"Gwen?" Izzy silently whispered to her friend. All the girls in the building were asleep. Izzy whispered to see if Gwen was still awake while she was trying to leave. If she was still awake, that would cause some questions that she couldn't answer.

Izzy waited for a moment, but when she heard no answer, she quietly opened the door and tiptoed to the outside.

The moon shone high in the nighttime sky. No clouds and many shining stars didn't make the night very dark. It almost gave the red-head a better way to see the path that led to the end of the gate. She quickly ran to the place where she had talked to her friend she had met last night. As she got to the same place she was at, she waited.

"Hello?" Izzy had whispered to the dark night, desperately waiting to get a response.

Minutes passed with no answer. She let out a big sigh and sat down on a rather large rock located next to the gate. She laid on her back and watched the moon and the stars, thinking of all the events that happened since she has gotten to this school.

I was pretty much thrown into an unsanitary cell. I saw Heather and Gwen. I got to go to the doctor for falling during the 'Trust Tests.' I met Yvette and Princess. I got shocked with an electric collar. I wonder if the stuff they are doing is illegal…? Izzy thought. Just as she thinking of the new people she met, a startling noise filled the air.

"Hello?" Izzy quickly stood up, her eyes checking the area. "Is anyone there?"

"Izzy?" a male voice called from the fence.

"Mitchell!" Izzy ran to the fence.

"I have to admit. Even though I only knew you for about twenty minutes, I couldn't help but miss you today at work!" Mitchell tried to chuckle.

"Aww! Thanks! Explosivo has thought of you today, too!" Izzy could feel her cheeks slowly get warm and blush.

An awkward silence filled the air. Izzy stared at her feet thinking of anything to say to stop the silence.

"So, how was your day?" Izzy asked Mitchell.

"Okay, I guess. The coffee brewer stopped once or twice and I was the one who had to fix it. Then, I had to do inventory on the cups. But hey, I've had worse days," he sighed, thinking of the events of the day. "So, how was yours?"

"Well, I met these two girls. One looks nice, but the other one, not so much. And then we got to eat at a 'Dinner Party,' so that was fun. And then I got shocked with an electric bracelet. And th--," Izzy had started her story.

"Wait. You got shocked? Like dogs? Is that even legal?" Mitchell asked. Worry hit his tone.

"They said it was. But I don't think it is! But I don't mind getting shocked. Has it ever happened to you? You just get a short burst of energy that fills your entire body! It's fun!" Izzy excited informed him.

"Haven't gotten shocked yet. And hopefully, never will."

"Have you ever climbed a really tall tree before and then start swinging on the vines and branches?"

"Um… No?"

"How about fallen at a really high location?"

"Don't plan to."

"Have you at least build a fire out of scratch for fun?"

"I've built fires before, but I'm not a pyro or anything…"

"Oh…" Izzy said. She sighed and looked at her feet one more time. "So, when you gonna do it?"

"Do what?" Mitchell asked.

"Call me a freak and then run off?" Izzy asked.

"What!?" Mitchell was shocked. "Why would I do that?!"

"Because that's what everyone does!" Izzy informed Mitchell. She acted like this was nothing new.

"I don't think your weird! Just… Unique." Mitchell comforted the sad red head.

"Really?" Izzy asked. The first time anyone truly understood her. "The only person who didn't call me a freak was only about two or three when I was on the island!" Izzy slightly joked.

"The island? What are you talking about?" Mitchell asked.

"You mean, you don't know who I am?" she asked, then slightly chuckled at her remark. She sounded like a celebrity! "I mean, you've never seen my face before? I knew the show was never that popular, but it did turn many heads!"

"What's it called?"

"It was called TDI. Total Drama Island. Action. La Musical. That doesn't sound familiar to you?" Izzy was still a little shocked that he never heard of the show where she spent a long summer at, dealing with the many stupid challenges for a lot of money.

"Nope, still haven't heard of it. I'll look it up on the computer when I get home," he thought hard, thinking of the names he has heard for TV titles.

"Thanks," Izzy said.

Yet again, another awkward silence.

"So, did you ever win?" he asked.

"I came close. But my boyfriend did win the first time," she told him.

"Your boyfriend?" He asked and sighed.

"Oops! Forgot. My ex-boyfriend. We broke up not to long before I came to this dump. He loved his corndogs more than me!" Izzy sighed as she remembered the final incident that almost forced her to break up with him.

"Hey Iz, how about we go here?" Owen asked, pulling into the parking lot of an all you can eat buffet.

"I don't know… I'm not that hungry," Izzy confessed. She just had gotten home from the doctors for having flu-like symptoms. The doctor said not to worry, she wasn't contagious. But she would still feel bad for a while until her medicine would kick in.

