Title: It's Not Funny.

Author: InvisibleBrunette

Rating: T

Summary: Set in the old Nightwing series.

Feedback: If ya'll want to...

Thanks to Kathy for the speedy beta!

Bludhaven. A city filled with filth, scum, and anything nasty.

It was a cold, snowy night, which left the streets mostly empty, and all the people--good or not so good--safely tucked away in their homes, in front of the fireplace, or in their warm beds. All except Ralph Jordan. Ralph had just gotten off of a twelve hour shift, and he was tired.

The middle aged man burrowed into his treachcoat as a freezing gust of air whipped past him.


Ralph stopped and started looking around. "What the hell?" The man listened for a moment before starting back on his way.

A few moments later, he had shrugged it off, figuring it must have been a drunk somewhere near by. That is, until he heard it again three blocks closer to his home.


Ralph glanced around, determining that he was, indeed, the only one around. Then he, began moving again, this time at a faster pace.

The rest of the way home he occationally heard that noise, but still, he was alone. He stopped one last time in front of his building and scanned up and down the streets and the rooftops for good measure.


"Must be a guardian angel" he muttered walking through the front door.

Nightwing sighed. Normally he loved Barbara's laugh. Well, he still did, but it wasn't as magical when it was directed *at* him.

"Oh, come on." he groaned.

"You're supposed to be stealthy, Hunk Wonder" she giggled.

"I *hic* I know that" he grouched, flushing in embarrassment. Barbara laughed harder.

"Oh! Oh my God," she wheezed between giggles. "I can't believe you have the hiccups!"

"It's *hic* it's not funny Babs" Nightwing stated. "Seriously"

Her giggles quieted and the two were quiet for a few moments, until...


Barbara started laughing again until there were tears streaming from her eyes.

The former Boy Wonder sighed. It was going to be a long night.

A/N: This was inspired by a case of the hiccups. Seriously.

"Every now and then I have the feeling that I've totally lost my mind. It's a
great feeling" -Nightwing