This story is told third-person limited (Draco) but it is also available third-person limited (Hermione)...crimson for Hermione and emerald for Draco...alrighty...enjoy! :)

The Unbreakable Vow

***Emerald Edition***

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It's quite sad.

Chapter One

The moon's pale light dimly washed over the grassy valley near Hogsmeade, the only constant source of light in the darkness of night. Charms, jinxes, and curses flew through the air, painting the black sky with various colors. The spells' lights flickered brightly like fireworks, illuminating the area in short sporadic bursts. Bodies, contorted in irksome positions, were scattered throughout the hills, the tall green grass stained crimson with blood. The consequences of a barbarous war that had plagued the wizarding world were evident everywhere.

The land near Hogsmeade was still buzzing with aggressive battles: voices reciting harsh incantations, wands expelling impossibly difficult magic, bodies falling with screams of agony. It was a nightmarish reality that was difficult to face and even more difficult to live.

And yet, this was the life that Draco Malfoy had so willingly accepted a few years ago by becoming a Death Eater.

The tall young man was crouched near the ground, hidden by the tall grass of the valley, silver Death Eater mask tossed near his feet. His wand was held loosely in his hand as his sharp grey eyes scanned the fields carefully. The chaos that surrounded him was muted, pushed in the furthest corners of his mind, every shred of his attention focused on finding his target. His life depended on finding a certain witch and ensuring her safety. He had made an Unbreakable Vow to guard her with his life, and that was what he intended to do.

Then he saw her.

The target.

The mudblood.

Hermione Granger.

The slim young woman had been hurrying along aimlessly, throwing a look over her shoulder back towards Hogsmeade. Draco didn't have to follow her gaze to understand the horrified expression on her face; he knew Mucliber and Macnair had been instructed to burn certain buildings in the small town as a warning. The distant firelight lit her face, her fear enhancing her soft, innocent features. Draco frowned at her, eyes narrowed; she looked exceptionally young to him, and yet, he knew she was actually older than him by nearly half a year.

Granger had started to run, her feet flying nimbly beneath her as she turned her attention away from the horrid scene. Draco watched her get a safe distance away from where he was watching before darting after her, keeping as low as possible to avoid any unwanted attention. She danced over the bodies of her enemies and friends lying at her feet, long curls of brown flying behind her. Draco wasn't sure where she was headed, but he was surprised and somewhat impressed with her callous disregard for the fallen.

She stopped so abruptly that Draco nearly tripped trying to follow suit. The glare he directed at her went unnoticed as he brushed himself off haphazardly, turning to see the reason Granger had ceased her running.

A Death Eater leered a good fifteen yards away, its long black robes sweeping out around its feet. The crack that marred its dull silver mask immediately alerted Draco to who was hiding beneath the robes.

Theodore Nott.

Draco had last seen him dueling Lavender Brown a short distance from where they stood now, the mask's damage evidence that she had fought well against him. She was surprisingly quick-witted and had more courage than he had suspected. But as Draco stared at Nott, he quickly formed the conclusion that she had probably not survived the duel.

"Oh, it's Potter's filthy little mudblood friend."

His voice was deep and raspy as he spoke to Granger; Draco could almost picture the possessed expression his fellow Death Eater was wearing. Shooting a glance at Granger, he was pleased to see that she had had enough sense to raise her own wand in response to his. The Death Eater cocked his head to one side, toying with her maliciously.

"Well, I suppose it's time I--"

Draco's wand whipped towards Nott in one swift move, but he didn't get a chance to hex him.


Granger's voice rang in his head like a song, her unexpected quickness was stunningly accurate and powerful. The flash of gold she released from her wand exploded into Nott, forcing him backwards, his wand falling a few yards short of Granger. His mask, completely destroyed now, had fallen to the ground, revealing a sickly pale face and unnerving black eyes.

A long howl of laughter ended the echoing of her voice, and Draco noticed she visibly flinched at the sound of Nott's mocking response.

"What will you do now?" the Death Eater questioned, a hideous smile forming on his face. "Kill me?"

The challenge in his voice was unmistakable and Draco found himself wanting to curse that awful smirk off of Nott's face. His grey eyes studied him carefully, wand still raised towards him as a precaution.


