So this is long overdue. And by long I mean like 6 years. I'm in college now on summer and something brought me back to this story so let's see if I can actually finish it this time shall we?

I killed her.

Those words bounced around my head like this super bouncy balls you were never able to control as a kid. Those were my thoughts. Bouncing uncontrollably through every possible scenario that could be this outcome. By saying every I'm being hopeful.

I sat on the floor outside Rose's hospital room door; listening. Hearing Carlisle ruffle through his tools to somehow fix the girl I so stupidly destroyed. Every so often there was a "shit" or "that stupid mutt." No matter the words I heard more venom in his voice than he could ever put into my body, though I'm sure he was going to try.

Seconds past. Minutes past. Soon hours went by just as quickly. The door was still closed. There was no update on her condition. Every time I even reached for the door a warning snarl rose from the wood. I wanted more than anything to break the door down to see my precious Rose and whisk her away from this hellhole. God knows I would've maybe made it into the doorway before dying.

How could I have been so naive. To think that I, me, a werewolf, could save an injured vampire. We were supposed to be mortal enemies for a reason. Yet, I was too stupid and stubborn to listen to that rule as well. Maybe if I wasn't so much of a hard head Rose wouldn't have been hurt or even dying in the first place. If it weren't for me.

If it weren't for me.

If it weren't for…him.

For the first time in what felt like days, but was only a couple of hours, an emotion other than depression, guilt, and regret bubbled inside of me. It grew until I felt steam about to leak from my ears like one of those old cartoons.

There was no turning back. I made up my mind. He did this to my Rose. I was going to make that man rue the day he was ever born.

Emmett McCarty. I'm coming for you.

is this going to be a whole chapter? Is this just a spoiler? Am I actually gonna do this or be a disappointment and forget for another 6 years? Fuck if I know. Hopefully I won't do that though.