Christmas Spirit

"Squad 51. Man with heart attack. 1405 Carmenita Ave."

Stanley responded as the squad pulled out. " 10-4 KMG 365."

Twilight started as the squad headed out. The El Nino had washed away the smog as Christmas lights came on along with the city's decorations on the street. Everything screamed Christmas except for the bright, blue sky and hint of Santa Ana winds. Palm trees seemed full of the spirit with red and green lights.

John Gage stared out the window of the squad like he had been for the past week, unwilling to talk to his partner unless absolutely necessary.

Roy DeSoto looked at his quiet partner. A happy, talking Gage he liked but this quiet one, bothered him in some small way, but part of him enjoyed it, Christmas was stressful enough without his wild partner complaining about something.

"We will see you at Christmas Johnny?" DeSoto had a very bad feeling about his partner and friend.

"Christmas?" A sad eyed man looked at him. "I've been meaning to tell you Roy."

The squad stopped in front of the mall. There were throngs of people shopping, Christmas music playing and a large rotund man lying in front of a kettle. The parking lot was full as they pulled up to the curb.

Grabbing the gear from the truck, both paramedics rushed to Santa Claus.

Quickly taking note of the vitals, John called Rampart unable to do anything else.

Roy gave the man's vitals as he quickly hooked up the EKG pads and started transmitting.

"Rampart, this is Squad 51 how do you read?" Gage became professional seeing the man wince in pain.

"We read you loud and clear 51," Dixie McCall's reassuring voice answered through the biophone.

"Rampart we have a male victim, approximate age mid-50's. He is complaining of chest pain. Vitals areā€¦"

"10-4 51. Standby."

"Patient is diaphutic and cyanotic Rampart." DeSoto said into the biophone.

Gage looked up to see a small child looked hurt as the worked on the man.

"Mommy, Santa's hurt," tears ran down the child's face.

"Johnny, there's no pulse," DeSoto called out.

Gage grabbed the defibrillators and shocked the man, to no avail. When the ambulance arrived, he began CPR and an esophageal airway was inserted. They tried once more to defibrillate their patient to see a sinus rhythm on the monitor.

The sound of the siren was closer and Gage was never happier. Roy took the lead as they finally got a sinus rhythm on the victim. Sweaty and tired from CPR, his partner took over as Santa was loaded into the squad.

By the time Johnny pulled in the squad he had found his partner near the nurse's station.

"Hey partner," Gage looked at his forlorn partner.

"Santa's dead," DeSoto said finality.

"Christmas sucks Roy. It just sucks," Gage turned and headed back to the squad.

Slamming the door of the squad, John looked at his hands and wondered if they were good for anything and the fact the month of December wasn't turning out so well. He recalled the last week's calls, three heart attacks, four car accidents and treating four women who were fighting over a garment at a store.

Having no desire to talk to anyone the dark haired paramedic headed towards the dorm. He still hadn't told Roy he wouldn't be over for Christmas and he had all ready started trading shifts to work for family men. Being young he would prefer the men to have as much time at home. Word had gotten out and he was working a lot of OT.

Roy was in no mood to talk to his moody partner. He was still upset Gage didn't show up for Thanksgiving dinner and gave a flimsy excuse. December was always the worst time of year for paramedics and the summer. Now his partner was acting strangely. DeSoto had heard Johnny had been working overtime but gave him no reason.

"Roy where's your partner?" Stanley held some pink while you were out slips.

"I think he went to the dorm Cap," Roy's head hung low.

"Bad?" Hank could see the pain in his blue eyes.

Nodding Roy headed towards the day room while Hank headed towards the dorm. He found John on his bunk, reading a novel.

"John," Hank stood by Gage's bed.

Sitting up, John looked at him, his brown eyes reflecting nothing.

"These are for you," Hank handed him the slips. "Is there anything you want to talk about?"

"No, Cap," Johnny smiled. "Everything's just fine."

"Good dinner in ten minutes," Hank turned and left the paramedic alone.

Putting the slips on his bed, John pulled out his calendar from his pocket, with his pen he marked the days he would be working. Just a few more days and he would be working every day until after New Years. Yeah, he liked working holidays; he had been ever since he was a rescue man. With no family or obligations he usually did, until now, Gage lifted up his head and heard his shift mates in the day room. Until he had gotten conned by one Roy DeSoto to become a paramedic and a new station and a new unproven crew.

"Chow on," Chet popped his head in the dorm and watched as Gage stood up and walked towards him.

"Sorry man," Kelly frowned, "Roy told us all about it."

John walked by Chet and headed towards the day room. Food was food now; he ate so no one would worry. Hell that's all they did was worry. Back at his old station no one gave a damn, you showed up, did your job and no one gave you crap. Pouring himself coffee he sat down at the table and filled his plate.

Conversation settled on parties, shopping and other Christmas events. The paramedic did nothing to add to the conversation and kept his head low.

"Oh guys I almost forgot, Mama is making tamales and wants to know how many you each want," Marco rubbed his hands together, "Nothing but the best for my amigos."

John looked up his head and remembered the wonderful tamales, and then put his head down as Chet, Mike, Roy and the Cap placed their orders.

"What about you Johnny?" Marco looked hurt. "Mama expects to make a lot for you."

"Not this year Marco. Don't know when I'll have time to eat them," Johnny picked up his plate could feel for sets of eyes on his back.

"But you can freeze them Johnny and.