Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh

Chapter 3

18 year old Yugi Motou quickly ran towards the elevator, his arms loaded with important files his boss, Seto Kaiba, would need for his upcoming meet with Sennen Games Inc. This was one of those meetings that if you screwed up and cost Kaiba this contract, which would coincidently cost his company several million dollars then you can kiss not only your job good-bye but any chance of ever working in the business world again.

However, as luck would have it just as Yugi was sprinting around the corner he collided with someone, knocking not only both him and the other person to the ground but also spilling all the file folders he'd been carrying…not to mention the other person's cup of coffee.

Yugi quickly began stuffing the papers back into the files while saying, "I'm so sorry about that, I should have been watching where I was going."

"It's alright, no harm done." The person Yugi had collided with replied, which made Yugi freeze momentarily. He knew that voice…even though he hadn't heard it in nearly four years he'd recognize it anywhere.

Another voice also spoke, "Yami, it's not alright, that idiot dumped your coffee all over you and I don't think we have time to go back to the hotel for you to change before our meeting with Kaiba…"

"Atemu, baby relax its fine. I'll live." Yami replied before turning back to the Kaiba Corp employee kneeling on the ground, "Don't worry about it young man. Like I said, no harm done."

Yugi finally gathered up the will power to look up and see if he was indeed imagining hearing his brother's voice, as well as someone else being addressed as his brother's name, or if it really was his older brother who had been missing for the past several years.

"Yami?" Yugi asked, his voice filled with the shock he felt at indeed seeing his older brother, standing right in front of him, wearing a high end business suite standing in Kaiba Corp.

Yugi watched as Yami stiffened slightly and his eyes returned to the young man on the ground, since he had refocused his attention on Atemu who was trying to wipe as much of the coffee as he could off of Yami's shirt. The other man also paused frowning slightly when Yami stiffened suddenly. "Habibi, what's wrong?"

"Yugi?" Yami whispered.

That was all the confirmation that Yugi needed that it was indeed his brother before he leapt to his feet and practically tackled his brother to the ground. "I can't believe you're here Yami. Where in the world have you been? Dad and Grandpa looked all over Domino for you when you didn't come back home but they couldn't find you. What happened to you?"

Yami was silent for a moment before he gently squeezed his little brother back and rose to his feet. "I, um went and found a fresh start for myself." Yami said.

"And what does that mean?" Yugi asked.

"None of your or anyone else if your families damn business." Atemu snapped before he grabbed Yami's hand and began to drag him down the hall, muttering something about having a meeting that they had to be attending.

Atemu dragged Yami into the empty conference room and pulled the door closed behind him. He knew that Kaiba wouldn't be arriving for another ten minutes which meant that he and Yami would have time to talk.

"You okay Yami?" Atemu asked.

Yami shrugged, "Yeah, I guess I'm fine Atemu. It's just…I knew something like this was going to happen. I knew coming here would be a bad idea, which was why I didn't want to come back. I just, I just don't want to have to deal with facing my family's disgust. Their hatred. But I'm not going to be able to hide from them for long since they'll now know that I'm back in Domino." Yami said.

Atemu wrapped his arms around Yami, holding him close. "Don't worry about a thing Yami. Let them say something, I fucking dare them to. If one of those bigoted idiots says anything that upsets you I'm going to knock their fucking teeth out."

Yami chuckled weakly while he squeezed Atemu back. "Thanks Atemu, I really appreciate that." Yami mumbled.

Atemu brought one of his hands up to push Yami's face up slightly before he leaned down and pressed his lips to Yami's. Yami eagerly kissing him back.

However, their moment was disrupted by someone loudly clearing their throat. The two broke apart and turned to face Seto Kaiba standing in the door way of the conference room. "Pardon the intrusion Mr. and Mr. Sennen, but I believe that we have a meeting scheduled to begin shortly."

"It's alright, Mr. Kaiba. I was just trying to cheer my husband up since one of your employees upset him." Atemu said smoothly.

Kaiba's eyes immediately narrowed, "Which employee Mr. Sennen. For rest assured that employee will no longer have a job here."

Before Atemu could speak up again Yami cut him off, "It's quite alright Mr. Kaiba, it wasn't nearly has bad as my husband would make it out as. It was a simple accident, nothing more, not something to fire someone over."

"Very well, shall we get down to business?" Kaiba asked.

Yami and Atemu both nodded before they all took their seats around the conference table.

About two minutes later Yugi came rushing into the conference room having finally managed to resort the papers back into the correct files. "Here are your files Mr. Kaiba." Yugi said, though his eyes widened in shock when he noticed that his brother and the other man were both in a meeting with Kaiba.

