A Moonless Night Chapter 1

Stealth was the key to her mission. One false move could kill her. Taking a deep breath Kagome looked to the old abandoned mansion that was supposedly sheltering her target. Her target was the infamous vampire lord, Bankotsu, who had stolen an ancient artifact. It was called the Shikon no Tama, which could destroy the universe in the wrong hands. Kagome walked up to the mansion steps quietly to not alert the vampire she was here. Once up the steps she opened the door and peered inside. She smiled in victory and she stepped inside. Not a second later she was pinned to the wall with a pale slender hand around her throat. Kagome gasped and looked into the ocean blue eyes of her captor.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" A husky voice asked. Kagome clawed at the hand around her throat and struggled to catch her breath. "You're Bankotsu aren't you?" Bankotsu smirked at her and asked," And you are Kagome Higurashi am I correct?" Kagome smirked and kicked him in the stomach causing him to drop her. He smiled revealing his fangs causing an involuntary shiver to run down Kagome's spine. "Impressive, I am guessing you work for Sesshomaru as well?" Bankotsu stood up straight and looked down at her with a smirk planted firmly on his face.

Kagome stepped back and placed her hand on the edge of the wooden stake," How do you know so much about me?" "Let's just say I have my ways," Bankotsu said lunging at her. Kagome side stepped the attack and whipped out the stake and aimed it for his heart. Bankotsu flipped out of the way landing a few feet away from her. "You have been trained very well," Bankotsu said causing Kagome to smirk in return. Bankotsu grinned mischievously and disappeared from her sight. Kagome looked around and took a defensive stance. She soon felt him behind her and she quickly turned around running into his rock hard chest.

Bankotsu grabbed her and slammed her into the wall. Kagome groaned in pain and looked up to see him reappear in front of her. Bankotsu once again pinned her to the wall and smirked at her. (AN: He does that a lot doesn't he?) Kagome narrowed her eyes at him making him laugh. "If you keep doing that it'll mess your pretty little face up." Kagome growled in frustration and tried to push him away hut it proved useless against his vampire strength. Bankotsu grabbed her wrists and placed them above her head ignoring her struggles and attempts to hit him. He leaned down and placed his face in the crook of her neck.

"What," Kagome asked with a slight blush on her face. She felt him inhale her scent and she started struggling twice as hard. Bankotsu used his other hand to turn her head to the other side allowing him to get better access to her neck. Bankotsu's fangs grazed her neck causing her to jump. Kagome's blush darkened and she stopped struggling for a second to catch her breath. "You smell good," Bankotsu said looking into Kagome's eyes, "Now you must go to sleep." Kagome felt herself start to lose consciousness and she looked at him with a dazed expression," Mind….control…." Kagome fell limp into his arms and he looked down at her.

His throat started burning as he looked at her slender neck that was carrying the rich blood that was coursing through her veins. He arched her head backwards and leaned in as his fangs grew longer. Once his fangs pierced her neck his hunger started to die down causing him to enjoy the rich liquid. Kagome smiled in her deep slumber that Bankotsu noticed through the corner of his eyes. Bankotsu pulled away and looked to the raven haired beauty that was resting peacefully in his arms. Bankotsu smirked and wiped the blood away from his mouth. "You're a feisty little one," He said with a teasing tone. He placed the slumbering Kagome on the ground and pulled a small piece of paper from his pocket and scribbled something on it. He grinned and placed it beside of her. He bent down and placed a kiss on her forehead and walked away.

Kagome woke up a few minutes later with a small yawn. She quickly sat up and felt a small sting in her neck. She placed her hand on it and felt a warm liquid on it. She looked at it and saw it was her blood. She gasped and placed her hand over the bite wound she had received from Bankotsu. Kagome ripped some of her shirt sleeve off and tied it around her neck. "What's this," Kagome asked picking up the small piece of paper lying beside of her. She read over it and she screamed in frustration. The note said: You taste as good as you smell. Now that you have been bitten by me you belong to me until you I tire of the chase. Just so you know, I'll be watching you…. Love, Bankotsu.

Kagome walked over to her stake and placed it in its holder at her side. She walked outside and got on her motorcycle and sped off to Sesshomaru's office. Half there her vision started to blur which caused her to speed up. She made it to the office in record time and she quickly hoped off her bike and rushed inside. She swiftly raced to the elevator and pressed the star button. She started swaying and getting very dizzy. She grabbed onto the metal bar to steady herself. Her strength started failing her next sending her crashing to the floor. The elevator door opened and she looked up at her boss who looked concerned. "Sesshomaru," Kagome mumbled before she passed out.

~Alright, I think I am going to end it here for right now! I hope you have enjoyed reading this first chapter as I did writing it! Please tell me what you think! This is my first Bankotsu/Kagome pairing story and my first vampire story so tell me if I need to work on anything!

Tigress 'N' Training….