Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach


As Orihime looked through her high window, she wondered what will happen to her. She had dearly missed all her friend who was trying to rescue her. The thing she wondered the most was the feeling she was starting to have toward Ulquiorra Cifer .She sighed as the door to her room opened, it was her guardian angel under a devil' control. "Azien-sama has requested your audience Onna" said Ulquiorra.

"Hai" responded Orihime as she follows him through the many white hallways of Las Noches. Ulquiorra opened the doors of Azien`s throne room Orihime found herself in the room with Azien, Gin, and Szayel. She was never alone with them, she thank Kami that Ulquiorra was with her. He always made her feel safe when around Azien.

"Orihime I need you to help Szayel with some of his work. Don't worry it is not dangerous and Ulquiorra will be there if something was to get out of hand" Azien said. Orihime looked very worried but was able to nod her head and follow Szayel into his lab.

The first day Orihime and Ulquiorra was to mix some chemicals. It started to release smoke and Szayel had forced them into the showers together. Ulquiorra was very glad that the water was cold. Then day eight came around and Orihime accidently spilled acid on both males. Her face was red for a week. Week two came around and Orihime and Ulquiorra had tested a mind reader pill. It was a desire pill and all they could dream able was their wet dreams for each other. More cold showers for Ulquiorra until the effect wore off. Szayel had scolded Orihime for tripping over a cord spilling bleach in his drink. He had never saw Ulquiorra accidently lit his pants on fire until it reached his crotch.

After those 3 weeks with 4 exploding chemicals, 10 chemical showers, and 14 large fires whatever Szayel was working on was complete. Those 3 weeks Orihime was able to bond with Ulquiorra a little bit with every lab accident. Azien was nice and not as cruel as she made him out to be. When the lab testing was done Orihime had nervously called for an audience with Azien. She was surprised that he accepted and called her right away. "What do I own this visit, Orihime?" Azien asked with a smile.

"W-well can I cook you and the espadas dinner Azien-sama? If you don't want me to I understand" Orihime said as she didn't meet Azien's brown eyes and just stared at her feet in her black shoes. Just like his hair

"Sure you can. But do you need anyone in the kitchen with you?" He asked resting his chin on his knuckles. Amused by the joy on her face.

"I need anyone who can cook well enough and can lift things for me if I can't."

Azien thought about it and came up with two people in mind. "Yammy and Ulquiorra will be with you. Yammy and Ulquiorra can cook. Yammy is of course a lifter and Ulquiorra is there for your protection. We both know how stupid Yammy can get" said Azien to a bewildered Orihime.

"Thank you so much Azien-sama "Orihime said has she quickly bowed and went out of the room when Azien had dismissed her. When she left Gin appeared

"Hey ya Azien don't cha think it's a little unsafe for the caged bird to cook for the bird keepers" he had heard what she had requested on her food sometimes that made even him sick.

"Don't worry Gin. Orihime is one of us now, she is little a daughter to me" Azien said. Just like that fool Momo.

Orihime, Ulquiorra, and Yammy entered the kitchen. All espadas was accounted for and was in the kitchen already. Even Luppi who Azien made Orihime bring back so he can become a fraccion to Nnoitora. Grimmjow and Nnoitora were arguing who was a better fighter. Luppi was hitting on Harribel who wasn't even paying attention to him. Szayel was transferring liquids to and from containers. Aaroniero was in the corner watching with everyone with amusement.

They were able to clear the kitchen out. When they did that, Szayel switched the two very important labels together. The pink liquid was very dangerous and its label was DON'T TOUCH, DRINK, and OR OPEN YOU'LL BE SORRY. While a blue liquid was harmless and the label was FEEL FREE TO USE WILL NOT CAUSES POMBLEMS LATER. The labels switched and the two large containers were left in the open free to anyone's use.