"Well, I am! Come on, please!" Owen begged.

"Well… Alright," Izzy gave in and slammed the car door shut.

As they entered the building, Owen ran to the food immediately and left Izzy to pay for the two.

"I grabbed two of everything they got!" Owen said excitedly as he sat down at the table with four plates of food and three bowls of different soups.

"Izzy loves you Owen!" Izzy said as rested her elbows on the table and lay her face in her arms.

"Owe- doe- to-!" Owen struggled to say, his mouth full of food.

This didn't bother her. She was used to him eating large amounts and not paying all that much attention to her.

"I'm gonna go get a bowl of soup," Izzy said, her stomach growling. She hadn't eaten much in a week, since everything she has eaten her stomach decided to hurl back up. She slowly dragged her aching body to the soup section. Nothing left. She dragged her body again to the table where her boyfriend was eating.

"Hey Owen, they don't have any soup left. Can I have a bowl of yours?" Izzy asked. He had three bowls. He certainly wouldn't mind giving one to his sick girlfriend.

"Eh… I don't know… This soup looks extra tasty! I haven't eaten much since lunch today…Can you just wait for them to bring in more?" Owen asked.

Izzy was shocked. He had four plates of food and soup that was all for him, not something they could share. They were at an all you can eat buffet! How could he be so selfish?

"Owen, can't you go back and get something else to eat? I haven't been able to eat anything for a week!" she begged.

"Well Iz, why can't you just get something else!" Owen complained.

"Owen, please!?" Izzy could actually feel small tears form. She wasn't sad. But she didn't feel good, and wasn't in the mood to argue.

"Izzy, please?" Owen begged too.

"I'm done," Izzy shouted at him and left. She waited for Owen to run after her, but he just continued eating. She waited for a bus to pick her up and take her to her house. He called many times while she was riding the bus, but she only told him the same thing over and over again.

"You care more about your food than me! You always have! I've had enough. I've been dealing with this for way too long, Owe. I'm sorry. It's over," she would repeat again and again. As she got home, her mother surprised her by telling her that she would be sent to the boarding school. One month later, here she is today.

She never really regretted that day. She's been dealing with that since the first day she met him. Izzy never really thought of him too much. She missed him. But Izzy missed him for his company. He was one of the few that didn't call her a freak.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you broke up. I'm not gonna ask why. I'll stay out of your business!" Mitchell joked.

Izzy jumped as he spoke. She was thinking so hard that she almost forgot she wasn't alone. As she jumped, she looked up. The moon was slowly making a position that made it look like it was setting.

"I'm sorry. Didn't mean to scare you," he confessed as he saw her jump.

"That's okay! Explosivo just realized that she needs to leave! I'm so sorry!" Izzy's voice was a little sad.

"Sigh. That's okay. I'll see you soon though, okay?" Mitchell tried to smile.

"Okay! Explosivo leaves Mitchell!" Izzy turned her back and started to wave.

"Please, just call me Shades," Mitchell… Shades said and winked. Before any other words could be said, they both ran off.

Izzy slowly walked back to her dorm. It had been a long time since she could talk to anyone without having to think before she spoke.

Just as she was about to enter the building, she heard a faint and distant cry. Izzy turned her head and walked towards the only place that had a light one: the restroom. It was right next to the Bathing Hall, the place that the girls had taken the shower after dinner like they have every night.

Izzy slowly walked to the restroom, not knowing who, or what, could be inside. As she opened the door, she slowly poked her head in.

"Hello?" Izzy asked. She saw all the stalls open, except for one.

"Go away. I'll be out later," the voice let out a sigh. Izzy knew the voice.

"Yvette? Is that you?" Izzy spoke calmly.

"What's it to ya?" the voice continued to cry.

"It's Izzy. Come on, open the door. Please?"

"What do you care?"

"I want to help!"

"Fine… Whatever…" Yvette slowly opened the door to the stall. Izzy immediately ran over to her and gave her a small hug to make her feel better.

"So what are you doing up so late?" Yvette asked, she still had a tear or two flowing from her face.

"Long story. But what's wrong with you?" Izzy asked.

"If you really must know…" the girl in tears started.

Like I promised, Shades ^^ Except for the part that you messaged me on YT. I was already done when I remembered that part. So I'm just gonna add that next encounter :D

Just to make sure we're all on the same track, Izzy and Mitchell/Shades just got done with a little meeting. You learn why Izzy broke up with Owen. And you find that Yvette is in the stall crying when Izzy walks in. Just making sure, I don't want to confuse you guys x3