Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Mai stood in the kitchenette pouring tea into two cups. For a moment, she paused, awaiting the two words that always were on the lips of her narcissistic boss.

"Mai, Tea." Shibuya Kazuya or Naru, as Mai referred to him, called from behind the closed door of his office. Mai picked up the tray and started to walk to her boss's office. She momentarily paused to knock before proceeding in and placing the tea on his desk. She noticed the ever so slight arch of his eyebrow showing surprise, as she set it down but ignored it. Waiting momentarily she imagined him saying 'thank you Mai,' that she never got, and responded simply, "you're welcome," before turning and heading out the door. Mai had finally accepted the little and major flaws her boss had and didn't allow the small things to rile her if possible. Showing gratitude or emotions was just not his thing, but she knew he did have them. Somewhere.

Back at her desk, she started filing some of the many papers that her boss had placed there earlier. Folders from past cases, information from books and contacts here and around the world. Some of it was in Japanese, and a bunch was in English although she wasn't too well versed in it. Then, there were some in other languages that she couldn't even identify. She knew her boss would call her a dumb for not knowing them but she just worked the best she could avoiding the known insult.

Between a few folders, she found a book, picking it up she read the title, "Astral projection" 'isn't that what they said I could do? 'She thought, 'when I gave that key to Masako during the Urado caseā€¦' She set the book on the side of her desk; maybe later she might look at it. She returned to the filing and finished the pile on her desk.

Looking at the clock Mai stood. Twelve twenty, ten minutes till her lunch break, time to make tea. As she walked away from the desk, she knocked the book on the floor. Picking it up she continued to the kitchenette and put some water on to make tea. She looked at the book. No harm in looking through it she thought and leafed through some pages. *sigh* there were no pictures. She started at the beginning. Mai read the first few pages rather quickly uncharacteristically interested. She was roused from her book by the sound of the pot whistling. Carefully she pulled the water off the heat, went to her backpack, and pulled out a box of tea. Maybe, She thought, Lin may like this. She giggled and proceeded to make tea for her boss and the other assistant. After placing the third cup on the tray, she picked it up and slowly walked towards her boss's door.

"Mai, Tea," he called out right before she reached his door and Mai chuckled. Pausing a moment she knocked on the door before entering in with the tea. She carefully placed his tea on his desk and took away his old cup. "You're welcome" she chimed, and left the office. She then proceeded to the other office, knocked, and proceeded to wait.

"Enter," was the response from the man behind the desk. He was a tall stout Chinese man, who spoke less and was more closed off than even her boss was, but in his own ways, he showed deeper care and understanding.

"I made you some tea," she said softly upon entering. Lin barely acknowledged her presence. He never asked for tea, and hardly ever would accept it, but she knew he would not refuse it if offered. He was kind and polite. "Tell me if you like it and I can get some more," she said softly not expecting any answer. She carefully set the tea down and left.

Lin hesitated a moment when Mai came in with tea. He did not, not like the girl, but he held no affection for new people, especially the Japanese, although this girl had an odd way of way of bringing him out of his shell. The smell of the tea wafted to him and he was drawn to it, carefully he sniffed it before sipping. He smiled. She had made him some Chinese black tea. Silently he tapped his fingers on the desk, while relaxing back into his chair. Well he really did not mind that assistant.

Returning to her desk it was time for her lunch break so she took out a bento, and grabbed the book and started to read while eating. In a few moments, she was lost between the pages of the book.

A few hours later, a knock came at the door, but Mai did not notice until the door started to open. Startled she jumped up from the desk and attempted to smooth out her skirt and walk forward to great the man. With a smile, she approached the door "Welcome to Shibuya Psychic research," she greeted. "How may I help you?"

"Hello, I have come for a consultation with Shibuya-san, is he in?" The man asked. He was a tall man with a business suit and a brief case.

"Yes, please sit I will bring him in." Mai invited as she turned towards Naru's Office. "Shibuya-san," she called knocking on his door, "A Client to see you." Mai turned and headed back to the Kitchenette and started some tea and placed some cookies on a tray.

Naru walked out of his office and went to knock on Lin's door, "Lin, Client," he simply called and went to take a spot on a couch across from the client. Taking note of a few things on a pad in his hand, he waited a moment. Lin softly walked out of his office and quietly sat beside Naru and opened his laptop.