Love the 39c series, and I do not own the 39 Clues or any of the characters what. So. Ever. My first fanfic, so no flames. R&R!!

Golden Eagle of Flaming Sword

The Lucians scoured Africa and Europe. The Ekats searched North America. The Tomas looked in South America. The Janus foraged for the 39th clue, the key to all, in Asia. The Madrigals even looked in Australia! But Amy and Dan Cahill were in Antarctica. The 39th clue, although unknown to the other branches, had been found already. It was now at the bottom of the Earth. Literally. The 39th clue, a key of power, was about to be placed in a door at the bottom most point of the Earth. Amy and Dan had lost all the other clues to the other branches, and they were determined to uncover the secret of Cahill power before the other branches realized they were in Antarctica.

"Come on, Amy! Hurry up!" shouted Dan Cahill from the top of the hill.

"C-coming!" replied Amy. She trudged up the incline and was instantly awestruck by the sight below. The Valley of the Cahills was a welcome difference from the white expanse of Antarctica. The Valley was a carpet of lush, beautiful grass, soft as feathers, sprinkled with exotic flowers here and there. At the center was a stone pedestal with a stone box on top. The two children raced down to the pedestal. They were 18 and 15 now and Nellie had left and settled in France with her soul mate, Jean-Pierre Bonaparte (not a descendant of Napoleon). When they reached the pedestal, Amy pulled the Cahill Key from her purse and inserted it in the groove on top of the box. Slowly, the lid opened with a creaking sound. Amy slowly withdrew the paper inside and read it. She frowned.

" ' Forgiveness'? Really? After all we've been through, the secret to Cahill power is forgiveness?"
Dan reached forward and grabbed the paper. On it, in perfect cursive written in black ink, was the word "Forgiveness." He turned it every which way, but with the same result. Then he turned.

"It could be a message of some sort. Or it could be-"

"Dan, shhhhh! Do you hear that sound?"

"What sound?"

"That whirring sound...Ohhhh!"

Amy and Dan rushed up the hill together to meet the helicopter that had landed. From it emerged Monsieur and Mademoiselle Bonaparte, and a thin, gaunt man they didn't recognize.

"Nellie!" they shouted in surprise, and ran up to hug their ex-au pair.

"Hi, guys! You guys already know Jean-Pierre, and this," she said, pointing to the other man,"is food critic Anton Ego (recognize him?)."

"Good day, Monsieur and Mademoiselle Cahill. I have just had a taste of your, ah, friend's food, and, I must say, I was not expecting it to taste good on a helicopter ride to the bottom of the planet. But they insisted, and they have passed with flying colors. The food," said Ego, directing his words at Nellie and Jean-Pierre,"was exquisite."

The Bonaparte's looked delighted.

"Thank you, Monsieur Ego," said Jean-Pierre courteously,"and we have brought some food for the young Cahills as well. We have also brought a surprise. Napoleon, come out!"

"Coming, Papa!" A little boy no more than four emerged from the helicopter.

"Amy and Dan, meet Napoleon Bonaparte," said Nellie proudly.

Amy's eyes widened.

"Nellie! You already have a kid? I'm so happy for you!"

Nellie beamed and ruffled Napoleon's hair.

"I almost forgot! We brought you some of our best gourmet dishes."

"And I can vouch for them. The food is very good," said Ego.

"Papa and Mama brought Blanquette de Veau, Coq au Vin, Pot au feu, Bouillabaise, and Mousse a Chocolat!" exclaimed the overexcited Napoleon. Then Dan spoke up.

"Nellie, have you told them," he said, gesturing to Jean-Pierre, Napoleon, and Ego, " know..." he said, trailing off as Nellie nodded.

"They have sworn secrecy," she said solemnly.

"Good. Incidentally, would you like to now what the 39th clue was?" he asked casually.

"Oui, s'il vous plait!" exclaimed Napoleon in his shrill voice.

"Shh, Napo," Nellie chided. Amy chuckled.

"Maybe Napo should have the honor of reading the clue?"

Napo eagerly took the paper in Amy's outstretched hand with his grubby little fingers.

"Forgiveness?" he asked with a puzzled look on his face. He turned to Amy and Dan.

"Are you tricking us?" he asked, getting angry.

"No, of course not," said Dan gently.

"We're just as surprised as you are," intoned Amy.

Nellie glanced at her watch and gasped.

She ducked into the helicopter and came out carrying an unfoldable table and a bell. She hit the bell with a little mallet.

"Time for a snack everyone!"

How was it? Remember, R&R, and I've changed my mind. Flames are welcome, if they are constructive.

Next chapter: The characters will enjoy the Bonaparte's portable feast, and they will meet old enemies, and new friends (hopefully!).

Should get Chapter 2 up by end of December, because of all the schoolwork and extracurricular activities. See you next chapter!

Golden Eagle of Flaming Sword

P.S: The next chapter will only be up by the end of December with a minimum of five reviews, any kind. Otherwise, January. Cya l8r!!