Disclaimer: Turns out I own a chicken named Mr. Clucky, but no Naruto.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~EFFIN AWESOME SEQUEL OF DOOM! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~

CHAPTER 13: Bad Luck For Dish Soap

"TELERI! GIVE YOUR BROTHER BACK HIS LEGOS!" Gaara ordered as an 18 year old ran at abnormal speed, giggling like a crazy person.

"Just like her mother." Kankle said distastefully.

"You know you love me." I smiled. Satoshi's bright red hair flashed in front of us as a large object tripped Teleri to the ground and sat on her back. I sighed.

"Legos. Now." He demanded.

"Satoshi, what have I told you about trying to mortally injure your sister?" I put my hands on my hips.

"To not to?"

"Yes! And if you must, make sure you aim away from her face, and don't get distracted or you'll find yourself castrated."

"NUT-SHOT!" Teleri screamed, kicking her brother in the nards.

"Aaaahhhhhh!" Satoshi squealed, falling to the ground. I high-five Teleri, secretly grabbing the Legos. I threw them at the still writhing Satoshi and grinned, smacking Teleri upside the head.

"You: No stealing." I glared at Teleri. "And you: Watch your nuts." I turned to Satoshi. "And now we've all learned a lesson, so lets eat dinner."


I sighed, watching as an army of Akatsuki members stormed into the village.

"I'm too old for this…" I grunted, grabbing Florance. "I'd have thought they forgot about me."

"Mom, can I have Florance?" Teleri asked, giving me the puppy-dog look. I sighed.

"I can't believe my mother gave me a chainsaw, but I suppose I should pass on good old Florance to you." I shrugged, handing her the bright red contraption. I glued googly eyes on the front of it since the last time I used it. Teleri grinned, running out the front door towards the ninja. I had the joy of watching them realize who was coming towards them, and running away screaming like girls. She'll grow up to be just like me, reeking havoc on the ninja world. Satoshi grinned from beside me, silent as ever.

"Motherly unit?"


"Does that mean I get Dad's?"

"You'll have to ask him." I shrugged. Five minutes later, another red-head ran out of the tower and toward the herd of S-ranked criminals. Their shrieks amplified as they ran off into the distance, half of my genetic material running at their heals.

"Reminds you of the good old days when that was us running behind the Akatsuki, doesn't it?" Gaara smirked, hand wrapping around my waist as I pet Taco, the turkey that we suspect is immortal.

"I suppose so. Oh! Satoshi got one!" I covered my mouth with my hand.

"Ouch…" Gaara winced.

"You think he'll be able to pee after that?"

"No." Gaara shook his head. I chuckled.

"Well, at least I've got my kiddies to protect me from dish soap." I giggled.


"Child. Don't move." I ordered my strange looking daughter, brushing her bowl-cut hair. Her eyebrows were two inches thick, she was 5 years old, and she loved the color green.

"Yes mommy."

"Midori, (Which is green in Japanese! HA!) where's your father?"

"He went out." She shrugged.

"Ugh!" I fumed, finishing her hair. "Alright, go to school." I dismissed, going to search for Lee. Suddenly, I was tackled into a hug.

"Mel!" Lee smiled.

"I am so mad at you! You weren't here to wish Midori off to school!" I fumed. He hung his head.

"I am sorry, but I had a morning mission." He apologized.

"I suppose it's alright, as long as you're here now." I said guiltily.

"Mhm." He sighed, drawing me close for a kiss.

All in all, I'm glad we stayed.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Sequel End!~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

My beloved spoof is finished. Hizah. *Sighs* I just don't have very much spoofness in me anymore. And I can't write normal stories without failing epically. Perhaps I should retire from fanfiction…

Chaotically yours,

Ko-Chan!(OR IS IT!)

Turns out it is.