Draco's stole a glance at Hermione, a vague smirk pulling at his lips as his eyes flicked back to Nott; the mudblood had the nerve to glare at her adversary with remarkable vehemence.

The conjured spell had knocked the Death Eater back a few paces, but he still continued to deliver ungodly shrieks of laughter.

Draco grimaced against the grating sound and waited as Nott finally spoke again.

"You haven't got it in you, Granger," he sneered. Draco's eyes narrowed at the sound of her name, his hand tightening around his wand. Nott's eyes danced in amusement as he continued. "You won't kill me; you've never killed anyone in your entire life. You're a coward!"

Draco glanced at Granger who had begun to take a few steps backward, surprise lighting his pale features.

She hasn't killed anyone? he thought in disbelief. He wasn't stupid enough to believe that cowardice was the reason. No, he decided, if what Nott said was true, it was actually a comment towards her cleverness; if anyone could survive this hellish war without actually killing anyone, it would have to someone as brilliant as Granger.


Her voice repeated the incantation, but this time, Draco heard her voice tremble slightly. Had she actually entertained the thought of her being a coward? A distant memory of a younger, bushy haired Hermione striking him in their third year at Hogwarts entered Draco's head, and he gave a quiet chuckle. She was the furthest thing from a coward.

Nott didn't seem to agree.

"Coward!" he repeated the foul word as he flitted towards her in disturbing merriment; his eyes had a crazed look about them. Hermione continued to retreat, forcing Draco back a few steps to compensate the distance.

"I am not a coward!"

The shrill denial in her voice startled Draco and he threw her a brief look at her. Hermione's hands shook terribly and he began to wonder how she was still managing to hold onto her wand. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Nott stop abruptly.

Draco turned his head back towards the Death Eater and growled darkly when he saw the wand at Nott's feet; the prat had managed to push Granger and consequently, himself, back far enough to reach it. Draco heard a short frustrated sigh come from Granger and knew she realized it too.

They both watched with baited breath, their wands still directed at Nott who was simply staring at the wand with an unreadable expression.

Draco frowned in surprise when he looked back up, his eyes still shining in amusement.

"Here's your chance, Mudblood," he said quietly. "Go ahead and kill me."

Draco's eyes narrowed, not bothering to even look at Hermione; he sensed her discomfort and could have sworn she stopped breathing. He waited, all his concentration focused on Nott in case he had to step in.

"Avada-" Granger started, but the decidedness in her voice immediately faded and she sought a different solution.


Nott easily dodged the jinx, obviously prepared for her to avoid using the forbidden curse. He stared at her, any evidence of amusement from earlier had vanished. Granger seemed taken aback by his sudden shift in demeanor and she let her arm fall a few inches.

Somewhat alarmed, Draco stepped towards her silently, careful to avoid being seen by Nott who muttered something under his breath so quietly, that Draco almost missed it.

"My turn."

Granger took an unconscious step forward when Nott reached for his wand, mouth opened to protest.

But Draco was quicker than both of them.

"Avada Kedavra," he said coldly. A jet of green light shot towards Nott so forcefully that Draco actually took a short step backwards. He stared down at Nott's body when the light finally faded; his body was splayed awkwardly, black eyes staring blankly in the direction of Granger. His wand was inches from his cold dead fingers.

Draco gave a small sigh of relief.

That was too close for comfort.

Draco turned his attention to Hermione who was staring at the body, her small frame unnaturally still. He took a hesitant step forward and continued towards her when she didn't acknowledge him. He didn't stop until he was a breath away from where she was standing. He searched for words to comfort her; it would be much easier to keep her safe if she had her wits about her.

"He would have killed you."

He tried to soften his voice to put her at ease but Draco knew there was still something harsh about his tone. And you would think I could have thought of something better to say, he thought sarcastically. He waited for her to turn around to face him.

When she finally did, his eyes immediately took in the sight of her: her long brown curls falling over her shoulder in a tangle, her gentle features glowing softly in the dim moonlight. It was obvious that she had matured since he had last seen her yet he still had to look down at her to view her properly. Granger was staring at him in a similar manner, her dark eyes scanning his face desperately. She obviously couldn't quite recognize him which only ignited her confusion.

