You Found Me

Chapter Two

To put it plainly, Kanda Yuu loved coffee. He was admittedly addicted to the bitter, caffeinated beverage, and everyday needed at least two cups to fill the calling. (Preferably above three, however.) He lived for Starbucks, because life without coffee was just… well, just life. Which wasn't a very desirable life, especially with damned Tiedoll lurking around every corner, waiting to pounce him for a 'loving' father-son hug. Kanda sneered—adopted son and lunatic was more like it.

Lavi, Kanda's annoying, self-proclaimed 'friend', always told him, trying to use a wise voice, and, of course, failing—"Coffee is Yuu's best friend, isn't it?" He remembered the red-head had pouted and whined obnoxiously—"And then it's Mugen. So where do Ifit in! I'm not meant to be thirdon a top-ten list. Or, in your case, a top three list."

Kanda grimaced slightly as he reached Starbucks… sure, he could be an up-tight bastard, and obviously no one liked him (and heliked it that way.) but did Lavi really only think he only hadthreethings in the world he liked? He pondered on this, and then sighed, almost inaudibly. Then again, maybe the hyper-active rabbit was right. Maybe there was only room for three things in his life.

Shaking his head to get the "Stupid Rabbit" from his mind, he opened the doors with his usual scowl. The smell of ground coffee beans immediately shot up his nostrils, overwhelming his scenes as he blindly walked towards the counter, craving the drink more than life itself… What could he say? He was utterly, hopelessly addicted; no other explanation required, no questions, no moody bitch fits, just him and the fragrance and addicting taste of the brown liquid.

He didn't need to order—the coffee was sitting at his table waiting, as it always was at this time of morning. He had a tab that he paid monthly, always equaling up to one hundred dollars or more; this was, of course, usually prohibited, but in his case—since he had never missed a payment—it was acceptable.

His skin crawled at the smell, so he quickly strode over and took a large gulp, or two… or three, that is, from the tall cup. Closing his eyes at the blissful, bitter taste, he let a secret smile out on the lid of the drink. That is, until, a face randomly popped into his mind—white hair, childish yet somehow secretive clouded eyes, and a tight frown. He watched the image for a moment, as the kid—what was his name, again?—tossed and turned on a bed, tangling himself further into the sheets as bead of sweat trailed slowly down his neck and—

Kanda's eyes shot open as he realized what was happening, coffee spurring out of his mouth as he had a random, angry cough fit. It took a long moment to get the spasm under control, and after opening his tearing eyes and wiping away a bit of coffee that was dribbling down his chin, he glared angrily at the suddenly large audience he'd attained, furious. How dare that fucking brat invade his mind with his stupid fake-being-emotionless-to-get-attention plan, and then popular, and then a fan-club, and then… and then… ERG! It didn't fucking matter what the Moyashi's intentions were, he had still wasted a perfectly amazing gulp of Kanda's life.

In other words, he had basically just stole Kanda's precious Mugen and stabbed him in the leg with it, or in the heart, or something… either way, it took a few years off his god-forsaken life. Then again… he stalked out of the coffee shop, as he pondered—

Does it really matter? It's not like it matters if I die sooner…

And as emo as it sounded, knew no one besides Lavi and Tiedoll would care if anything did happen to him. Lenalee too… but he hadn't seen her in years… she'd probably already forgotten he existed. With an overly exaggerated sigh and several death glares, Kanda pulled at his laptop case, irritated as he spotted a small stain on it—so help him, it better not be screwed up, or someone would be paying for it. And it sure as hell wouldn't be him.

Allen sneezed as he stepped out of the dorm room, heading towards his first class of the day. Wiping his nose in well-concealed confusion, as he never sneezed, or became sick, for that matter, he sighed. Must be the pollen in the air, he figured, sweeping past a disgruntled and slightly-irritated look blue haired teen on his way out. Well, someone had had a bad morning.

Snorting slightly at the large coffee stain on the shirt of Kanda, Allen continued along his path to class, quickly covering his laugh—or chortle… or maybe even cough-like sound—with a frown. The song "Bad Day" suddenly played through his mind, and thinking it to be a fitting song for today—as well as most days—he pulled out his iPod and flipped through it. Blocking out the real world with his sole reason for existence, music, was a routine thing for him. It made him numb, and oblivious to the stares, and rumors, and constant—oh, so horribly constant—laugher and cracks made towards his abnormal appearance.

