Cloud Nine! Ino-san shouted

Gaara and I exchanged horrified glances. This little nuisance had amplified into a nightmare. We attempted to make a silent getaway by following the wall to the back door when ZuZu and Kankuro found us.

Heeey stickin around Saijin-chan huh?

What I am doing doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm leaving.

Aaaaw you can't leave now Gaara-kun! The game's gonna start soon!

I watched as Gaara glared back at Zuzu while he responded,

Kankuro teach your girlfriend her place, I can leave if I please. This pointless game is no reason for me to stay.

Hey! You have no right to tell me my 'place' when you don't know yours Zuzu retorted in disgust.

Frantic apples Zuzu! Pirates ride away in tents with raccoons as clowns parade.

In one short moment Kankuro and Zetsume exchanged a very dangerous glace and smirked in unison. Kankuro grabbed me by the arm and Zuzu tackled Gaara as they both began to drag us back towards the crowd.

Kankuro this will not go unpunished!

I thought I saw fear flash across Kankuro's face but as soon as he glanced at the very confident Zuzu he relaxed once more.

There you guys are! Chika exclaimed rushing to us I couldn't find you! I thought you might have run off!

Chika?! Bowling pins fall at caged mammoths! I said utterly confused.

Zuzu promised she'd buy me mushrooms if I stayed Chika admitted a little pink

Hey listen guys I think Ino is starting the game Kankuro said

Ok! Listen up everyone! There are slips of paper in this hat! Each paper has a number and article of clothing written on it. Each boy has been assigned a number and will be told the article of clothing when their number is pulled. The rules are these:

The girl will be blindfolded and may not remove it herself. Every couple has 10 min. in the closet where they MUST exchange the article of clothing they pulled. Aside from that you can do whatever you want within the time span. Girls go wild cuz the buys are leaving after this game! Ino said giggling So girls, who wants to be the first to pull a paper slip?

The entire room remained silent until Sakura walked out of the closet.

Ok Ino! I made plenty of room in the closet! Who's first?

Well it looks like these girls are chicken so I'll have to start. Ino responded smugly

I watched silently (since Kankuro still had me by the arm) as Ino, looking away from the hat, pulled a number. Sakura stepped up behind Ino and blindfolded her as well as retrieving the slip of paper. Sakura guided Ino slowly to the closet navigating through the crowd. After Ino was let into the closet Sakura called out the number.

Number 4 that's Shikamaru. Your item to trade is socks. Sakura stated giggling to herself

Shikamaru shot awake in his chair and Temari began to turn an angry red. As Naruto and Kiba dragged Shikamaru to the closet the group dispersed to the other activities of the party once more. Chika, Kankuro, Zetsume, Gaara, and I went to a nearby table and began a game of cards while waiting. Gaara and I were sitting on our own for the fact that Zuzu had talked me into it (though I'm not sure quite how, probably because Chika had decided to stay too) and she had threatened to tackle Gaara again.

Temari-chan doesn't seem too happy…Chika commented

Well personally I think sis has a thing for that lazy guy Kankuro stated casually

She does, but it's Ino she's more upset about. Ino just likes to see if she can get whatever guy walks her way. Ino doesn't like Shikamaru but she'll defiantly try something. Zuzu confided.

How can bookshelves not topple with boulders atop them? I asked

Temari told me Zuzu replied simply.

From there we continued to talk about our new relations with the other genin.


Sooo what lucky guy did I pick? Ino purred

How troublesome…

Shikamaru? Is that you? Ino asked becoming slightly excited

Well I'm not Choji Shikamaru responded sarcastically

So what are we trading? She asked, her voice promising more than a teammate should

Socks he responded tossing his socks at her.

Hey! That's not fair I'm blindfolded! She stated as the socks bounced off her forehead

Shikamaru walked over to her grumbling, he pulled off the blindfold and threw t to the floor. Silently he walked to the opposite corner and sat down. Ino just stood looking disappointed. She crouched on the floor and moved to be closer. Shikamaru tipped over a broom and whacked Ino.


You'll be fine. Now back off, you're my teammate not my girlfriend.

Ino sat pouting the rest of the time.


Sakura tapped on the door and called to tell them time was up. While Sakura herself had already drawn a slip. Ino sulked out and blindfolded Sakura as Shikamaru made his way to the chair to continue napping. After Sakura was in the closet Lee (number 3) was sent in to trade pants.



