Summary: Welcome to Forks Private High. Student and faculty population: 1,352. Famed for its prestige and ability to churn out well rounded students, can new student Isabella Swan survive and keep herself from falling in love with the school's head cheerleader, Alice Cullen? AU AH

Author's Note: Okay, so I've always wanted to start a full story, and since I'll have more time over Christmas break, I'm getting started on this. Read and Review. Yes this has a plot.


Isabella Swan's heart couldn't stop pounding, golden yellow eyes locked on her own. Her arms were encircled around a small waist whose soft inviting body was used as a cushion for her fall. It took all of her strength to let go and stand up. The latter followed suit.

"I- I'm so sorry." Bella stuttered, bending down and picking up the smaller girl's fallen bag and books that littered the floor. Anything to avoid eye contact. She almost shoved the girl's stuff back into her hands, too eagered to get away, hoping that the pounding of her heart wouldn't reach any eardrums.

"I'm sorry. I was- I'm late and I was looking for my class and I wasn't looking and-"

A cool finger placed on Bella's lips calmed her down.

"It's okay" Says the owner of those breath taking eyes, smiling, she picked up the Bella's schedule and offered to lead her to her class.

Great. First day of school and I'm already falling for someone.



No. Falling on someone, not for them. Even better, first day of school and I'm already going insane.

"Isabella?" A bell like voice brought her back to reality, pointing to Bella's schedule she asked, "Is that your name?"

"Y-yeah." They had stopped at room 4004.

" I'm Mary Alice Brandon." She handed Bella back her schedule. "Well, you're first period is right through this door, I'll bump into you later!"

Without further notice, the small girl took off, skipping down the hallways. What a strange girl.

"Mary Alice, huh?"

Author's Note: Next chapter will be MUCH longer. It is a prologue after all. And the formal name calling will end. I promise.

Read and Review .I swear, this has a plot.