After a mere few hours of much needed sleep, I went to meet Christian at his dorms for field training, although I was a little annoyed that Lissa and Eddie were already standing with him waiting for me. Christian was the first to notice me and greeted me with a blunt, "You look like hell."

I fought to not bare my teeth, "Thanks, you really know how to treat a girl."

"Morning, Rose," Lissa said sweetly, trying to apologize for Christian, "He does have a point though, did you even sleep last night?"

"For a few hours," I admitted as we began walking to breakfast, "There was a bit of a complication last night."

"Really, what?" Eddie asked, probably hoping that there had been some security breech and that me and Demitri had done some heroic ass-kicking. I'd hardly say tackling a boy who couldn't even defend himself would qualify.

"It's not important, a few human found their way past the wards. Demitri's taking care of it, it's fine." However, as usual, I was proved wrong almost immediately after finishing the sentence by the high pitched screams coming from the general direction of the administrations office. Running Moroi were being chased by odd jets of light that knocked out whatever they ran into. I recognized the boy with red hair and left Eddie to guard Lissa and Christian.

The jets of light were easy enough to dodge as long as you paid attention. Other dhampirs stood protectively in a circle around them, Demitri made eye contact and motioned towards the red haired boy, and then pointed another of the guardians-in-training towards the girl. He held up three fingers and counted down, three…two…one!

As the other two dashed forward, I ducked to dodge a beam of light before running forward myself, and heard the distinct sound of someone dropping to the ground behind me. I had the red head on the ground in less than a second, and could see that Demitri had easily taken down the other boy, Harry. However, the other boy had taken down Hermione so easily. She still had a free leg, and kicked the boy where it counted, instantly freeing herself. I might have respected her, if it weren't for the fact she turned her wand on me and a jet of light hit my shoulder and sent me flying.

I had expected all hell to break loose at that time, two of them were free again and had shown they were willing to hurt with those sticks that shot light. However, the entire world went still and quiet. I looked up, my neck sore from the impact on the hard concrete, and saw Demitri still having Harry under control, and the two others surrounded by thin tendrils of fire. I smiled, it had to be the work of Christian.

"I don't know who you think you are, but you better have a good reason why you would assault a school, harm our students, injure my friend, and more importantly, knock out my girlfriend." Christian was in full glory using his offensive magic, eliciting a small yelp from Ron as a tendril brushed a little to close to emphasize his point. I glanced back to see that Eddie was holding Lissa, who seemed completely unable to stand

"You're vampires," Ron said quietly, "We don't want to die, we were protecting ourselves."

Demitri pulled up Harry and asked the other boy to verify, which Harry did, looking frightened by the guardian. After a moment, Demitri looked to Christian, "Let them go."

"What?" Christian looked pissed.

"Let them go, burning them alive won't solve much." Kirova elaborated, "Let them go."

"It'd make me feel better," Christian mumbled as he released them. He walked back to Eddie who was holding a now unconscious Lissa. I went to try to stand, finding the pain incredible, then again, I was forty feet away and had bounced several times on the ground. My shoulder, where I was hit by the light, was numb from pain and the blood was slowly staining my clothes. Demitri, Alberta, Kirova and a few others talked, and I was called to join them.

Kirova made an announcement as I walked over, "Everyone, field training is officially canceled for the day. If you're injured, go to the infirmary, if you aren't, Moroi continue on to breakfast, and resume classes as normal. Guardians, head to the gym after breakfast, we will send someone over for training today."

Students dispersed, and the three newcomers stood looking at us like we were going to kill them, and the red head was glaring at me in particular. The adults were leaving me out of conversation, and I was in a bit too much pain to really care what was being said. Besides hoping that I would get some retribution for the pain I was in, that is.

All but Alberta and Demitri left, and Alberta gave the newcomers a stern look, "Harry, Ron, Hermione, I know you are new here and haven't yet absorbed all the information we've given you, but your behavior is despicable and will no longer be tolerated. You have one last chance, you may stay here as long as you are peaceful. Rose here is one of our best guardians in training, and will be assigned to guarding you during your stay for her field training exercise. And no Rose, this isn't negotiable."

"Don't I even get medical aid for this?" I asked, pointing to my shoulder, which was still bleeding.

"You will be taking them up to the Infirmary so they can help undo some of the damage they did. I'm sure you can get that fixed up while they're helping out." Alberta said, before she and Demitri walked away. Part of me was upset that Demitri hadn't even said a word to me, a larger part of me was upset that I was stuck with these three indefinitely.

"Come on, the infirmary's this way," I said pointing them in the right direction so I could follow and protect them. As much as I could while being injured, anyway.

"I'm not going to blindly follow a vampire." Ron said, man, he was getting on my nerves.

"We don't have much of a choice, Ron. Let's at least try to be nice." Hermione told him.

"None of us really have a choice. Me defending you is what decides whether I graduate or not." I smiled and looked him in the eye, "Besides, I'm only half vampire."

"How do you get a half-vampire?" Ron asked, and I suddenly decided that if this kid was going to make it this easy to make fun of him, it wouldn't be so bad.

I grinned as I spoke, "You see, when a vampire and a non-vampire really love each other-"

"Ugh, stop there," Ron said, his face contorting in disgust. I have to say that I rather enjoyed that, as well as the blush that covered Harry and Hermione's faces.

"So, which of your parents was the vampire?" Hermione asked a minute later to break the uncomfortable silence that had fallen over the group.

"My dad, he was some Moroi, from Turkey I think. I've never actually met him." I replied, and Hermione looked like she was about to apologize, "Don't worry about it, most Dhampirs never meet both their parents."

"A dhampir is a half-vampire, right?" Harry asked, and I nodded, "And a moroi is a vampire?"

"Moroi are mortal vampires, Strigoi are immortal vampires." I explained, "Dhampirs are trained to protect the moroi from the strigoi."

"I'm sorry about your arm," Hermione said softly.

"You were fighting on instinct, which is forgivable. Stupid, but forgivable." I told them, emphasizing the word stupid.

We arrived at the infirmary, and I held the door open as they walked through, seemingly shocked at how many people they had put in there. I kept an eye on them as the nurse looked over my arm as she mumbled about the newcomers, "Mostly they just need to do the counter curses, not sure why they needed to throw curses at most our students. You're just about the only one truly injured."

My shoulder was wrapped, a little too tightly to be truly comfortable and restricted most movement in my right arm, but it would have to do for now. The three wizards (although one would technically be a witch) seemed to be oblivious to the threats they were receiving from moroi and the guardians alike. All of which, I had to stop and protect them. I couldn't really afford not to at this point. As the morning wore on, more and more people left the infirmary, until it was just me, the wizards, and a few others.

"Alright, down to lunch with you," The nurse said, motioning for us to leave. A lady can only put up with something as new as their magic for so long.

"Do they have human food?" Ron asked.

"Of course we do," I rolled my eyes as I walked down to the cafeteria, "Don't you know anything about vampires?"

"We thought we did," Harry said, "But so far, we've been proven wrong."


(A/N: Well, I know that no one was actually set on fire, but it was close. Anyway, let me know how I'm doing! Review!)