"Fucking Moyashi," Kanda murmured to himself as he entered the bathroom to a wet floor and towel carelessly thrown on the counter. Somehow, he knew this was only going to get worse.

Allen was asleep by the time Kanda returned to the room, once again tossing and turning uncontrollably. He decided against waking him up, seeing that it seemed, from the blue bags under the teen's eyes, he didn't sleep often. Not that he cared, of course. He did, however, understand the feeling well—he detested sleep, always trying to thwart it off by pure will. Sure, he had nightmares every night, but that wasn't necessarily the reason—it was more so that—

His thoughts were abruptly interrupting from a loud fit of coughing from the stupid Moyashi, and with an annoyed glance in his general direction, his eyes narrowed at the blood slowly dripping out of his mouth, down lips… chin… onto his black tee.

Another furious spasm brought more blood spurring from his mouth, this time in a much large quantity—slightly confused, very annoyed, and very, very, very, VERY mildly worried, Kanda headed over to Allen's bed, leaning over him curiously.

His hand automatically, without order or command, reached towards the bleeding boys sleeping figure—and then, in a quick blur, it was snatched away by Allen, who was suddenly sitting, muffling a cough as he smeared blood onto his black, long-sleeved shirt. His eyes looked unfocused, a flash of confusion passing over his face as he blinked, trying to get rid of the horribly blurring image.

Slowly, he seemed to recognize Kanda, and with another few blinks, he looked almost apologetic as his grip loosened on his wrist. Kanda irritably jerked away, glaring at his still-bleeding roomy, who was suddenly clenching at his chest in evident pain. Another coughing fit ruptured through-out his body, shaking his small frame as he gasped for air, covering his mouth with a hand.

Slowly removing his hand from his mouth, he looked at it with slightly widened eyes—it was covered in the deep crimson he-so-obviously despised. "Oi…"

Allen quickly looked up to find an odd expression formed on Kanda's face—mangled between irritation, frustration, and maybe, just a bit, of worry? Allen shook his head to dismiss the odd thought—worry? For him?

Get real.

"N—" Another four coughs. "Na…ni?"


Kanda's face changed to a scowl. He hated when people randomly knew his language… then he couldn't say things insulting without them knowing what it was. It wasn't nearly as fun that way… not that it mattered, of course. Kanda wasn't allowed to have fun, after all. Heaven forbid.

"You're bleeding." Kanda almost face-palmed... out of all of the stupid things he could have said, he said the absolute most obvious, and worse, yet, it may make the Moyashi think he cared.

"It'll stop soon, probably." Allen lowered his eyes. "Sorry… for interrupting you from…" He glanced around, at Kanda bed, then at Kanda himself, his eyes suddenly appearing bluer than gray—an electric, brilliant, shocking blue. They were actually somehow enchanting—pretty, even.

Allen shrugged, unable to think of anything else. He was obviously as inexperienced as Kanda in the social and/or talking department.

"Your eyes—" Kanda randomly blurted, very distracted by the odd, yet somehow attractive change of color. Allen just… well, looked at him for a moment. He looked into Kanda's dark, black-ish eyes, semi-seeing himself. Quickly standing with strangely wide eyes, he stepped closer to Kanda, leaning his face forward, until their lips were almost touching, at which Kanda's eyes narrowed, and then, as he got ready to push him away, beyond annoyed at this point…

…Allen's hand roughly gripped Kanda's shoulders, one hand surprisingly stronger than another—ridiculously so, in fact. Probably enough to break a bone, or Kanda's neck, or… or…

Kanda's eyes clouded in confusion, and he winced in pain as the grip got tighter, still—then, the Moyashi's frame went ridged, the grip disappearing as he fell forward, towards Kanda. And suddenly his lips smashed against the other teens, though only for a second, as he slowly slid downwards, further, and further still.

Kanda, furious, shocked, and far beyond confusion at this point grabbed the falling Allen by his collar, raising him to eye level and giving him a rather rough shake, only to realize that he was out cold.

"…the fuck?"