Characters: Buffy/Spike/Angel
Rating/Warnings: M for sexual content
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy own the rights and profit from it, not me.
Summary Spike muses about who's the better man, him or Angel.
Word Count: 194 words, more or less. Unbeta'd.

Based on the events of "Seeing Red" in Season Six and pretty much all of Season Seven, but especially "Lessons", "Beneath You", "Conversations With Dead People", "Sleeper", "Never Leave Me", "Lies My Parents Told Me", "Empty Places", "Touched", and "End of Days".

The Better Man

Who's the better man for her?

I am.

Who traveled halfway around the world and endured trials to get a soul to be a better man for Buffy? Who left her flowers anonymously when her mother died? Who held and comforted her when her so-called friends and family turned on her? Who's devilishly handsome to boot?

Me. It's all me. No false humility here.

What does he have that I haven't? He may have gotten a soul first but his was imposed on him as part of a gypsy curse. It wasn't something he pursued or fought for or chose.

Besides, he's as dull as ditchwater. He's only dangerous when he's turned. He becomes evil when they have sex. When we have sex she comes harder and more times than anyone I've known in my undead life.

I feel most alive when I'm inside of her. We fit together somehow.

Buffy, look at me. See me for who I am. I wasn't always a monster. Once I was a man named William and a poet, not a drunken layabout like Liam.

Think of me. Dream of me. I've proved I'm the better man.

A/N: Buffy's response? "What, are you twelve?"