In the large dinner room, Aizen, Gin, Tosen, Harribel, Nnoitora, Grimmjow, Szayel, and Aaroniero was there while the rest refused to eat something from the prisoner. Also Luppi and Wonderweiss were there with them seeing as they count. However they all seem calm on the outside but in the inside it was a different story.

'I wonder what Pet-sama making for us keh, keh, keh, that dress of hers is made her huge breast stand out mmmmmm.' Nnoitora thought has he licked his lips.

'I wonder if Rukia would pick me over that damn strawberry.' Aaroniero thought playing with his fork

'I swear if Luppi hits on me one more time I am going to fucking kill him.' Harribel was glaring draggers at Luppi who just flirted with her.

'I wonder if Ulquiorra fucked that girl yet or if he'll kill Nnoitora and me if we touch her.' Grimmjow wondered in curiously.

'Fucking tits, I hope nobody messed with the container with the pink liquid, no one knows but me what the danger is of that entering the body of anyone. Not mattering how powerful the person is.' Szayel thought worriedly as his eyes were glued to the door of the kitchen.

'I hope Azien knows what s he doing, oh how cute Wondeweiss is played with that rubber ball.' Tosen thought as he heard Wonderweiss play with a rubber ball.

'Bouncing, bouncing pretty ball I hope pretty butterfly lady is doing something good.' Wonderweiss thought as his tummy growled for food.

In the kitchen Orihime was making the main course and dessert. While Ulquiorra made the appetizers and dessert. All Yammy did was what he was good at which was making side dishes, so he did just that without messing it up. While working on dessert Orihime and Ulquiorra shared some touches and some stolen glances. At one and other Yammy saw but decided to keep his mouth shut because he wanted to live. He knew better than to piss off the short man. They had finished preparing the food just in time to they could hear the espadas get restless.

"I say I can defeat the fucking strawberry without anyone's help. So shut up you anal raping fraccion fuck." Grimmjow yelled as Nnoitora screamed back at him.


"Both of you shut the fuck up Nnoitora I can back up on Grimmjow`s theory of you anal raping your MALE fraccion, but the food is coming and I don't feel like making everyone sick with your weird pervertness." She stenly stated making the en sit down.

Finally the heavenly food came but there is always a devil cake among the food.

The appetizers were made of Garlic bread and Greek salad.

Only Harribel, Tosen and Wonderweiss who pointed at the bread which Tosen got for him was the ones who touched the appetizers.

The side dishes were fruits and assorted nuts with cherry dipping sauce. With tomato soup, bean soup, and chicken soup as other items.

Everyone had taken some of it and was able to save room for dessert and the main course. Also with that there were mozzarella sticks they can dip in this (special) sauce.

When the main course came out everyone was surprised at how well it looked SO good. It was a pig, it was roasted and what looked like it was dipped it red honey sauces with cranberry juice. Everyone even Orihime had a look of a hungry lion with a fearing fat juicy zebra in front of it.

The pig didn't survive; even the bones were sucked clean. "So Pet-sama what was the pig dipped in blood, gravy, red semen, what the fuck was on the pig woman?" Nnoitora said as he tried to get to Orihime while being held back by Yammy. Grimmjow was laughing his fucking head off while Orihime explained.

"Well I roasted the pig thanks to Ulquiorra `s and Yammy `s help. I'll have to tell you after we bring out the dessert". Yammy and Ulquiorra went into the kitchen and got out the HUGE cake. While Orihime went and got a big bowl of what looked liked topping for the cake.

A pool was forming out of all most everyone's mouth. "Ok who wants a slice?" asked Orihime who eyes widen to see Nnoitora jump at her. She closed her eyes has she waited for the blow of his body but it never came. She looked and saw Ulquiorra dragging Nnoitora to his chair. The cold look Ulquiorra gave to Nnoitora was so cold that the room dropped a couple of degreases. When Orihime finished giving out all of the dessert plates she then told them what was in the food. Their faces had nothing but pure shock and terror has she kept eating her dessert.