Sakura-chan!! Allow me to be in your youthful pants if it so fits!!!! Lee yells excitedly

Aaaaah! Lee! I will NOT have sex with you! Sakura screeches

But Sakura I am not asking to-

Sakura, who is now completely freaking out, gropes blindly for any object she can reach. She seizes a duster from the wall and proceeds to beat Lee with it for the entire 10 mins.


When Sakura stumbled out of the closet Hinata was waiting already blindfolded and bright red. Once Lee crawled out behind Sakura, Hinata was lead in and her number read. Hinata pulled the number 6 and got Neji who was leaning heavily on Shino. (In other words he's still drunk).

Don't you think we should alter this a bit? I mean they ARE cousins. It'd be a bit awkward… Sakura asked cautiously

Nah, let's see where this goes. Ino responded calmly



Well hey there sexy…

N-neji?! Is that you? Are you still drunk?

Me? Drunk? Preposterous. He slurred Have I ever told you what a pretty princess you are?

Neji! Stop it! Hinata exclaimed tearing off the blindfold as he tugged at her shirt.

Hinata stepped back against the wall and Neji stumbled forward. Neji attempted to grab Hinata's arm but she darted to the opposite side of the closet causing him to knock his head against the wall.

Ow…Hina-chan that wasn't nice…Neji said slurring less

Using her whole arms force, Hinata slapped Neji as he approached once more. Neji stood in shock as a red handprint formed on his cheek. Hinata, several shades of red, opened the door and rushed out early.


Bitch are you INSANE?! Neji is my COUSIN! Not to mention he's more than hammered! Hinata screamed at Ino

Everyone stood in shocked silence.

There are some lines you do not cross. Hinata mumbled as she wandered to the bathroom.

Naruto and Kiba helped pull Neji out of the closet and as he moved I could faintly hear Neji muttering,

Noooo she isn't my cousin hehe that'd just be a foolish thing then…

After Chika went to check on Hinata, TenTen stepped forward to take her turn. After she entered the closet Sakura announced she had drawn number 7 – Sasuke, and had to switch underwear. Sasuke stepped up voluntarily, which made Sakura and Ino VERY jealous.



Hello TenTen, A male voice uttered.

Uchiha? Is that you? TenTen responded unsure.

Yeah just don't maul me or anything. Sasuke said coldly

I won't your not my type anyway.

What? Need someone with a bit more destiny? Sasuke teased

TenTen blushed and stuck out her tongue childishly. Shut up; just tell me what we have to trade.

Sasuke chucked, utterly amused by this flustered TenTen. (For once he could react to something with out having fan girls jump him)

We are supposed to trade underwear. He said, retrieving the blindfold from her face.

WHAT?! TenTen cried horrified. I am NOT taking off my pants, what if you're some kind of pervert??

Sasuke was bursting into laughter at the sight of her wide eyes and face dark with blush.

Having all too much fun; he suggested, Alright I'll take off my pants then…

No! She replied all too quickly

Sasuke leaned forward tentatively and whispered, TenTen, Neji is drunk…so can you help me with a little prank…?


Sakura and Ino eyed the closet nervously, soft moans were emanating from the area and their hearts sunk as they heard returning groans. When time was up Ino pounded furiously on the door until Sasuke walked out…shirtless. TenTen followed him out shyly, her hair down and messy. Both of them were red faced and panting. Sakura stood having a silent panic attack while Ino flipped out completely. Everyone had turned to face them and Kiba finally asked what they traded.

Underwear, Sasuke responding, winking as he held up TenTen's panties. A few of the guys yelled congratz and supportive woops, and just as Sakura seemed as though she'd pass out, TenTen and Sasuke burst out laughing. Ino did not find any humor, but relaxed as Sasuke explained it was a prank. When he finished, he was still laughing, but Sakura was now able to move without fainting to get the next pair ready for the closet.

Temari stood up next and made her way to the closet. She High-fived TenTen then waited as she was blindfolded. Temari pulled Number 2 and was paired with Kiba. The two had to exchange shirts, so Kiba left his jacket and Akamaru with Shino.


