Disclaimer: It has been 15 Years since Sir Aaron has sealed Spiritomb in a stone but unknown to some, he has returned. Can Ash make his dream come true and defeat Spiritomb?

Pairing: AshxDawn [AADL or SatoHika]

Genre(s): Romance, Adventure, Action, Fantasy and Hurt/Comfort.

Inspired by: Pokemon Movie 8 & Kiba (Anime),


*) Kazu [Ash's best friend]

*) Mana [Dawn's 1 Year younger sister.]

Some notes:


Talking with Pokemon

Note: I fail at describing things.

.:.::.:. Story Begin! .:.::.:.

(Chapter 1)

The sun was shining threw the window, the warm and blinding beam that caught the boy who was sleeping, but not for long. A sound.. The boy recognized this sound as she immediately woke up and got dressed. Putting on his blue cape that on the bottom was looking like it had been torn apart, his blue boots with a golden trim on it, his soft light brown pants, a light brown shirt that covered his whole arms with a blue shirt that only covered till his shoulders and his blue globes that both had a Blue Sphere placed on it.

(A/N: Or you could just say, Sir Aaron's look but then slight different.)

He ran threw the door walking to the square were the others were gathered. He reached the others and stood in the line as the Commander walked their way. As the Commander reached the Trainees you could see he was serious. "Ok, Listen up! Today is a special day since we will see today if you are qualified to become a successful Knight and maybe if your lucky, You'll end up being a Aura Guardian."

"Now follow me!" The commander ordered. "Yes Sir!" Was the reply of the boy and the other Trainee's . As the Trainees followed the commander they ended up near a field made for battles, the commander turned around and pointed to two other Trainees. "You two! You'll go first, show me and your fellow Trainees how much you have learned and if your qualified to become a Knight." The boy looked at the two Trainees, he knew one of them. It was his friend Kazu, the wild brown haired and blue eyed boy was his friend since they were children.

Kazu being the Hyper but mostly Serious boy he is was pumped when it came to battling it even matched the boy himself. "Aura Summon!" Kazu yelled as a monkey with white fur and boxing globes appeared. "Primeape!" His opponent answered his call as he too summoned his Pokemon. "Aura Summon!" A rat with sharp and long tooth appeared. "Raticate!"

Kazu just smiled as the Pokemon engaged battle, his opponent was jumping towards him ready to make a slash with his Aura Blade. Kazu smiled. "Aura Blade!" A blue blade appeared in Kazu's hand as he blocked the opponent attack. They were both pushing to their blades since the blades still were in contact of the blockade, Kazu kicked the opponent making him fall on his back while Kazu pointed a blade to his neck. "Do you surrender?"

Meanwhile Primeape had punched Raticate knockout as he also was done with his opponent. The opponent just sighed and nodded.

The commander smiled. "Well done!" He turned his gaze towards the boy and nodded. "Ash, it's your turn." Ash just smiled, finally it was his turn as he walked on the field on the opposite of Kazu. "Hey Ash! Give it your all!" Kazu waved while smiling. Ash just chuckled. "Of course! You two!"Ash stood still and took a deep breath. "Aura Summon!" A yellow looking Mouse Pokemon appeared. "Pikachu!"

Ash closed his eyes. "Keep your distance Pikachu, Primeape is a short ranged attacking Pokemon."

Pikachu just looked at Primeape. "I will." Kazu just chuckled and summoned his Aura Blade, he ran towards Ash as his Primeape ran to Pikachu.

Ash prepared his fists, this raised the eyebrows of the commander. "He still has a low Aura capacity and level.." Kazu just smiled as he slashed from the right, Ash punched his fist at Kazu's right arm cause the blade and the arm to being blocked. Kazu kicked Ash with his left leg only to be blocked with Ash's right arm, Ash just smiled since he had a opening and he had since he send Kazu flying with his right leg hitting him in the stomach.

Pikachu was blocking punches from Primeape, when Primeape's right arm was about to hit, Pikachu blocked it with both his arms and then he spinned cause his tail to hit Primeape in the face and also sent him flying. "Good job Pikachu! I also kicked Kazu!" Pikachu was running towards Ash and jumping on Ash's shoulder.

Kazu and Primeape stood up, smiling. "Good job Ash! But, how about this."Aura Sphere 1!" A small blue ball was formed in Kazu's hand. He launched it towards Ash and Pikachu. "Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" Pikachu jumped from Ash's shoulder and launched a Thunderbolt attack, it destroyed the Aura Sphere of Kazu and went right to Kazu himself. Kazu just put his hands in front of him. "Aura Shield 1!" A blue small shield was formed in front of the two hands as it blocked the attack.

The commander was amused, it was a great battle. "Great job, you two. Kazu showed off some nice Aura work and Ash showed it isn't a disadvantage for not having a lot of Aura and a high Aura level."


"Sir Brock, I want you to keep an eye on Ash for me." The king said. The king was sitting on his throne , he had Grey hair and a red/gold cloak. Sir Brock had brown spiky hair that pointed up and a brown cloak. "I understand, but what for?" The king arose from his thrown and start walking around the hall. "Brock, Ash sees you as a big brother since you teach him, was concerned about him and even took care of him. It only make sense if I let the person who he knows on of the most will protect him from the evil forces. You see Brock, Ash is not a normal boy.."