Kaiba took the files from Yugi and motioned for him to leave, barely sparing the boy a glance. Atemu narrowed his eyes at Yugi slightly but he too said nothing and Yami didn't even glance in Yugi's direction.

"Umm, I get off at 4 if you want to…"Yugi started to say before Kaiba snapped,

"No one in this room cares when the hell you get off Motou. Now, I am trying to have an important meeting with Sennen Games. Get the hell out of here. And if you attempt to hit on another visiting CEO again you will be fired Mr. Motou."

"But I wasn't trying to…"

"Good Day Mr. Motou!" Kaiba snapped.


"Yugi, just go. I got your message and I'll speak with you later, now go before your boss fires you." Yami said.

Yugi sighed but did back out of the room, at least Yami had agreed to speak with him, however the other man, Atemu, Yugi believed Yami had called him didn't look too happy about it.

The last few hours of Yugi's work day just dragged by. Yugi actually had already packed up his stuff and was sitting on the edge of his seat the last five minutes of his day while he tried to will the clock to tick by faster.

At exactly 4 o'clock Yugi dashed out of his seat and headed back to the conference room where he'd seen Yami at earlier and stood outside. He could hear his brother's voice through the door, proving that he was still in there.

"Well, as far as that is concerned Mr. Kaiba Atemu and I were thinking…" Yami said.

Yugi frowned in confusion though when he tried to think of why his brother was even in that meeting in the first place, not only was he dressed in an expensive specially made suit but he was in a meeting regarding Sennen Games. And he had been under the impression that only the CEO had been coming for the meeting.

Yugi had been lost in his thoughts for so long that he failed to notice that they had decided to continue this discussion the following day, so he was mildly surprised when the three men walked out of the room.

"Hey Yami." Yugi said causing his brother to tense and Atemu and Kaiba to both glare at him.

"Motou, you are on thin ice with me." Kaiba spat, clearly unhappy with a lowly employee's harassment of the visiting CEOs.

Yami sighed and said, "Don't worry about it Mr. Kaiba. I agreed to talk to Yugi after he had gotten off of work today, that's why he's here waiting for me."

Yugi was then ignored while the three finished talking before they parted ways and Yugi followed Yami and Atemu to the elevator.

Yugi followed Yami and Atemu out to the front of Kaiba Corporation to see a limo parked there waiting for them, a chauffeur was standing outside the limo, the door held open. Atemu and Yami both climbed into the limo and when Yugi didn't follow immediately Yami said, "Are you coming with me or not Yugi?"

That snapped Yugi out of his shock and he climbed into the limo with his brother.

The three rode in silence before the limo came to a stop at a five star hotel, the same one Atemu had brought Yami to when they'd met back when Yami was 17.

Yami and Atemu climbed out of the car and Yami turned to Yugi, "Wait outside for me for a few minutes Yugi, I'm going to go and change out of this coffee stained suit and then I'll come down and talk to you."

Yugi nodded and watched as his brother turned and headed into the hotel leaving him alone outside.

Yami and Atemu went back into their hotel room and both changed out of their suits and into more comfortable cloths. As soon as Yami had finished changing he turned and headed towards the door, however Atemu grabbed a hold of his hand stopping him.

"Yami, habibi why are you putting yourself through this?" Atemu asked.

Yami sighed, "Because it's just something that I need to do Atemu." Yami said.

No its not. Atemu thought though he knew better than to voice that thought out loud, if Yami really felt like he needed to do this then there was no chance of him changing his mind so arguing with him about it would have been pointless. "Alright Yami. Do you want me to go with you while you talk to him? Or do you want to talk to him alone?" Atemu asked.

Yami smiled and turned, pressing his lips to Atemu's in thanks. He knew Atemu didn't like this and he was glad that despite that he was able to be supportive. "I'd like you to come with me, but I'll only let you if you promise not to intentionally cause trouble." Yami said.

Atemu nodded and laced his and Yami's hands together before the two headed out of their hotel room to go rejoin Yugi.

Yugi glanced up and frowned when he realized that Atemu was coming along as well but decided not to say anything on the subject.

"So, Yami where do you want to go to talk about this?" Yugi asked.

Yami glanced at Atemu for a minute and smirked slightly before saying, "How about the cliffs?"

Yugi sighed, he had never understood what Yami had liked so much about the cliffs or what the look he was sharing with Atemu was all about but he hoped he'd find out what was going on between Yami and Atemu.

The three rode to the cliffs before they got out and took their seats.

"So, Yami do you want to just tell me where you've been and what you've been up too? Or do you want me to ask you questions and you answer them?" Yugi asked.

Yami sighed and said, "It would probably be easier if I explained it to you."

Yugi nodded and sat back, indicating to his brother that he had the floor.