Chapter 12


After talking with Tommy, I really hope that he finds some way to make things work with Kim. I know that I was mad at him and will probably be mad at him for a while but I know that it will not take me that long to forgive him. Although it is going to take Kim, a lot longer to forgive him and to learn to trust him again.

Right now, I am really really pissed off at Kat. How could she do this to a person she considered her friend. Then even when everyone knew the truth, she still tried to blame things on Kim. Right now I just want to find Emily and hold her for a little bit to make things feel right again. I wonder when we will get to tell everyone that we are expecting a baby. Probably not until this whole thing with Tommy and Kim blows over, which I hope will be very soon.

When I walk into the house, I find everyone huddled in the living room. Emily is standing over by the couch; I walk up to her and pull her into a big bear hug.

"Was that Kat that just sped away?" Tanya asked.

"Yeah," I replied letting Emily out of the hug while keeping my arm around her.

"So what's happening out there?' Adam asked.

"Kim and Tommy are talking and hopefully working things out," I tell everyone.

"Yeah, let's hope they work things out really soon I would hate to see that baby grow up without a father," Rocky pipes in.

"What baby?" I ask hoping he does not mean Nora.

"You know the one she and Tommy have together," Rocky answers me.

"So everyone knows about the baby?" I ask looking around the room.

"Yeah I found out at Ernie around the same time Kim told Billy and when I got here we found out that Aisha knew a little before that. Then Emily brought the baby down so now everyone knows," Rocky explains.

I look over at Emily who has an innocent smile on her face. She looks tired and I wonder if this is too much stress on her and the baby.

"Emily why don't you go upstairs and lay down," I tell her.

"Why would I do that?" she asks.

"Because you look tired and you have had a hard day," I answer trying to hint at what the real reason is.

"Jason just because I'm pregnant does not mean I can't take care of myself," Emily blurts out.

"You're pregnant?" Tanya asks, I can hear the shock in her voice.

"Well that's good news, isn't it?" Billy asks.

"And the surprises keep on coming," Adam replies with a smirk on his face.

(Tommy and Kim)

I have no idea what I am going to say. A part of me hoped that I would never have to have this conversation but another part is glad that it is happening. But where do I start, what do I say. I can't just blurt out and say 'Tommy you have a daughter'. I guess we should start from the beginning, which would mean the letter. But before I can say anything Tommy decides to start the conversation.

"Kat and I only slept together once," he blurts out.

I am very surprised by this, "So the one and only time you slept together is the day that I come back to visit? I ask.

"No," he answers me.

"What do you mean no! I saw you Tommy and there is no mistaking what you two were doing. I mean come on can't you come up with a better excuse than it did not happen. I was there I know what I saw!" I yell at him.

I look straight into his eyes hoping that he will tell me the truth this time.

"Kim listen to me. Let me explain and then you can do whatever you want. But please just give me a chance to explain?" he asks.

"Why should I?" I ask already knowing that I probably will let him try to explain.

"Because I don't think you can walk away from me and not wonder one day if you were wrong," he answers.

I look at him for a moment wondering how much more hurt this is going to cause and then I think that it might be better if we just get everything out in the open.

After taking a deep breath, I tell him, "Alright explain to me what happened."

"I did cheat on you but it was only two times," he begins.

"Like that makes it any better," I reply sarcastically.

"Are you going to listen to me or not?" he asks.

"Fine go ahead," I tell him.

"The one time I did cheat on you I was drunk. Kat came over to talk to me, things went too far, and well that's the first and only time I slept with someone else. Then I guess after talking to Jason the second time would have been when you came back from Florida," he explains.

"Wait okay I know I'm supposed to be listening but you said that was the only time you slept with someone else. But the day I came back, you were with Kat. I saw you," I tell him trying to understand.

"When I learned that you were coming to visit I was so happy. After getting home from school, I looked at the clock and saw that I had about two hours before I was supposed to meet you guys at Ernie's so I decided to take a nap and catch up on some of the sleep I had been missing. I woke up to someone kissing me."

"Katherine," I whispered.

"Yes it was Kat but I didn't know it then. I thought it was you and that's why I kissed her back. I did not open my eyes until a couple of minutes after I had flipped that person beneath me. When I saw, it was Kat I immediately stopped and told her to get out. Apparently, even though I told her it was a mistake she thought our one night together meant that we were meant to be together. After that, I headed for the juice bar and I was going to tell you everything but when I got there, Billy told me that you were already gone. About a month later I got your later and nothing else seemed to matter anymore." He finishes.

I cannot believe this, this cannot be true. But when I look into his eyes, I can tell he is telling the truth. So the question is can I forgive him for making a mistake and cheating on me or is this it, are we done.

"Can you forgive me?" Tommy asks surprising me by taking my hand.

I look at our hands locked together and then I answer him, "It's going to take me a while to trust you again. I believe you though and if you are willing to work with me I think that maybe we could try again."

"Why?" He asks sounding surprised.

"Because no matter what you've done I still love you. With every part of me I love you and I can't imagine living my life without you," I answer him.

Tommy pulls me into a hug and then I remember I haven't told him about Nora and I wonder if this is going to be another problem that we are going to have to deal with.

"Tommy I have to tell you something," I say pushing out of his arms.

"Don't tell me you've reconsidered already," he replies looking into my eyes.

"No it's nothing like that it's just; well I don't really know how to tell you this. I know your going to be mad at me but I hope that you can get over it. I mean I know that we just agreed to work on things but if this changes your mind I will understand," I ramble not knowing how to tell him this.

"Kim I know there wasn't another guy so this, whatever this is can't be that bad. There is nothing you can say to me that will make me mad at you, so go ahead tell me," he urges me while stepping closer o me.

"YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER!" I blurt out not be able to hold it in any longer.

When he doesn't say anything, I don't know what to do.

"You have a daughter," I repeat looking into his eyes trying to find a trace of what he is thinking. "Surprise."