Hehe this should be fun. Think of it like this. Jack+Ianto+Jedward= Mayhem, chaotic destruction and FUN! But we like all those things so let's get busy writing. Could be a one-shot I dunno yet to be honest. Oh well enjoy:

"Come down and meet the team." Jack said delightedly as he pull John and Edward Grimes towards the Hub's doors.

"So like, your like an underground sort of cool sounding team?" John asked.

"Pretty much." Jack sounded pleased with himself. "How was the X Factor by the way?"

"Well like it was pretty cool coz like now everyone knows our names and like they've started calling us Jedward which John isn't too happy about.."

"Yeah coz I just got a J and Edward's got like his whole name."

"But like yeah it's been one hell of a time for us and like we just loved every minute of it."

"You guys talk more than I do!" Jack laughed. The Hub doors opened. "Howdy team!" Jack shouted cheerfully.

There was a grunt from the medical bay and a mumble from Tosh's workstation.

"Right then..." Jack said to himself. Suddenly Ianto came into view.

"Jack! I was wondering when you'd get back. Made you some coffee... and would you two like some as well?" Ianto said spotting John and Edward.

"No thanks we don't drink coffee." Edward said.

Ianto froze where he was. "Ianto it's okay sweetheart." Jack soothed him rubbing his back.

Ianto took a deep breath. "Ianto Jones." He said shaking the boys hands.

"John Grimes."

"Edward Grimes."

Ianto laughed. "You should be called Jedward."

The boys looked at each other and didn't know whether to be amused or annoyed.

Ianto walked out of the room. "Right boys I will be back in a minute feel free to look around." Jack whisked off after Ianto.

"So like John what ya think of this place?"

"It's pretty cool."

"Yeah. Let's go find Jack. I'm bored already." Jedward went in search of Jack.

They walked into the kitchen to find Jack's arms around Ianto's waist and he was whispering sweet things into his ear. Ianto was grinning and had relaxed back into Jack.

"How ya doing, Janto?" John grinned.

The men spun round. They looked at eachother. "Janto?" They said together.

"Well now we have Jedward and Janto." Edward said.

"Right." Ianto smiled at Jack.

"I think it's time you met the rest of the team." Jack pulled the boys out of the room.

"Jack I have just finished filing those rep....Jedward!?" Gwen looked up and saw the boys. "Oh my God is it really Jedward?" She ran up to them and hugged them.

"Gwen Cooper." She said excitedly. "You should of won X Factor!"

"Thanks Gwen like it's been amazing for us." John said.

"Wow! I cant believe it's really you two! I mean like first I wasn't sure and then...." Gwen was still talking when Jack slipped the boys carefully away.

"Tosh I'd like you to meet John and Edward!" Jack said to the technician.

"It's a pleasure to meet you John. Edward. Toshiko Sato. Technician." Tosh said warmly.

"You too Toshiko. And please call us Jedward." The boys grinned.

"Jedward it is then!" Tosh smiled then went back to work.

"Only one team member left. Dr Owen Harper. Err.. good luck." Jack pushed them towards the medical bay.

John and Edward leaned against the handrail.

"Owen?" Edward called.

"What!?" Owen snapped. "Who the hell are you?"

"John and Edward Grimes."

"Who?" Owen yawned.

"Of the X Factor." John said.

"Right. Okay. More of a I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! Fan but I can make do." Owen yawned again then went back to poking a brain looking type thing.

"Meeting in the boardroom guys! Jedward that includes you too!" Jack called.