I do not own anything relating to AVP: just borrowing the characters for a while.

The queen fought viciously against the weight of the water tower as it forced her off the edge of the cliff. Tearing her claws into the wood planking that was quickly slipping by, the queen made a final attempt to drag her prey down with her into the dark, murky depths of the frozen Antarctic waters. Her inner set of jaws snapping out with unimaginable speed to only slam shut mere inched from the puny humans skull. The planks gave way, and the queen fell into nothingness, her screams echoing off the walls of the cliff racing by her. She plunged into the freezing water, still fighting and thrashing against the mass of the tower, her constant screams drowning in the darkness.

Lex released a slow, shuddered breath that she had not even realize she'd been holding back. She leaned over the edge of the cliff, watching the retched serpent slip beneath the still waters of the frozen Antarctic. She wasn't sure that the water would kill the queen, or just freeze her… until some dumb-son-of-a-bitch stumbled upon the hulking mass on sonar. Lex hoped that day would never come, and that the bottomless, dark freezing waters would forever hold the terrible nightmare that she and Scar had managed to escape.

Her thoughts turned to the warrior that had saved her life, the queen had impaled him, giving her just enough time to force the hinges that were holding the water tower off to send that insufferable bitch to the bottom of the fucking ocean. She had seen scars limp body flung through the bitter Antarctic sky as the hard meats tail whipped wildly through the air. Where had he landed?

Lex turned from the cliff, stumbling over the remains of the decking that held the tower. She was exhausted, her body sore from the beating she had been through, but no amount of pain she felt would stop her from finding him. She owed him that much, she owed him her life. He had led her out of those maddening passageways, he fought for her, even had enough respect for her to blood her as one of their own. She sub-consciously reached up to brush her fingers over the two simple burns that now etched her cheek. Scanning the remains of the whaling station

Lex spotted several spots of glowing green blood speckling the gleaming white snow that reflected the light for the massive moon that lit the landscape. She moved towards the blood, still scanning the terrain. The wind was picking up, whistling between the buildings left standing. Lex squatted down to inspect the blood, noticing that there was much more than she had originally thought, that is when she heard it, the gentle chittering being carried upon the wind. Her head snapped up, desperately searching for the source. She was up in an instance, racing toward the noise. More blood was strewn over the ground, marking a trail towards the warrior she was frantic to save.

Her heart sunk when she saw him lying in the snow. Lex fell to her knees next to his limp body, her hands instantly reaching out to him, but they hung there in the air above him. What should she do? How could she possible know how to treat his wounds? Her hand came to rest, tracing over the marking Scar had inflicted upon himself for his own blooding. Scars eyes flew open, Lex inhaled sharply, pulling her hand back as though she had been scorched, but Scars reflexes were still more than intact. His hand warped tightly around Lex's wrist, golden eyes focusing on her soft brown stare.

Scar trilled to her, trying to sooth her obvious anxiety. She had proven herself worthy of his clans mark. He had failed her. He had allowed himself to be taken down by the hard meat queen, but the Ooman had not been so weak. She sprung to action when the tower refused to budge. She had not hesitated; she completed her trial with flawless perfection. Yet instead of feeling an overwhelming sense of pride for herself, she was kneeling in the snow over him, mourning him. She was mourning him. The thought repeated in his mind. Why? He had slaughtered her comrades, threatened her life, and failed her in the end. Yet she still remained with him. He could feel himself drifting into the darkness, the cold surrounding him. He pulled Lex down to him, his tusked inches from her smooth face. He began trilling to her again, trying to calm her and to Scars surprise Lex placed her tiny hand on his face once again. She didn't fear him anymore. She respected him. She traced his blooding scar again, her fingers lithely following the crest of his brow bone down to his alien mouth. She lightly traced up the side of his tusk, seeming almost curious about his anatomy, about his similarities to her race, and more interestingly their dissimilarities. Scar had never felt the tingles that crept up his spine before, each time her fingers brushed against him. He watched her intently, not wanting her to pull away, in fact he realized that he wanted more, wanted her closer.

Lex brushed her fingers against him, soothing him as best she could. What else could she do? He seemed so distant, so drained of life force…. So close to death. The thought filled her with dread. He had saved her! She had to act, she had to do something, anything to try and re-pay that debt. She couldn't just stand by and watch him die!

"I'm going to move you out of the cold. Stay with me Scar." Lex climbed to her feet. Scanning the near by buildings for shelter. Not much remained of the whaling station, but there were a few buildings still standing. Albeit the shelters were frozen and just as cold as the open air, but at least they would be out of the freezing wind. Lex managed to force a few planks off the demolished water tower deck to fasten a makeshift stretcher to drag Scar to the nearest building. The big brute wasn't easy to maneuver, he was barely conscious, "Just hang in there, I have a plan". She managed to push most of his body on the plank, which she then half slid; half push through the snow to the shack.

Forcing the frozen doors open, Lex discovered more of a storage shed than a living-shelter that she was expecting. The open space was perfect to pull the alien into, but just small enough to capture most of their combined body heat. Tight quarters were always better in these types of environments. She carefully slid Scar inside and closed the door. Crouching by his side again, she lowered her hand to his chest. Scars eyes barely opened, he looked up to her sleepily. "Hey." It seemed like the appropriate thing to say, he didn't understand her anyways. "I'm going to be right back, I'm going to find something to warm you up." Scars hand found Lex's. He cupped it with what was left of his limited strength, nodding to her, as if he understood she was trying to help.

The ooman startled him when she touched his chest. He tried to open his eye, but they felt so unbelievably heavy. He wanted to sleep… the cold was so overwhelming. Her hand felt warm against him. He reached up to take her hand in his; she was trying to save him. He knew that much. She was trying to tell him something, staring at him with such concern. Was she worried about being left alone? Surely she would survive, she had survived the hard meat, received only minor injuries, she shouldn't be concerning herself with him. He was as good as gone in this freezing hellhole, the predator species was naturally colder blooded, Scars race had evolved for warm humid environments, not frozen tundra's. She began to stand again, and Scar reluctantly let go of her warmth. He had a feeling she would return; he just hoped he could fight the shadows that long.