, it worked, it worked!" she cried "I have to go and find Addison" Meredith pushed past Cristina and ran down the hallway.

"Shit, she's in surgery" she sighed.

Meredith stood in the scrub room watching Addison close up her patient, she grabbed a mask and covered her face, no matter how unprofessional it was she couldn't wait.

"Dr Montgomery-Grey, I know this isn't the time but, Addie, I'm pregnant"

"What?!" Addison said her eyes averting to Meredith's "Dr Stevens can you close" she said handing over the equipment "Did you just say pregnant?"

"Yeah, I just did the test and I'm, it worked Addison, I'm pregnant!"

"Oh my god" Addison squealed and wrapped herself around Meredith "We're having a baby! Wait outside honey, I'll just clean up here"

"Ok, I love you"

"Don't you think it's funny that the day you find out you're pregnant is the same date as our first kiss" Addison said as she pulled Meredith in a hug.

"You're right, the day everything changed, the day you seduced me"

"What! I didn't seduce you"

"Yes you did, you told me you loved me, you kissed me, you down right seduced me Addison"

"Ok so maybe I did seduce you but I don't remember you complaining"

8 months later….

"She's so beautiful" Meredith smiled as they sat in bed cradling their newborn daughter.

"Just like you"

"We still need a name"

"I think I have one"

"Yeah? Ok, shoot"

"Katie Elouise Forbes Montgomery-Grey"

"It's perfect, she'll be last to leave the classroom when they learn to spell their names but its perfect"

"I got a call from someone yesterday, they want to come round and see her"

"Yeah, who?"



"I think he's finally accepted it Mer, I think us having Katie has made it all real to him, lets just try and be friends"

"I can do that"


4 years later….

"Katie honey you need to come downstairs, Uncle Derek and Uncle Mark are coming over any minute now" Addison shouted up the stairs.

"Coming Mama, I'm coming" Katie ran down the stairs landing straight in front of Addison.

"Katie, what are you wearing?" Addison laughed.

"What?! I'm a princess today, Uncle Mark says I'm a princess" Katie smiled.

"Mer come here" Addison shouted.

"What? Oh Katie!" She laughed looking at the image in front of her, on top of her jeans and t-shirt Katie wore her Cinderella costume, decorated with several dress up bead necklaces, a broken wand, fairy wings and red lipstick on her face.

"Who's lipstick is that?" Addison asked.

"Um, yours?" Katie smiled sheepishly.

"I'm so getting the camera" Meredith said running back into the kitchen, she ran back out and made Katie pose "OK, smile for Mommy" she grinned holding up the camera "Perfect" she laughed.

"We're here" Mark smiled walking into the house "Now don't you look beautiful Princess Katie-Kat" he laughed.

"See Mama, told you he called me princess"

"Hey guys" Derek smiled stepping into the hallway "Wow, now don't you look pretty" he grinned looking at Katie.

"So, we're taking her bowling and then out for a burger, we should be a couple of hours" Derek said turning to Meredith and Addison.

"Your Uncles spoil you Katie" Meredith laughed.

"That's cuz I'm their favourite Montgomnery-Grey" she smiled.

"Montgomery sweetheart" Addison smiled.

"That's what I said! So we going or what?" Katie said putting her hands on her hips and looking up at Mark.

"You are way too bossy for my liking" Mark said picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder making her giggle loudly "Come on Princess Katie lets go, see you later ladies"

"Bye Mark" they smiled.

"Promise me you'll take advantage of this alone time" Derek said as he stepped towards the front door.

"I don't think I could've ever imagined you saying that" Meredith laughed.

"Me neither, I'll text you when we're on our way back, see you later"

"Yeah, bye Derek"

"Do you hear that?" Addison said as she sat back on the sofa.

"I can't hear anything" said Meredith.

"Exactly" Addison sighed pulling Meredith's shirt so she landed on her lap.

"Well hello there" Meredith grinned kissing Addison softly.

"Our baby's 4 tomorrow" Addison sighed.

"I know, it actually makes me feel really old"

"How do you think I feel?" Addison laughed.

"Aww, I'm sorry" Meredith said kissing her quickly.

"So, are we going to take Derek's advice and use this time to our advantage?" Addison asked seductively.

"I think that could be arranged" Meredith smirked.

"Race you to the bedroom?"

"Well I don't know about that" Meredith sighed.

"Oh well I thought we were going to…."

Meredith jumped up and ran for the stairs laughing loudly.

"You did that on purpose!" Addison shouted.

"Meredith" Addison said turning on her side to face her.

"Yeah" she smiled.

"How would you feel about maybe, having another baby, I mean I know your swamped with work and stuff but Richard would understand its just, I want Katie to have a little brother or sister so, how would you feel about it?"

"I'd love too" Meredith smiled.


