Three years had gone by since that night in the infirmary of Hogwarts School. The pain that had occurred over those months was erased by the happiness the years had brought to them. Many things had changed in the lives of the Slytherin-Gryffindor quartet; the lot of them had graduated from school, though they stayed in close contact. Draco and Harry had moved in together in a comfortable Victorian house not far from Malfoy Manor where they were frequent visitors. As for Pansy, she now lived in Surrey where she rented a flat with Hermione. It was small, yet cozy, and always smelled of vanilla scented candles that Hermione insisted on leaving on doilies on every surface; mostly, there was love.

It was a late September afternoon in calm country side. Pansy had taken Hermione for a stroll through the nearby park. The leaves had just begun to change, patches of reds and oranges marking their path towards home. As Hermione skipped the cobblestone street that lead back to their flat, Pansy chased after her. "Get back here you little -!" She finally caught up to her at the door of the building while Hermione took out her key to unlock the door.

"I don't understand why you use that silly thing when you have a perfectly good wand in your pocket," Pansy rolled her eyes.

"Call me crazy but sometimes I enjoy doing things the muggle way. It brings me back to when I was younger." Before Hermione turned the key Pansy took her hand.

"Hermione. Before we go inside, do you think you could so something for me?" Hermione smiled.

"Of course, Pansy. What is it?"

"Close your eyes." Hermione did as she was told, though she felt rather silly doing so. And just in case, Pansy put her hands over her eyes. Once the lock had clicked and the door was open, Pansy put her hands down. "Open your eyes."

"SURPRISE!" the crowded room hollered at her. Hermione was taken aback as she was greeted by all of her family and friends. She was soon engulfed within the mob, being hugged at least twice by everyone present.

"How did you -?"

"Keep this from you?" Pansy asked before Hermione had time to finish her thought. "Well, it wasn't easy seeing as you know everything I'm going to do even before I do. But I had some help." She smiled over at Draco who sat in Harry's lap.

"No need to thank me, really. It was my pleasure," he said cheekily, earning a tap on the arm from Harry.

"This is, more than I could have asked for," Hermione smiled, hugging Pansy tightly, being sure to give her a small kiss before pulling away.

"Wait, there's more." Pansy made a snapping sort of noise with her fingers calling a ginger cat into the room. "Someone else wants to say Happy Birthday." Hermione scooped the cat into her arms, scratching him behind the ears. There was a note curiously attached to the scruff of his neck by a silver string. Oddly, Hermione untied it, reading it aloud.


I wanted to say Happy Birthday, but seeing as I couldn't exactly do it myself, Pansy helped me out. Coincidentally, she didn't know how to say Happy Birthday to you either, so I helped her out a bit as well. She wants you to know that you mean everything to her and she doesn't know what she would do without you. You bring her all the happiness anyone could ever ask for. She loves you will all of her heart and soul. Happy Birthday, Hermione.



P.S. Turn around and say 'yes'

Hermione repeated the last line to herself under her breath before turning around. Pansy held a small velvet box which she opened to reveal a stunningly cut diamond on a silver band.

"Say yes," she said. Hermione gasped, tears forming in her eyes.

"That's all I ever wanted." Pansy scooped her into her arms lifting her off her feet.

"This is so exciting!" Narcissa shrieked. "We must start planning the wedding! Lucius, your checkbook please." He rolled his eyes.

"Anything for my little girl." He kissed the top of Pansy's head. "My two girls, now." He took Hermione into an embrace.

"You must meet my parents," Hermione said through her fog of excitement. Taking Pansy by the hand the four of them walked over to where Harry and Draco sat with two very confused looking people.

"-And so I told him "That sir is not pure silk. There is absolutely no way I am paying twenty galleons for that." Draco laughed obnoxiously at his own joke while the other three chuckled in appeasement.

"Mum. Dad," Hermione said. The two people looked up smiling. Hermione wasn't sure if it was from seeing her or from the interruption of Draco's never-ending tales.

"Hermione. Pansy. Congratulations," the woman said.

"Pansy, you know my mother, Judith. Narcissa, Lucius, this is my mother." Narcissa hugged the woman while Lucius politely kissed her hand.

"And my father, Timmothy," she introduced the man standing beside her. He gave Lucius a very firm handshake while hugging Narcissa.

"It's lovely to meet you," Narcissa beamed. "It's so exciting that soon we'll be family!"

"Yes, we've been waiting for this to happen for quite some time now," Judith said.

"Oh yes, I know," Narcissa chided. "I was beginning to think that she was never going to do it!"

"Mum!" Pansy said.

"But the fact of the matter is, they're together now," Timmothy said.

"Here here," Lucius said.

"I hope she doesn't plan on wearing white, though," Draco said. "Not after what -"

"Okay Dray. I'll take that as a 'Congratulations'," Pansy said. Something then rubbed itself against her leg. "Helios," she said. The cat was soon in her arms. "I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for us." Hermione smiled, smoothing out his fur over his head.

"What did he do?" she asked.

"He brought me to you."

a/n: Hooray! It's finished! I'm sorry to admit to you that it has actually been finished since early December when I had originally published it, I just didn't know how to update it until now. I apologize to anyone who actually wanted to read this story and thank you for your support.