
Authors note: Just a short oneshot for my first time in the fandom. Hope you guys like it, please reveiw and let me know!

Ferb was sitting on the couch watching television when Phineas walked in the front door and sat beside him.

"So, Isabella dumped me." A 15 year old Phineas said to his stepbrother in a nonchalant manner.

'Why?' Ferb asked. Well at least that's what Phineas thought he asked based on the blank look on his face and the way he shut the T.V. off promptly.

"I don't really know. I mean, she said I wasn't passionate enough; that I didn't ravish her in affection, but I mean come on this isn't some tacky romance movie." Phineas said facing Ferb on the couch.

"Perhaps she thought you were the ravishing type, rather than the type to be ravished." Ferb said in his intellectual voice that had managed to keep its British accent even though the majority of his life was spent in America.

Phineas blushed. "While I agree that I may not be the type to ravish someone, I wouldn't go as far as to say I want to be ravished."

'Oh really?' Ferb wondered with a raised eyebrow.

"Seriously." Phineas said with his voice breaking. The poor boy had finally reached the point where his voice was changing about a month ago, and while he had mostly adjusted he still sometimes cracked when he was nervous or overly excited.

"So if I were to say.." Ferb trailed off there, but Phineas could still interpret every thought Ferb was having.

'touch your cheek you wouldn't want it?' Ferb wondered as he softly caressed his stepbrothers' cheek.

Phineas was shocked in a way and yet some how he felt like he couldn't speak or breathe, like he had to continue listening to Ferbs' silent message or face uncertain doom.

'What if I was to ever so lightly nibble at your ear lobe? Would you be apposed to that?' Ferb asked.

Phineas still couldn't answer but he could feel his body leaning into where Ferbs hand was tickling his ear.

'What would you do if I placed my lips so tenderly against the nape of you neck and dared to place a kiss?' Ferb asked silently as he gently slid his fingers over the nape of Phineas's neck.

He was stuck on Ferb's silent words, barley processing what was going on, and barley knowing what to do. It was as if he was set on auto pilot. His mind was clouded over and it seemed he couldn't send a functioning thought to his mind. The boy who could never shut up was left speechless.

'What of your lips? Would it be against your wishes for me to press mine against yours?' Ferb asked ah he ran his fingers gentlly over his stepbrothers lips.

He wasn't functioning, he had no idea what to say or do, and suddenly the fog in his mind cleared as Ferbs hand pulled away from his body. Phineas blinked a few times before looking at Ferb who now had his body lying against the couch as he had when he had walked in the door. Phineas was about to ask if he had just imagined a conversation when Ferb turned to him.

"It's too bad you're not one for ravishing; I've been told I'm extraordinary." Ferb said simply with a shrug.

"…Maybe I would like it if I tried it." Phineas said looking Ferb dead in the eye.

'Probably.' Ferb thought before getting off of the couch and heading up stairs.

"Where are you going?" Phineas asked in a panic, not even noticing that his voice cracked again.

"Well I can't properly ravish you on a couch now can I?" Ferb asked smirking and wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"No, no you can't." Phineas replied before following Ferb up the stairs to their shared room.