Why had he, an obvious Death Eater, saved her from one of his own? The questions burned in her eyes, her eyebrows furrowed in frustrated confusion.

Granger hated being confused.

Draco felt himself smirk.

The recognition lit in her face the second the smirk formed on his face and she took a quick decisive step backwards.

"Draco Malfoy," she gasped quietly.

"Ganger," he responded smoothly. The confusion from earlier was renewed in her eyes as she eyed him cautiously before she suddenly glared at him angrily.

Draco let the smirk slide from his face when she whipped her wand towards him.

"Why did you do that?" she asked, her voice shaking furiously. Draco resisted the urge to raise an eyebrow at her obvious loss of control; he didn't want to push her any further. Her confusion had melted to frustration as she spat at him, "Why?"

Draco stared at her, and for the briefest moment, he considered telling her the truth: that he was a traitor, that he would be killed for trying to protect her, but that he would die if he didn't. She was being pulled into his world slowly and imperceptibly; he thought of how she had refused to kill Nott and wondered how difficult it was going to be to keep her alive.

He took a deep breath.

Draco didn't have a choice; he had to protect her. His life depended on her well-being.

His gaze shifted down to her wand before taking a deep breath and meeting her eyes again.

"Here's your chance, Mudblood," he muttered softly, purposefully using Nott's previous words. "Go ahead and kill me."

He had to know. He had to know how far she could be pushed into his world. Killing was a natural occurrence in his life; if the Dark Lord was successful this night, he had to be sure she could handle it. He needed to know what to expect, how closely he would have to watch after her.

Draco watched as she struggled against herself in obvious hesitation and decided to test her further.

He took a step forward until her wand was lightly touching his chest. Her eyes widened innocently and her hand tried to lower but he caught it in his own. He steadied her shaking hand with gentle force, keeping the wand directed at him.

"Kill me," he whispered seriously, "please."

They locked gazes and Draco could see the torment and confusion underlying her obvious exhaustion. She looked so young and vulnerable despite the fire burning in her eyes; how in the world had she survived this long?

Merlin, he thought darkly, she is going to be difficult to keep safe.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The unmistakable voices of the Dark Lord and Harry Potter washed over the valley, echoing in the silence that followed. Granger turned away from him, her eyes reflecting the flashes of green light that tainted the sky. Draco's eyes, however, stayed on her. He studied her reaction: her eyes widened in fear and a small gasp drawn in through her slightly parted lips. She was standing recklessly close to one of the most dangerous wizards of their time and yet, her wand had fallen to her side and every ounce of concentration was focused on something nearly two hundred yards away.

Draco couldn't decide if she was brave or just daft.

His eyes finally left her, following her gaze towards the scene. Everything stopped simultaneously; the explosions had disappeared and left an uncomfortable silence in its wake. Everyone was looking towards the fading green glow. Draco was sure the question was silently screaming in everyone's head.

Who had survived?

"Harry," Granger whispered quietly, and Draco allowed her to slip away from him. His eyes narrowed when she began running towards the area and followed her hastily, vaguely aware that everything around them was still frighteningly still. From a distance, he could see a tall ominous figure standing victoriously over a crumpled body that was laying on the ground. His eyes focused intently on the victor, the familiarity erupting into sudden realization.

Harry Potter was dead.

Draco's gaze fell back on Granger who obviously still didn't know. He continued after her, intentionally closing the distance between them with unnatural ease; she was now entirely his responsibility. Draco could almost feel the burning scars that lined his hand and arm from the Unbreakable Vow.


He had never heard agony until Granger's protest echoed in the silence. Her voice cut into him life a hot knife, the despair and misery he heard were almost unbearable. Draco was so wrapped around her pain that he barely understand the noise that followed her cry. She had answered the unspoken question, and suddenly cheers of approval and cries of anguish filled the silence that had followed. Granger continued forward, her hair flying wildly behind her and Draco felt an unsettling sense of foreboding. Could he protect her? Could he prevent her from being killed now that the Dark Lord had defeated Potter?

Draco glared at her as they continued running, silently cursing himself for doubting his own ability to watch one stupid mudblood. He could protect her. He would protect her. He didn't have a choice in the matter.

His life depended solely on keeping her alive.

Please review! If you have read both editions-let me know which one you like more! :)