Hey, I'll get straight to it; we're supposed to trade shirts. Are you cool with that? Or should I sit in a corner so I don't get punched?

Temari snickered to herself. Kiba, curious, pressed further.

Well? I hear you Sand nin are pretty tough, but in my opinion your pretty hott… so I think it could be fun if you played along. He finished as he circled her.

Waiting for the correct moment she grabbed his shirt, though still blindfolded, and pinned Kiba to the wall smirking.

You want me to walk out in a bra?

You could always wear my shirt.

Temari ran her fingers gingerly over Kiba's chest. As he shivered she responded,

It's fishnet, hardly any better.

Awh come on, afraid what the guys would do? Kiba asked removing the blindfold.

Temari's eyes shone with mischievous intentions.

You're the dog boy right? Well, I'm telling you right now. I won't have a relationship with you. But if you still want my shirt off you better beg. She cooed softly, releasing his shirt.

Kiba playfully obliged, noticing her headstrong aura, and kneeled by he feet. He tugged at her shirt with his teeth whispering 'kudasai' (please) repeatedly until she removed her shirt reveling the black and red lace bra beneath. A soft knock came from the door as Kiba pulled off his shirt. When the door opened Temari walked out casually, not even flinching as eyes from the room followed her and Kiba. She paused only for a moment to make eye contact with Shikamaru who turned and blushed a deep scarlet. Satisfied Temari smirked and continued walking, pulling on her shirt as she went.

To ensure I took my turn, Zuzu took the liberty of pushing me all the way to the closet where she blindfolded me and I reluctantly pulled a number. She mercifully led me to the closet and closed the door before announcing my number.

Number 8…Gaara, she said smiling wickedly, then frowned as she stated the item to trade; Headbands…

Gaara walked in at his own pace, not attempting to fight or run.


What was it then, something about mammoths? Gaara asked quietly

Raccoons! I cried unable to suppress my relief. Then added, what statues dance?

Ano…honestly I have no idea what you're saying…but I'll just tell you; don't worry. We only switch headbands.

Holy Grail! I replied happily removing my headband and holding it in the air. Gaara retrieved it, replacing the emptiness in my palm with his own headband.

Saijin-chan. I still don't understand you, or why you aren't afraid of me. He muttered pushing the blindfold up, avoiding touching my face.

Watching puzzled I responded logically. Elephants run from mice with puzzles.

For a second I wondered if a smile tempted his lips. Suddenly he broke into hysterical laughter, as if it had been trying to escape peacefully for so long but could be patient no more.

People are afraid of what they don't understand…

I nodded smiling and watched as he continued laughing until he was gripping his side in pain.


Once we cleared the closet entry Zuzu, fully blindfolded, walked in. She had pulled the number 1 and bra, meaning she was paired with Kankuro.




In any case, when the two strolled back out there were purple smears on Zuzu's face and she was wearing his hat…thingy. As for Kankuro he was proudly parading around with Zetsume's black and silver star bra. Well, that 9s until she tackled him and wrestled it back; which didn't take long.

Finally Chika was the last to take a turn and pulled the number 5 and was paired with Naruto to trade jackets.

INSIDE THE CLOSETChika-chan, I'm so happy I'm paired with you! Dattebayo(Believe it)!

Really? Chika asked blushing, as she recognized the voice next to her.

Hai! (yes) Oi! Before I forget! We need to trade jackets! Naruto said, removing his own.

Ok! I'm glad it's a simple piece, Chika confided

Hey Chika-chan..

Yes Naruto-kun?

You like ramen right?

I love ramen! She smiled as she said this

Lifting the blindfold he looked at her with smiling eyes, would you like to go eat ramen with me sometime?

Sure Naruto! I'd love to!

Once Naruto and Chika left the closet the boys all finished what they were doing and headed out to leave the girls to their slumber party.

Authors note:: Ok sorry it was so long but I wanted to do this all in one chapter, I hope it was decent. As for the pairings I though crack couples would be more realistic as well as more entertaining. ^^' I'm open to all Constructive criticism! Oh! And as for Ino, I apologize for any fans of hers that may have read this, I did make her sound bitchy- I needed a sort of antagonist, and seeing as I'm ShikaxTema she seemed like a good pick. So please no hateful comments. ^//^'' As for everyone else thank you for reading! I really appreciate the support!