This is a story I have been working on for quite some time now… it started out as just a few short stories but after I made my preview for it (here's the link .com/watch?v=gE64V8ZE8Mk) I knew I had to write it. And now, almost a year later, I have decided to clean it up and post it! I really hope you enjoy it.


Azula sat in her cell, listening to the muffled voices of the guards who stood just beyond her cell door.

She stared up at the gated ceiling mirroring the gated wall in front of her, remembering how her old friends used to sit in that exact spot beyond her cage, begging her to listnen to her brother.

Now, Mai and Ty Lee refused to come and see her, they didn't trust her. Mai influenced Ty Lee to believe she was a monster who couldn't be helped, but Azula saw the hint of docile that still remained. She could see how Ty Lee wanted to help her, but she didn't need help, she was perfectly all right. It was only the first few months she had been in prison that she was at her worst.

Zuko used to come and see her then; of course this only lasted for those few short months of her prison life. He stopped when she told him, rudely, not to come back. Though sometimes her subconscious wished she could see him again. She remembered how he would sit and talk about how things used to be, before they're mother was banished. Azula never spoke, nor looked at him, just listened quietly wile he mourned over her current state of illness. He would ask, or sometimes beg, for her to speak to him, just so he could know she was there, that she even heard him. But she refused to acknowledge the presence of a traitor; though it pained her each time he called her by her full title, Princess Azula.

The single word was hard to even think about, when Zuko asked her if she wanted her rightful place as Princess of the Fire Nation she had ignored him completely.

If she had taken it she'd be put at her brothers right hand, and given back the royalty she so rightly deserved.

But what was the point when she was only second next to the Fire lord, and once he married and had an heir of his own, her spot would be out ruled and she would be forced to give up her rights as the Princess.

Zuko never bothered to ask again, he knew why she declined, he wasn't an idiot, he knew how her mind worked, and that if she was given that kind of power it'd be like starting the war all over again.

But instead she'd be the warlord, just without the name of Fire lord. Though Ozai did give the position to her… but it was useless to think about, Ozai was a prisoner like herself. No more than a scared piece of history now.

Listening to the Guards; she had heard rumors that Ozai was a few cells down from her. She hadn't seen him since the day of the comet, that unforgettable day was much to blurred to remember what exactly had gone on, but she remembered the feeling she had gotten when he told her she wasn't coming with him to burn Ba Sing Se.

It had hurt so badly, like a cold flame was ripping her heart out. She could only relate it to what Zuko must have felt like when he was banished.

But her memory blurred just after that, when she was given the name of Fire Lord.

She knew now why Zuko hadn't bothered to ask if she wanted to see her Father, and to her own surprise she didn't. After she found out that the Avatar had taken away his Firebending, he seemed useless to her.

If he were really the great leader she used to think he was, he would have escaped long ago.

Just like her pitiful Uncle had, but that was only rumors she over heard from outside her prison doors.

Slipping her eyes gently closed she pondered more on the thought, and then another memory came to her.

Zuko had said that they're Mother might still be alive.

Something inside Azula told her this was supposed to be a good thing, though she didn't fully understand why.

Zuko still believed he could find her, and Azula knew he eventually would. Zuko was strong and persistent, and though she'd never admit it, smart.

She, personally, didn't care if she ever saw anything outside her cell ever again, let alone the women who thought her to be a monster. Nothing made it any different. She was a prisoner in her own body, not allowed to Firebend was a curse. She knew that if she were ever let free she would be watched like the demon she was.

She still had to plan an escape though-for baleful reasons- and she didn't want to leave until she had one.

Being sane again was helping her think, she realized how she had gone wrong and how she could have defeated her brother and the Water Tribe girl at once.

She couldn't quite tell what sent her off the edge; she just knew she fell, to hard to ever heal the pain.

To the doctors, it could have been the loss of her only friends, but then she realized that she started slipping just before that.

Nothing in her memory made sense after the day of the eclipse. She remembered her Father telling her that Zuko had betrayed they're country, she remembered this so well because Ozai had specifically said;

"Your Brother Zuko has betrayed us, and our Nation." If felt so good to hear, like the physical pain she went through to claim Ba Sing Se was worth it after all, as if he actually thought of it as their country.

She looked back on the memories now and realized he was only using her, using her adept Firebending as a tool in his unthought out plan to rule the world.

He had always known that she was born lucky, and that Zuko was lucky to be born.

Though once Zuko had come back to live in the palace Ozai had taken an interest in his son that had never been seen by either of the siblings.

Azula thought he was just humoring him, and that when it came time for Zuko's coronation that he would give Azula the throne.

Later on did she realize that Ozai never really knew what he was doing, Azula was the brains behind the operation.

She had taken Ba Sing Se, she had almost killed the Avatar, she brought Zuko home, and she came designed the plan that would destroy the Earth Kingdome once and for all.

Now she was furious at her Father for messing with her plans.

If she could get out of this cell, she could kill Zuko and the Avatar. She would rightfully take his place as Fire Lord Azula.

Her plan was starting to unravel, but she needed two key components, and they were the hardest to obtain.

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