Dislaimer: I do not own any of the characters. They belong to Masashi Kishimoto.

Troublesome, But I like it

Chapter 1

Sasuke was one of the richest men in Konoha. He's good looking, tall, perfect and to top that of, he's only 25 years old! Of course being one of the heirs to the Uchiha clan contributed most of the money but nobody can ever accuse the men of not having to work for the money because Sasuke was also one of Konoha's top lawyers.

Shikamaru was an aspiring artist who dreams of having his own art gallery someday. But of course he has to graduate from Konoha art school, first. He's just your average healthy 19 year old kid, a bit lazy, ok maybe really lazy but he's just a guy who likes to enjoy his life in slow motion. Just like the clouds, static but still moving (slowly of course). He got his life planned out but not to worried if everything will go according plan. Whatever happens, well happens and that's the reason why until this day he couldn't really put his head on why he got one of Konoha's most eligible bachelor, Uchiha Sasuke as his boyfriend.

They met 2 years ago, Shikamaru just got transferred to Konoha's art school on scholarship for his tremendous and shocking (cuz he's too lazy and all that) talent. Shikamaru was 17 and looking for a place to stay but got almost all his money ripped of by an 'agent' who claimed they never made a deal. He made a police report and was advised to go to a lawyer so that he could get his money back.

Sasuke, 23 years old, just graduated and eager to practice his laws skill and when the law firm he worked for at that time shoved Shikamaru's case in his face and he took it on immediately. They met and worked as client and their lawyers and that was it. Sasuke won the case and help Shikamaru got his money back thus enable Shikamaru to move out from his friend's, Inuzuka Kiba 1 bedroom apartment couch.

Shikamaru invited Sasuke out for a 'thank you for getting me my money back' dinner and from that day onwards they just progressed and became what they are now.

Shikamaru's p.o.v

I took a sip at my almost cold coffee and made a face at the bitter taste hitting my tongue but swallow it anyway. I never really liked coffee and I could not find any sugar in my house so the coffee was really bitter. I thought about going to the convenient store to get some sugar or maybe buy canned coffee but decided against it as it would be too troublesome to do.

It was almost 11 in the evening or should I say night. Whatever the time is, Sasuke is late, really late and now I'm really pissed and really irritated and I have a headache from drinking that stupid coffee and I want to go to sleep! I dialed his number for like the hundredth time and I keep getting his stupid voicemail. Stupid Sasuke!

I really liked to change into my comfortable t shirt and my boxer and go to sleep but Sasuke said that he had something important that he wanted to tell me. But he would be here 4 hours ago if it was that important.

But this wasn't the first time he was late for anything involving the two of us. He was late for our first anniversary dinner and then he was late for the dinner at his parent's house the day he introduced me to his family. I was left alone for almost two hours at the mansion with his thankfully nice parents and supportive older brother but somebody got a silence treatment for 3 whole weeks and no sex for a whole month.

I smiled at the memory. Sasuke had apologized many, many time but I still refused to talk to him and he left tons of messages to my phone but I still acted like he didn't existed. I finally caved when he showed up at my house with him attacking my mouth the second I open the door and my favorite takeout menu: pepperoni pizza with extra cheese. I felt heat creeping up on my cheek and mentally yelled at myself for blushing like a girl.

But I'm still angry. Where the hell is Sasuke? I dialed his number from my cell phone once again and waited for it to get through. If I get his voicemail again, I swear he's going to get it.

"Hello" I gritted my teeth at the casual 'hello'.

"Hello, Sasuke" I tried to say it as casual as possible.

"Oh God, I forgot about tonight. I just got a phone call from my boss and I had to fly to Seoul tonight". I felt tears building up in my eyes and tried to stop myself from crying. He said that like it was the most common thing in the world. He didn't even apologize. Stupid insensitive bastard!

Then I just couldn't stop myself. I broke down, crying like a girl. Troublesome!

I have always wanted to write something where Sasuke is older than Shikamaru and I did. I really like this pairing and really like to continue this story but it would be nice if someone review. So please review, please..