Hair Issues

Characters/pairings: Hyuuga Hiashi, Neji, Hinata

Description: "Uncle! What happened to your hair!"

Dedication: jeje-chan, for the idea. Unintentionally, but still. XD

Warning: Vague spoilers (if you squint), Neji and Hinata children, general crack

Rating: K+


Two dark-haired, squatted figures stifled giggles as they crept into the room. One held something sharp, while the other crept behind the first with what appeared to be a tiny, plastic baggy. Another round of choked giggles ensued. The figures stopped beside a lump next to another lump, underneath the warmth of a blanket on the only bed in the room. The first figure reached slowly forward and grabbed the ponytail of the closest lump.

The sound of a soft snick was all they heard, the figures now holding their breath. The lump stirred. The first figure gulped while the second looked about to faint. The first figure picked his cousin up and darted out the door. Behind him, he heard a muffled thud, then silence; his uncle had rolled out of bed with his kunai, no doubt.

Giggling, the two figures, revealed to actually be two Hyuuga children when in the light of the hallway outside of Hyuuga Hiashi's rooms, quickly made themselves scarce. They hid in a closet not far from Neji's room, and when they heard a roar of fury, darted across the hall and inside said room.

Neji tucked his cousin underneath the bed and then pretended to sleep on top of it, the blankets already a mess from earlier preparation. He knew Hinata held the baggy with Hiashi's ponytail to her underneath the bed. Suddenly, just after Neji flopped himself over in his 'sleep', the door slid open with a bang. He sat straight up, and upon seeing his uncle standing in the door, rubbed his eyes.

"Jiichan?" he asked, yawning (it was real, since he'd yet to go to sleep).

The man's face was swathed in shadow, since the light was at his back, and Neji couldn't tell what his expression was. However, he didn't need to when his uncle spoke. "Neji. Where is my daughter?"

Phase two, Neji mentally counted, and hoped Hinata was hiding the baggy underneath the bed. He pretended to look around in worry, reaching up to rub one eye again. "Huh? Hinata-chan was in here earlier..." He peeked over the edge of the bed and saw a foot sticking out from under it. Perfect. He reached down and poked the foot. It moved. "I think she rolled underneath the bed..."

Hiashi walked around the bed and knelt down, which is when Neji 'noticed' his new hairdo. "Uncle!" he gasped, and Hiashi looked up in annoyance. "What happened to your hair!"

Hiashi looked very, very pissed. "Like you don't know."

Neji pretended to be confused, brows drawing together, and then he snapped his fingers as if he were supposed to figure it out (genius children, apparently, also knew how to act very well). "Oh! I know! You changed it because aunt wanted it cut, right?" he asked, leaning forward excitedly.

Hiashi glared at him as he helped a sleepy Hinata out from under the bed. Neji looked at his cousin curiously (the baggy wasn't in her hands; good). "Hina-itoko!" he said in a chiding voice. "What were you doing under the bed??"

She blushed a bit and mumbled something incoherent as she sleepily curled up in her father's lap. With a disgruntled look thrown in Neji's direction - they both knew he'd done it, but Hiashi couldn't prove it, and Neji had Hinata to prove that he'd been in the room - Hiashi left to bring Hinata back to her own room.

Two weeks later, Hiashi found his ponytail again. It had been sold off to the highest bidder by a mysterious stranger known only as 'Haji'.


They will neeever catch 'im. XD The infamous Haji prankster that sold Hiashi's ponytail to fangirls. XD R&R!