"Yes really, I'll book an appointment, we should be able to get the same sperm donor as before"

"Good, that'll be good" Addison smiled "So you're really ok with doing this again? I would if I could y'know"

"I know you would, you just have to put up with my weird pregnancy habits again, are you sure you're ready to do that?"

"I'm sure" Addison laughed.

10 months later….

"I hate you" Meredith hissed as another contraction took over her "This was your idea"

"Wow, I forgot how crabby you are in labor" Addison smirked.

"Don't make fun of me!" Meredith whined "I'm getting ready to push a person out of me here"

"And that is why I love you, because you can give us perfect little babies"

"Yeah" Meredith sighed "But does it have to hurt this much?"

"You're 9 centimeters Mer, just one more to go and they're here ok?"

"Ok" Meredith whimpered, Addison pulled her chair up close to the bed, she placed her hands on Meredith's stomach and brought her head close to it.

"Hello in there boys, Mommy doesn't mean to be grouchy but to get you into this world she has to hurt a little bit first so don't worry if you hear her being noisy when you first get here. We can't wait to meet you, neither can Katie, your big sister, she's really excited to see her baby brothers, but you have to promise me you'll be good little boys for Mommy and me" the babies kicked against her hands "I'll take that as a yes" she chuckled, she reached up and kissed Meredith softly "It'll all be worth it when we meet them honey"

"I know" Meredith smiled "I know it will"

2 hours later….

"Ok, I think I have a name for this little one" Addison said quietly, she sat on the bed next to Meredith, both of them had a baby sleeping in their arms.

"Yeah, me too" Meredith smiled "You go first"

"Ok, I was thinking, Jacob Dylan"

"Jacob Dylan Forbes Montgomery-Grey, yeah, I love it, it's perfect, ok so mine, I was thinking Alfie Lee"

"Alfie Lee Forbes Montgomery-Grey, Jacob and Alfie, I think they're pretty perfect don't you boys?" Addison smiled "I'll take that spit bubble as a yes Jacob" she laughed.

"Mommy! Mama!" Katie said excitably from the door way.

"Hey baby girl" Addison smiled "You want to come and meet your brothers?"

"Yes please" Katie said quietly.

"Can we come in?" Derek asked from the doorway.

"Sure" Meredith smiled.

Derek, Mark, Alex, George, Callie, Izzie and Cristina all filed into the room.

"Ok, didn't expect you all to be here but I'm glad you are" Meredith laughed "Hop up onto the bed Katie"

"Ok Mommy" Katie said climbing up, Addison had used her Head of OB-GYN power to get them one of the wider beds, she shifted over slightly so Katie could sit in between them.

"Ok Katie, this is Jacob Dylan, he's the oldest by 5 minutes" Addison said softly.

"And this is Alfie Lee" Meredith smiled.

"Jacob and Alfie" Katie said slowly "Those are good names"

"Good" Addison smiled "So, what do you think baby? Are they good little brothers"

"They're cute" Katie smiled "When will they talk?"

"Not for a while yet sweetie" Meredith laughed.

"Ok" Katie nodded "Can I hold them?"

Meredith looked over at Addison who smiled softly and nodded.

"Ok so you have to be really careful with them Katie" Addison said "Callie can you get us two of those pillows?" she asked pointing to the chair in the corner, Callie grabbed the pillows and took them over, Addison placed one under each of Katie's arms, she carefully placed Jacob in one of them "Ok so you need to keep your arm like that to support his head"

"Ok" Katie nodded, Meredith proceeded to do the same with Alfie, Addison smiled down at her little family, she leaned over and kissed Meredith on the forehead "I love you Mer" she whispered.

"I love you too" Meredith smiled.

"Ok, so can I take a picture because you guys look so cute right now!" Izzie exclaimed.

"Sure Iz" Meredith laughed.

Izzie all but skipped over to the end of the bed, she took out the camera and took a snap.

The picture would take pride of place in the living room, Addison on the left looking down at the kids, Katie in the middle grinning happily at the camera, Meredith also looking down at the kids. They were the perfect little family unit. 2 years later Emma Lucy would be welcomed into their world and a picture of an almost 7 year old Katie and 2 year old twins Jacob and Alfie sat across Addison and Meredith with Emma resting in Katie's arms would sit proudly next to it.

They were no longer seen as Satan and the dirty mistress. As the women who had both been in love with the same man but really loved each other. They were seen as Meredith and Addison Montgomery-Grey, two women in love, two women with 2 daughters and 2 sons. They were seen as a family. They were far from perfect but they were perfect enough. Enough to live every day of their lives together. As a family. The Montgomery-Greys. Forever.


A/N: So. That's it. Corner Of Your Heart is finished. End. Fin.

Really hope you've enjoyed reading it, thanks to everyone who's given me their support for this, this was my first ever Greys fic and you've all been great, hope you continue to read and review my fics, I promise you there is so much more to come from me!

Love always, Kelly Louise xx