Chapter 19

My stomach echoes grew as we neared the kitchen.

"When was the last time you had something to eat?" Jasper teased

"Well I - I ate this morning." I didn't even get a chance to be embarrassed when I realize I don't really remember.

When we reached the kitchen, Jasper handed me an apple supposedly to hold me over while he properly prepares me something. As he searches the cupboards, a thought had occurred to me. "Where is everyone?"

Embarrassed at the thought of anyone hearing us earlier, my blood rushed to my cheeks so I look down to hide my mortification. As if he read my mind he says, "Don't worry Darlin'. They all left for a trip this morning."

"Why didn't you go with them?" I didn't bring myself to look up yet.

"I had hoped you would come." Out of nowhere, he appears in of front me, and lifts up my chin. Slightly bending to place a chaste kiss on my lips then another on my cheek, then lingers his lips at my temple. He took a sniff of my hair.

"I like that. Most certainly can get use to it."


"My scent lingering with yours'" he tells me as release to return cooking me some food.

"Oh." Was all I could say. I looked out the window to see the moon is still high.

"So what would you like to establish?"

Where to start?

"So how old are you again?"

"I'm 20."

"For how long?"


"Awhile like," I paused for a moment to recollect my thoughts, "since the 1860s?" he just nodded. I continued with the first thing that popped into my head. "Wow that sucks." He looked over at me confused. "To be stuck in that purgatory limbo age. You know not considered a teen anymore yet not old enough to drink. That really sucks." He was still looking at me oddly. "What?"

"You just found out I've been 20 years old for 140 or so years, and you're only concern is I'm not old enough to drink by today's society's standards?" I really don't know how to respond so I just shrugged.

There was nothing else to say.

"Fine." I thought of something else. "You're not named after your grandfather. You're the Major." I stated.

"No, I am named after my grandfather." He smirked

"You know what I meant. Smart ass."

"Any other questions."

"Plenty." I took a moment to think of another pertinent question.

One question has been on the back of my mind for the longest time. It may be the only one I truly worry about. The answer may very well affect how I see Jasper.

So I began stuttering, "There's…there was a rumor…well…I mean it was mentioned. That you and your family – well brothers and sisters…I know you all adopted. But a girl from Forks mentioned that you were all…well…yeah…sort of…paired up?" Looking up through my lashes I see him smirking as he's shaking his head. "What?"

"Of all the things you ask? I haven't even answered your first question, which would lead to most questions any normal human would ask and you ask that?"

"Yeah, well you said you'll tell me everything I wanted to know. And that's what I want to know. So are you going to bother answer or not?"

He sighed, "None of us are biologically related. Even Rosalie and I are a ruse. Yes, her and Emmett are together and I was once with Alice."

My heart sank. Figures, if all the legends and rumors are primarily true, why not this one. I wanted to quickly change the subject. "So is everyone in your family like you?"

"Yes." He said as he was stepping around the table that was separating us, reaching for my wrist and he pulls me towards him. "Leah. Darlin'. Love. There is no one else but you. And only you." My breath hitched as he drew me closer. "But I need you to know I did love Alice once, and still do – as a sister, a friend; without whom I wouldn't have found you. I wouldn't be good enough for you. I'll never be good enough for you." As if he to prove himself, he pressed his lips to my mine. My heart soared. We deepened the kiss, but I wanted more. But before I could act on it, he stepped forward. Grabbing my hips and placing me on the counter in a swift motion. His erection pressed into my center, reminding me I wasn't wearing anything underneath my dress. I pulled him closer thinking of nothing else but my desire for him. His hands gripped my thighs "Leah..." he growled. With great effort, he pulled away much to my disapproval. "You don't know what you do to me."

Before I could respond, his phone was ringing.

"Ugh!" Looking up I see Jasper staring at his cell phone. "Who is it?"

"It's from your house?" he looks up to meet my stare.

Jumping off the counter, began begging Jasper to not answer it before it clicked in my head. "Who could be calling? Doesn't matter don't answer it." I told him as I was waving my hands in the air mouthing 'I'm not here'.

"You look childish." Proving his point I stuck my tongue out at him before he answered his phone.

"Leah?" I looked up about to answer him until he raised him hand. "Leah?" He really sounded worried.

The line was quiet for a moment until a soft voice spoke.

"Uh, No."

"Oh hello Seth. I thought your sister was finally returning my calls."

"So you haven't heard from her either."

"No why?"

"She's missing. She hasn't been home for three days."

"Three Days?" He furrowed his brows in disapproval. I just stood there shocked.

"How did that happen Seth? Have you called a police?"

Murmurs could be heard through the receiver. It sounded like someone was arguing. "We know she was last seen heading towards the beach, but then her trail disappeared. We have a search party out looking for her."

"How can I help? I can talk to my father."

"We don't need his help." Could be heard across the line along with growls.

"Don't worry Jasper. We are on it. I just wish I knew she's alright."

"Seth, your sister is a strong, resourceful and stubborn stubborn woman. I'm sure she's alright."


"Well you know where to find me. Just let me know when you find her."

"Bye Jasper." A soft voice said before the line went dead.

Directing my stare towards the direction I came from, I tried piecing together my thoughts. I could tell Jasper was burning holes into as he just stared at me.

Three days? Three days. Three. Days.

It was just this morning, right? Patrolling, chasing the wolf, being chased by the wolf, Dad, then …wait a minute. "What were you doing outside? It was as if you were waiting for…someone." I addressed Jasper.

He seemed to ponder for a moment. "You. I was waiting for you, Leah."


He took a glance towards the woods then back at me. "I heard you calling for me."

What? "What?" Very well literate response Leah.

"Darling, where did you come from?"

"I…I…" I tried to reiterate my thoughts. I didn't know where to start, or how. Hell, I didn't know anything.

Jasper saw my confusion. "What's the last solid memory of 'your day'?"

"We were following a trail that Jared found. That stupid wolf has been mocking us. Then out of nowhere, it appeared. So I took my chance. Going after by myself may have not been the smartest thing. It got me and I remember fighting it off me. Then I saw him. I saw my dad." I said the latter with a smile.

"Your father?"

"Yeah. I know it sounds crazy but he was there. I thought I was dead, and I didn't care. I got to hold him, talk to him." He looked at me, waiting for me to continue. "And that's it."

"That's all?"

"We talked, which felt like hours, but not days. Suddenly something shifted. We were laughing one second, and then he was talking some gibberish before he disappeared. That's when I found myself on your lawn."

"Then you said your necklace was damaged." I nodded. "I'll discuss this all with Carlisle later, but let's get you something eat. Your food is ready."

"What can Carlisle do?"

"I'm not sure. But he's always been there."

It was quiet for a while as I ate the delicious lasagna Jasper prepared for me.

"So how much do you know?" I asked him.

"How much do you know?" he replayed with a smirk.

"Are you serious?" I stared at him incredulously. "Ok so we can establish you're smartass as well a cold one. Hey are you really the ones that made the treaty with Ephraim Black."

"The others were with Carlisle when that treaty was made. Alice and I met them years after. Anything else?"

"Hey, it's not easy coming up with questions, you know."

He looked at me as if he was gaging something. "May I ask a question?" I nodded. Why were in the woods the first day we met?"

A/N: I know this was a short filler, but I was kinda lost with this chapter and the next. I'm kinda dissapointed in it. Please let me know what you think and critizism. Let know know if there's any questions you want them to ask each other.