Brock was curious and he nodded that the king could go on. "He is actually a Prince, but unknown to him since you can guess his father was none other then Sir Aaron himself." Brock had his mouth wide open and eyes wide.

"But my king, doesn't he have a low Aura level to even match Sir Aaron's? And doesn't that mean your not really a king?" The king laughed, it was only normal to ask a lot of questions when you know someone very well and you just hear that he is a Royalty. "By his birth, Sir Aaron sealed the boy's real Aura level and Capacity to make sure the enemy won't read him as his son, now that he is old enough to handle his Aura and himself for a bit, he will unseal it soon, by himself. And as for your other question, yes I was never a king but nearly a person, trusted by Sir Aaron himself to look after his son and watch over the kingdom till his son can manage."

Brock was dumbfounded but nodded in understandable. "So.. Does he already know that he is a prince?" The king went back to his thrown and sat down. "No, but it's better to keep it that way until he is 16, I don't expect him to only hear it then but whe need to make sure he doesn't know about it for as long as possible." The king smiled. "Do you accept your mission?" Brock smiled and nodded. "Good, the teams should be made right now, hand this letter over to the Commander if you see Ash is a knight." The king handed over the letter to Brock and Brock took his leave.

Back to Ash..

The commander returned with the list. "Alright, I got the list with the teams of two who will become knight." The commander waited for everyone to nod which they did. "Platoon 1.." He read the list whole down to Platoon 9. "Platoon 9's members are Ash and Kazu." Ash and Kazu jumped from the sudden wave of joy. They both high-fived each other. Brock reached the commander and heard about the news and handed the Commander the letter. The commander started reading it.


Knowing you, you already graduated Ash and Kazu. Mostly like you put them both on the same team since they both work together while they both fill each other weaknesses. I request you add Brock to their Platoon, I think I don't have to explain why, since you already can guess.

Thank you,

King Oak.

The commander nodded. "Ok listen up! There has been a slight change in Platoon 9." Ash and Kazu both had a what-do-you-mean look on their face. "A member has been added. Sir Brock has joined Platoon 9 from now on." Ash and Kazu both had a grin on their face, this was even better. Ash started running towards Brock and when he reached Brock he smiled. "Great to have you on the Platoon, Brock!!" Brock smiled. "Of course, lets share some great travels on our way."

Kazu made it to Ash and Brock and smiled. "We will be unbeatable!!" The three laughed but it stopped when the commander walked over to them. The three saluted. "There will be a tournament tomorrow, all the three kingdoms will compete in it. I suggest you at least try it out as a team to look how good you stand with the rest." The three just nodded as they realized they had to enter first, they began running to the Stadium entrance.

When they reached it they signed the list and walked back to the castle to take some sleep. Ash smiled and looked to the left as he didn't notice.. Thud. That he hit something or rather someone.. "Watch were you're going, Loser!" Ash turned his head and looked at the person. It was a girl, she had long blue hair and blue eyes but her eyes. They weren't normal not abnormal, they were like something had taken over. "Sorry" Ash said as he took a step back. "You better be! How dare you to push the Princess of Sinnoh on the ground!" Ash was a little surprised but being a simple person at the moment he just shook it off. "Are you alright?" Two voices were heard behind her. A short red haired girl stood there with a Black/Grey haired girl both concerned. Kazu looked at the Black haired girl and found himself lost in her Grey eyes. The girl giggled. "My name is Mana, I'm also a Princess of Sinnoh." The red haired just smiled. "My name is Zoey, I'm just a friend of both of them."

"They aren't worthy to know your names." The Princess yelled at them. "Don't you think you're not going a little bit over the top Dawn?" Zoey asked, Dawn was furious. She was about to scream when a other voice was heard. "Come on, just walk away from these pathetic people." Ash was now pissed off, he looked at the owner of the voice and spotted him. He had purple hair and he stood there with an attitude like see-if-i-care-loser. "Great your here Paul. These losers are bugging me." Paul just pushed Ash away like trash and walked away to the stadium with Dawn.

Ash was pissed. "What did you do that for, Jerk!" As soon as he finished, Paul disappeared and appeared in front of him. He punched him in the stomach causing him to couch up blood. "Get lost, Pathetic Loser." Paul just walked away. Mana and Zoey were horrified by the little event. "Dawn wasn't like this until he showed up one time and did something to her." Mana said crying as she ran the opposite way of Dawn and Paul. "Mana! Wait!" Zoey ran after her.

Kazu and Brock were a little shocked as it all happened in 1 minute and so fast! Ash was unconscious by the hit. Brock and Kazu took him to his bed.

Next day..

Ash woke up and sat down, slowly remembering yesterday's event. He was pissed off right now but that didn't matter he had to compete in the tournament. He quickly put on his clothes and ran towards the stadium.

.:.::.:. Story End .:.::.:.


Ash – 15

Kazu – 15

Brock – 18

Dawn – 15

Paul – 16

Zoey – 15

Mana – 14

Well this was the chapter for now, see you next chapter.

Please Review.