A Mysterious Encounter?

"What are you doing?"

The purple-haired woman straightened, looking over at Nanoha in surprise. In her long-fingered hands she held something yellow and limp.

"He died," the woman said, and Nanoha was struck by the sadness in her pale eyes. The girl moved closer, timidly looking at the pitiful, dead ferret curled and cold in the woman's cupped fingers.

"Poor guy…" Nanoha felt her eyes tearing, touching the ferret's head lightly.

"Yes." The woman knelt and laid the broken body in the grass. "You are…?"

"Nanoha. Takamachi Nanoha."

"Nanoha." The woman blinked, then reached down and picked up a red gem, brushing the dirt from the gleaming surface with her thumb. "My name is Precia."

"Precia-san, was he yours? How did he die?"

"His neck was broken. No, he wasn't mine, but he was a clever boy. He had knowledge that I need…but it's too late now, I should have thought things out better." Precia sighed, contemplating over the red jewel. She reached a decision and held it out to Nanoha. "Here, why don't you have it? It's called Raising Heart, and it will give you powers."

"Powers?" Nanoha asked in amazement as Precia dropped Raising Heart into her hands.

"Yes…I wish I had it before, but it's no use now…" Precia coughed, an expression of utter desolation crossing her face, making Nanoha pause and pat the woman on the back awkwardly in comfort. "I'm too sick to save her anymore…"

"Save her?"

"My daughter…Alicia."

Chewing her lip, Nanoha looked at Raising Heart, then at Precia's face, seeing and feeling the sorrowful pathos emitting from the lady. She closed her hand over Raising Heart tightly. "Um…can I help?"

"You would?" Precia looked pathetically grateful, a glimmer of hope appearing in her lonely eyes. "Thank you so much Nanoha…you're such a kind child." She inclined her head, a small smile on her red lips. "You remind of my Alicia…"

Nanoha laughed shyly, putting one hand behind her head. "What can I do?"

"There is a place called Al Hazard that can save my little girl…but to get there, I need these lost objects called Jewel Seeds…" Precia proceeded to teach Nanoha about the Jewel Seeds, and ended her lecture with, "…and Raising Heart allows you to transform and use spells that can seal the Jewel Seeds." She faltered. "It's such a dangerous thing to ask of a young girl—"

"That's alright," Nanoha said earnestly, her slate-blue eyes shining with determination. "I offered to help!" She fiddled with Raising Heart, lifting the gem to her eye curiously. "I hope we get along, Raising Heart."

"If Raising Heart isn't compatible with you, don't worry," Precia assured her, putting a hand on Nanoha's shoulder. "I can get you another Device if you like—ah, don't worry!" With a smile, Precia added her final confident words, "Its old user won't need it anymore."


Author's Note: This was a little idea I had wondering what would have happened if Nanoha had aligned herself with someone other than Yuuno in the very beginning…what if Precia had gotten to them first?

Hope you caught all the dastardly things Precia did!