I was not happy. This morning, my alarm woke me up in the middle of the best dream I ever had: Cartman was moving to Mongolia to live among a group of nomads. He had promptly been ordered to do so after the government decided that he was a threat to national security and minorities everywhere. Ah, if only this actually happened! Cartman and I have been sworn enemies ever since he stuck some worms in my sandwich when we were five and, in response, I kicked him in the balls and gave him a wedgie in front of the entire school. If he moved, my life would be perfect… well, almost.

I rolled out of bed, sad that my blissful dream wasn't a reality, and began to get ready for another day at South Park Elementary. I put on a bright pink sweater, purple skirt, and a blue scarf with matching gloves. Then, I looked at my reflection in the mirror as I combed my wavy auburn hair back into a headband. I'm not the prettiest girl at school, but I'm up there. It's not like it matters though. I'm too good at football and video games to even be considered as "girlfriend material" by any boy in my grade. Oh well, I guess that's the price I have to pay for being so badass.

"Livy, where's Dad?" My six-year-old brother, Will, was standing in the doorway with his best friend, Ike Broflovski. My brother's a pain in the ass, but Ike's absolutely precious. So I tried my best not to sound annoyed as I replied.

"I never know where he is. He may not even be home, wasn't he out with Uncle Randy last night?" Uncle Randy and my dad are twins, identical twins to be more specific and, when they go on one of their "brother bonding bonanzas" the whole town, especially my mom and Aunt Sharron, cower in fear.

My brother nodded in recognition as Ike suddenly spoke up. "Are young going to walk us to the bus stop?" He said faintly. Aw! He is absolutely adorable! Now, if only his brother was as agreeable as he is…

"Of course I will! Now why don't you guys go downstairs and eat something so we can go." The boys left my room and headed down the stairs as I finished combing my hair. I grabbed my navy blue backpack, put my headphones in, and put my iPod on shuffle as I walked after the two boys.

"Good morning, honey." My mom said as I walked into the kitchen. I turned down my music so I could hear her clearly. She was feeding my baby brother, Tyler, some disgusting looking mushy carrots. I cringed as I grabbed a strawberry poptart and headed towards to door.

"It's only Monday you two. Let's get to the bus stop 'cause I am NOT walking all the way to school in all this snow!" My brother and Ike grabbed their bags and headed towards me. But my mom stopped us as we headed into the freezing cold Colorado snow.

"Wait a second, Olivia!" God, I hate it when people call me by my real name. "Can you give your cousin this note to give to your Aunt Sharon? Your dad called me this morning, apparently he and Uncle Randy are in North Dakota, heaven knows why… I just want to make sure she knows." I nodded as I took the note out of her hand.

"Besides," she said smiling, "this gives you an excuse to go up and talk to that cute, little Broflovski boy."

"Mom! I DO NOT have a crush on Kyle Broflovski!" I screamed. She smirked, turned away to feed Tyler, and then replied:

"I never said you did, dear." Oh, God damn it!

I walked out the door with Ike and my brother trailing close behind. I do not like Kyle, I thought to myself. God no! He's my friend, he's Ike's brother, and he's my cousin's best friend, nothing more. I mean, shit! Kenny's way cuter than Kyle. So it Token and Clyde… ok, maybe not Clyde. As I walked further and further away from my house, I saw the four boys in their usual places at the bus stop in the distance. Little did I know this was the week that was going to change my life forever.