
Kimberly Hart had one special night with her boyfriend Tommy Oliver before she left to go to Florida. But to her surprise she would not be able to participate in more than a couple of practices before she found out she was pregnant. Excited and a little bit scared knowing that she was going to have Tommy's baby she decided to move back to Angel Grove considering that now that she was pregnant she couldn't participate in Gymnastics anymore. She decided to go back a day that was a couple of months before she was supposed to move back to Angel Grove to look at houses considering that both of her parents lived somewhere else.

She arrived at the airport and was picked up by Jason and taken to the Ernie's Juice Bar to have a little get together with the gang. Tommy and Katherine both weren't there and she asked the other's where they were. Jason told her that Tommy was very busy with his classes and was going to take a nap before heading over. Then Tanya informed her that Katherine had been very busy with the dance classes she was teaching and would arrive later. After spending most of the day with her friends Kimberly decided to go over to Tommy's house and surprise him. She hadn't told anyone that she was pregnant and she wanted him to be the first to know. Saying goodbye to her friends she made her way to Tommy's house preparing to give the shock of his life.

As she knocked on the door she kept thinking about how to tell him but when no one answered she became impatience and used the spare key. She knew he was home his car was in the drive way and if he was anywhere else he would be with the people she had just left. Walking into the house she found that all the lights were off but she could hear something upstairs so she decided to go up and check it out. She laid the spare key on the counter top and started up the stairs. Finding Tommy's bedroom door closed she thought that maybe he had fallen asleep and missed his alarm. She was just about to open the door and surprise him when she heard someone laugh. The person sounded nothing like Tommy, in fact it sounded like the other person who had been missing at the get together.

No it couldn't be, he wouldn't do that do her. Would he? She knew there was only one way to find out so instead of opening his door and surprising him she quietly opened his door. When the door was fully opened she stepped into the room and when she did she wished she was anywhere but where she was. There on his bed were Tommy and Katherine and they weren't just sitting down talking. Before either of them could notice that she was there she got out of the room and out the door.

Once in her car she pulled out of his driveway and just started driving. It wasn't long before she reached the park where she and Tommy had become a couple. She stayed there long enough to compose herself before going back to Jason's house. She was staying with Jason for the days she was here. His girlfriend Emily was just another member of the group and she and Kimberly had become very good friends. So she had decided to stay with them while she was in town.

Opening the door she let herself in and noticed that both Jason and Emily weren't there. It took her all of five minutes to decide that she wasn't going to move back anymore and that she should just go back to Florida. She called the airport and they said they had a flight that left three hours from now, which she decided she would take. After getting off the phone with the airport she packed all of her belongings and then once she was done she remembered that she didn't have a car. She had asked Jason if she could use his to go visit Tommy since Emily had arrived late because she had been shopping with her mother. So Jason could ride with Emily home if he needed to and she wouldn't be pressured to bring his car back anytime soon.

'Well that worked out perfect,' she thought bitterly.

A couple of minutes later she decided that she would just take Jason's car to the airport and leave him a not telling him that they needed her back in Florida because something had gone wrong. She hadn't told anyone that she was pregnant so no one would ask questions since they knew she was devoted to her work. Taking out a pen and a piece of paper she wrote Jason a note and hoped he wouldn't call and ask questions.

Dear Jason,

I am sorry that I have to leave so soon. I was halfway to Tommy's when my phone rang and the Coach told me that he needed me back in Florida as soon as I could make it. So I turned around and came back and booked a ticket for the first flight I could. Please tell Tommy that I am sorry that I didn't get to see him and I am also taking your car to the airport. Emily can drive you there to pick it up but I have to leave as soon as possible which is right now. I hope you're not mad at me. Thanks for letting me stay with you while I was here.

I Love You,


Once she was finished she placed the note on the fridge and then made sure she had everything. Then she grabbed the keys from where she had left them on the counter and went to take her luggage to the car. She locked the house up and then started driving towards the airport. She parked the car and then headed towards where she was supposed to check in. Once she was checked in she looked at the time and realized that she still had an hour before her plan took off. She hoped that Jason and Emily would stay out tonight and give her time to get away without anyone trying to stop her. She pulled the book she had been reading from her bag and tried to pass the time but all that she could think of was the image of Tommy and Katherine. She couldn't stand thinking about them so she forced herself to read.

It seemed like forever before her plane began boarding. Once on the plane she realized that she was looking forward to a lot of alone time and a lot of time that she could think about the two people who she really didn't want to think about. But luck was on her side because once the plane took off she found that she was just too tired to actually think and fell asleep almost instantly.

When she woke up the plane was landing and she was back in Florida. Once the plane landed she walked off the plane and over to baggage claim. Once she had her bags she reached into her jean pocket and took out her phone, she had six missed calls. Three were from Jason, two were form Emily and one was from Tommy. She didn't have enough energy to deal with anyone right now so she just walked outside and hailed a cab.

When she arrived back at her apartment and was safe inside she finally relaxed. She didn't unpack anything she just laid her bags on the floor next to her bed and then laid down. Her feet made a thump when they hit what she had left laying on her bed before she had left. Rising up she picked up the photo album and started flipping through the pictures. She stopped when she came to one of her and Tommy. It was too much and for the first time since seeing him with Katherine, Kimberly let herself cry.