Title: It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
Rating: K+
Characters: Whole team. :D
Disclaimer: I do not own, but I will tell you what I got for Christmas.
Summary: Christmas day greeting over the phone.

A/N: So, guess what I got for Christmas so far? Well, okay I'll tell you. I got the first Glee CD, a whole bunch of candy, two books, and a LAPTOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, my mom's boyfriend said he had one last persent for each of my siblings and I, and apparently he got my sister a DVD player, my brother a new tower for the computer, and I a LAPTOP! I nearly screamed. Well, I did. I was so excited. So, once I get it all set up to the internet and junk, I'll no longer be on this lousy desktop. :DDDD Excited. So Excited.

Oh, and this chapter is basically the team wishing each other a Merry Christmas. I need to get in the shower, because I have to leave sooon, so I'll leave you with:

December 25th: Christmas Day

The phone rang, and Lisbon jumped down the stairs in a hurry. She was certain it was her family, and having Jane answer would be fatal.

"Hello?" She said breathlessly right as Jane walked up behind her. His Santa hat was crooked, and she was sure that he was hiding yet another present behind his back.


It was Cho, and he sounded very confused.

"Oh, hey Cho. I'm guessing your flight landed." Lisbon said, pushing Jane away as he attempted to get the phone from her.

"Yeah, about ten minutes ago and I'm airing out."

"Airing…. out?" She said, and Jane quirked an eyebrow.

"Long story. I called to wish you and Jane a Merry Christmas." Cho said, putting a little emphasis on Jane's name. Lisbon made herself not blush.

"Merry Christmas to you too. I hope you enjoy seeing your family."

Cho laughed, and she heard someone talking very fast in a different language.

"I'll try. Merry Christmas." He said again, and Lisbon hung up the phone. Jane pouted.

"I wanted to talk to him." He said in a fake child voice. Lisbon rolled her eyes.

"Call Rigsby and Van Pelt." She said, and he grimaced.

"They're probably doing… extracurricular activities right now."

Lisbon didn't hold back her laughter, and she was surprised when Jane started to dial.

"Hey, Rigsby. How are you?"

Lisbon watched as Jane nodded, his eyes making ridiculous movements.

"Oh, I see. Well, did you tell her you meant it in the nicest of ways?"

Lisbon could hear Rigsby speaking, obviously stressed.

"I see. Well, threaten to take it back. That always works."

Rigsby's voice got a little louder, and Jane handed the phone to Lisbon. She watched him walk up her stairs, a smirk on his face.



"It's Christmas, call me Lisbon. What was Jane talking about?"

There was a sigh.

"I have no clue. He just started talking to me like I had some huge problem."

Lisbon glared up the stairs towards where she knew Jane was hiding.

"I'll talk to him."

"You sound like my mom." Jane yelled, and Lisbon stuck her tongue out.

"Okay. Well, Merry Christmas." He said. Lisbon suddenly lost sight of Jane, and she jumped only slightly when his arms wrapped around her waist. She could hear Van Pelt in the background, laughing.

"Tell Van Pelt the same."

"Oh, if she listens. Her father sent her a brand new laptop, like the best there is. She's a little ecstatic."

"Oh goodie." Lisbon said, trying to remain calm as Jane kissed her neck.

"What did Jane get?" Lisbon smirked.

"He's going to get a swift kick in the nuts."

Jane suddenly disappeared, and Rigsby laughed.

"I'll leave you to it then. Merry Christmas Lisbon."

Lisbon smiled as Jane glared at her from her couch, holding his tea cup to his chest and his Snuggie over his body.

"Merry Christmas Rigsby. Merry Christmas."

I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season, and I'll talk to you all when I get home tonight. :)

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Kwanzaa the whole she-bang. :D
